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Kusari, or the Empire of Kusari (also the Second Empire of Kusari or Restored Empire of Kusari), is the current title of one of the four original houses in Sirius. Kusari is a small yet expansive house, with significant forces holding the four core systems (New Tokyo, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Hokkaido) and claims to many other lesser systems surrounding them. Kusari influence stretches from the distant Tau-31 system to Sigma-19, effectively occupying the entirety of the known lower Northern Sirius sector.

Empire of Kusari
Head of State
Emperor Kogen Tetsuya
5 AS
Core Territory
New Tokyo




Zone of Influence












Settled in 5 AS, Planet New Tokyo is the capital of the Kusari Empire and, with nearly 11 billion people spread across various island groups, its most populous planet. Despite this crowding, New Tokyo is a vibrant world with centuries of history and some of the most advanced technology in the colonies. Due to the lack of available land on which to farm and build, the Kusari have economised land use, and much of their technological advances have been geared towards constructing huge glittering skyscrapers and even entire "tower cities", packing as much as possible into as small a space as possible.

The Kusari Empire is an absolute monarchy with Emperor Kogen as its Head of State.

Recent History

History of Kusari, Kusari Timeline

The Colony Wars: 800 AS

Tau War: 814 AS - 817 AS

Republican Era: 817 AS - 824 AS

Saigon War: 825 AS - 826 AS

Invasion of Gallia: 827 - 828 AS

Core Territory

New Tokyo






Mined Resources

Ore System Location Corporation
Niobium Tau-23 6D Samura
Helium-3 Sigma-13 5G Samura, Kishiro
Platinum Galileo 4D Samura, Kishiro
Aluminium Sigma-15 7D Kishiro

High Risk Commodities

Commodity System Sources


Commodity System Sources

Law Enforcement

Kusari Naval Forces

The Kusari Naval Forces are the highly organized and technologically advanced military elements of the Empire of Kusari. Despite being rooted in strict tradition and unflinching hierarchy, the KNF nevertheless continues to innovate due in no small part to the considerable advantages of Kusari industry.

Kusari State Police

The Kusari State Police is a disciplined force of career personnel assigned to guard the borders of Kusari space and protect Kusari commercial interests. While many foreign firms and private citizens have complained over preferential treatment or outright xenophobia, the KSP maintains that their enhanced screening techniques are necessary due to the rise in piracy and smuggling abroad.

Kusari Office of Intelligence

The Kusari Office of Intelligence operates as an independent bureau of the Empire, performing clandestine operations in regions predominantly beyond the reach of the Naval Forces. While often operating in covert cells, direct actions by KOI are not unheard of - though they often leave few survivors to tell any tales.


Samura Industries

Samura Industries is one of the great Kusari keiretsu -- sprawling, vertically integrated companies that control whole industries. Their reach within the Kusari market spans from raw materials and rice crops to elegant first-class spacecraft and decadent monuments to Kusari power. A company rooted above all else in the tradition and history of the Kusari Empire, Samura goes to great lengths to maintain both their market share and their political standing, often employing the Hogosha syndicates to handle their dirty work from the shadows.

Kishiro Industries

Kishiro Technologies is one of the great Kusari keiretsu -- sprawling, vertically integrated companies that control whole industries. Kishiro are best known for their developments in Optronics, optical computing systems that power the information superhighways of Sirius. They have also recently created the first working jump drive, a device allowing faster-than-light transit without the need for existing gate infrastructure.

Quasi-Lawful Activity


The Hogosha are a quasi-legal organization that ostensibly exists to promote the "welfare and prosperity of the Kusari people." With influential agents inside Samura, Kishiro, and even in the halls of Kusari government, the Hogosha syndicates are powerful conservative force in modern Kusari society. The organization is heavily invested in the Artifact trade, and as a result draws ire from those in Kusari who seek to change the status quo, or simply oppose the Corsairs.

Criminal Activity

Golden Chrysanthemums

The Golden Chrysanthemums are a terrorist organization seeking to the overthrow the Kusari government and institute a matriarchy. To that end they have forged alliances with the Blood Dragons - who also wish to upend Kusari society - and the Outcasts, who obviously oppose the Corsair influence in Kusari. Their Maltese connection has also brought them into a working relationship with the Lane Hackers, as they peddle Cardamine through Kusari into Liberty.

Blood Dragons

The Blood Dragons are a terrorist organization supposedly descended from the royal guard of Shogun Hideyoshi -- deposed during a coup several centuries before -- and are dedicated to the overthrow of the current Kusari government, and the destruction of Samura Industries. The Dragons oppose Hogosha and Corsair influence in Kusari with the help of the Golden Chrysanthemums, though they detest their reliance on the Cardamine trade.

Farmers Alliance

The Farmers Alliance was originally a Kusari political organisation that lobbied and fought for farmers rights, before turning to more direct action against their principal enemy, Synth Foods. While originally championed by Samura, their overt attacks on foreign shipping and acquisition of the remnants of Rheinland's LWB have left them officially branded as terrorists. Despite this, Samura continues to support the organisation through their ties with the Hogosha, often using them as mercenaries in return for logistical support.



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