Dust settled on Sarah McFarlen's shoulders as she elbowed the door open. Some of it got into her nose and she sneezed violently, barely holding onto the stack of holodisks stacked precariously across her arms. Apparently Sophie's had once been a bustling cafe, but that had been well before Sarah's time. Shafts of sunlight pierced the windows of the place, seemingly highlighting a small table in the corner, which the freshly-minted Zoner made a point of not sitting at.
Still it was cheerful enough, she reflected, settling down to wait for her coffee. The strong beverage wasn't normally her forte but, hey, she'd already changed everything else lately. What difference did taste make?
With a contented grin, directed at no-one in particular, the twenty one year old slid the holodisks under her chair and settled in to await her contact.
There was a click as the front door opened and then a sharp tap as the door was opened with the toe of a shoe. As the door opened the sunlight from behind put a rather effecient silhouette around the newcomer. He was about 5'10", wore a wide brimmed fedora, and wore a trench coat that stopped just an inch above his ankles. The coat was pulled aside as he obviously had his hands in his pockets. As he stepped inside and used his heel to ease the door closed he became easier to see. He had was clean shaven and with dark hard obviously trying to grow in which matched the hair peeking from under the edge of his hat. He was wearing a dark blue button down shirt, and black slacks as well. One would think with such a thought out appearance the man would be wearing some decent shoes...
Nope, because as he walked in there was the dull thud of combat boots instead. He turned his head and quickly noticed where Sarah was sitting and a coy smile spread across his face as he approached. One hand reached up to grab his hat abd put it on his chest as he bowed and motioned with his other hand towards the chair opposite her, "Now a fine lady like yourself shouldn't be without company Ms. McFarlen. Mind if I take a seat?"
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.
"Go for it. It's not like there's that many people around here anyway." The girl paused, evidently quite happy to take all the time in the world. It wasn't until Vorandril had settled into his seat that Sarah deigned to heave the disks from under her chair, dropping them heavily on the table. As she straightened up, a strange expression settled across her face, the corners of her mouth twitching just so, an attempt to contain a smile that didn't quite succeed. "Nice shoes." she smirked.
"Thanks for turning up on such short notice... I really appreciate you guys coming this far out." There was a touch of hesitation in her tone that suggested just the barest hint of an unspoken 'but.' Sarah briefly wondered how he'd react when she told him. Well. There was a first time for everything, crazy scheming included.
"Take a look at this."She fiddled with a few dials on her PDA, waiting for the familiar flash of a screen. When it didn't appear, she frowned at the device as though it were solely responsible for Piracy, Wars, and the temperature of her coffee. With an audible sigh, the girl flicked the reset button, and the screen flicked to black. "Or maybe not... Give it a few minutes. Sorry, should've tested that before I got here. Things have been sort of busy lately."
"You mentioned Nomads in your transmission. What's going on out there?" She asked, more out of a desire to fill in time then anything else. Still, there was no missing how the Zoner straightened in her seat at the mention of the aliens.
At seeing her technical difficulties Vorandril smiled the smile of an entertained man. He was sitting rather lazily in his seat at first by slouching just a teeny bit, punctuated ny him holding a leg out so they could each see his boots, "Thanks. When Samantha's working on part of the ship she's not exactly the cleanest worker. I've come to value my toes since hiring her onboard. Hehe." With that he actually just relaxed his leg and let it stay pointed off to the side.
He sat up and then rested his elbows on the table after a short shrug. As he started, he'd fold his arms in front of himself, "Not much to say about the Nomads really. They seem to like keeping squads of their smaller craft all over the place around there. You can't go from Omicron 74 to planet Gammu without running into at least 6 of them. The good news is that they're about as dangerous as overgrown bugs to the Mantarok but it makes me worry a little about if they'll toss an attack on 74 itself. Not to mention some folks from Pheonix mentioning moving Lavidia Shipyard that way. Or transports making a mad dash for the Freeport in Omicron Delta for that matter."
He shook his head then and reached up to take off his hat and set it in his lap. His hair was short and a fairly dark brown color now that it wasn't hidden. As he started speaking, the concern that had been creeping into his voice eased away now that he was derailing the talk towards more jovial things, "As for the short notice? Hells, it's the least I could do with how fast you answered that transmission I put to the freeports. It involved only a bribe of 'freetime on Gran Canaria' for the whole crew to jump in on it. Speaking of-"
With a chuckle and a motion to her handheld device, "And here I was hoping you'd hollared me out here for a date. And here you are plotting business, eh? Hehehe. If that's the case then I have a suprise for you in a few minutes as well. But before that; What made you head out to the Edge for so long?"
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.
"You'll have to try harder then that for a date." She grinned, baring her tiny incisors.
Now it was Sarah's turn to look anxious, a look of trepidation darting across her pale features. Her shoulders rose and fell in a noncommittal shrug. The Edge Worlds indeed.
"Oh, this and that." The girl paused thoughtfully, debating whether or not to elaborate further. Considering what she would have to ask of the Captain, it was probably the least she could do. Still, she couldn't quite shake that lingering feeling of suspicion that had crept into her actions and thoughts since she last made the jump... She had no reason to distrust this man, she chided herself. Yet, she had precious little cause to trust him either. Distance was no indicator of intention. It was a moment before Sarah released that her break had stretched into minutes. He deserved a partial explanation, at least.
"I've mostly been working on bodies. You know, around Minor. Trying to identify them, I mean." And scavenge any useful tech you can. Her conscience chided. Sarah promptly shut it out, a practice that had become disturbingly easy as of late. "The ships seem to be locked in orbit. Can't quite figure out what's keeping them there. Not yet, anyway. Guess it's more of a Cambridge thing, huh? Been meaning to ask one of them, actually."
"Which kinda ties in with what I asked you here for." Her computer, a clunky device that looked more like something a desperate bird would construct then a piece of modern technology, hummed briefly, the vibration nearly shaking her left arm off. "I wanted your help in looking into something. Right, okay. You know what this is, right?"
Crystal blue lines darted out from the device, an incoherent glowing mess for a moment, before it consolidated itself, dots of light maneuvering to the centre of the projection. It took a moment for the details to manifest themselves, but the basic shape was all too clear. Wide funnel, slowing deepening to a hovering blue maw.
Ats eeing the black hole, Vorandril raised an eyebrow and tilted his head ever so slightly, "You mean deathtraps? Hehehehe."
There was really not much of a point to lingering on the talk of what she'd been out doing. It was obvious she wasn't particularly keen on talking about it as it was, so his smirk stayed right where it was as he continued, "One dimensional, strong gravitational pull for their mass, not necissarily the galaxy destroying doom-spots that we thought they were back in the 21st century. What about 'em hun?"
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.
Sarah didn't answer, tapping another switch on her computer. Particles flashed bright for a brief moment, and the projection vanished.
"Well, there's this hole out in the Omicrons... Only, I'm not sure that's what it is."
Moments later, another image swam into being over the table. This time, there were two black holes, linked together at the base of the massive funnel like Siamese twins. Jump holes were a familiar sight to anyone even vaguely associated with the less lawful elements of Sirius, and Sarah had spent more time staring at them then at her own backyard.
"Not many ships going in tend to come out again. One that I know of, and that's only a sort-of. So, what I'm guessing is that it... um.. It's not always aligned. I mean, I could be wrong, but it seems to fit. Thing is, I can't carry any of the equipment to scan it properly on the Harmless. Even if I could, I've got no idea how to interpret it. I'm an engineer, not a physicist.
So... To find out what's on the other side of this thing, I need a ship that can carry scanning tech that bulky. You don't need to worry about figuring it out though." The girl grinned. "There's a few other people I can call up for that."
The smile momentarily fell from her face as she remembered one other, vital, point. "Oh. And..Um.. There's a small possibility the system on the other side... I mean, it could be nothing. Probably rumors. But, it -could- be Alien." Having the Mantarok around would certainly be a welcome change. It wasn't that Sarah minded exploring solo, but a little bit of extra firepower couldn't hurt.
"If you want, I can take you out to the site. It'll be a while before everything's sorted to go through yet, but at least you can take a look. I mean, if you still want to help." She added hesitantly, fully aware that she was rambling again, and powerless to stop it.
Vorandril perked his head to the side as he stared at the projection a moment, "So, it's possibly two black holes that are also jump holes? Sounds like matter going both ways at multiple times the speed of light would be a bad idea. This is just me but maybe what seems to be misalignment is actually collisions of a sort? Hmm."
He sat back in his seat and lazily rested his arm over the back of it, "Sure, we can check it out. Since it sounds like you'll need a bit to get the equipment out anyway. Hehe. Depending on how big it is I can call Jim. For now though... Yeah, we'll see where this is at. Alien tech may not exactly sit well with me, but I can say that I'm not notably scared of it either. If it can be shot, it can be dealt with. And if it exists physically, it can be shot. Hehe."
Fighting to your last breath is a benchmark, not a goal.
[font=Arial Narrow]Since Baila and Peaches had last met a few days ago now, another date had been arranged. It was all he could think of, and of course the way she looked, talked, it was almost as though she was a drug. It had consumed his life.
As he walked into the ever so lively bar, he thought to himself what it would be like seeing her again, it was all he had dreamed about but it actually happening again? He was scared...
He looked around for an empty table near the back of the bustling room, [color=#FFFFFF]"Five minutes to go..." he thought to himself as he seated himself rather uneasily, due to his wounds, at a table that was secluded around a pillar. He had told his love where and when to meet him, "Would she turn up?" he thought to himself over and over. Peaches had completely forgotten what was going on around him until a heavy hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked up half in shock, half in anger. A kind looking Barman stood there and asked him "Would you like a drink, sir?"
He stared down at the table to collect his thoughts before he gruffly replied"No thanks... I'm waiting for a lady... Most beautiful lady you ever seen, you guide her over 'ere for me?"
"Certainly, sir! I shall keep an eye out for her. Please tell me if there's anything you want if you see me." And with that he strode off through the crowd of people that had gathered at the bar. Peaches stared at the table waiting for his love to arrive, "Where is she?" he thought.
A group of Corsairs entered the Cafe.
Some of them were wearing Brotherhood uniforms,
others had the Benitez family weapon painted on their flight helmets that they carried along.
They looked tired and beaten, clearly crawling straight out of the cockpit.
Gran Canaria became a beloved pit stop for groups like these flying home from missions behind enemy lines.
The large Corsair population made them feel like home, and the natural clean air of Gran Canaria was a happily welcomed change from the dry , dead air on spacestations or the dusty horrible climate on Crete.
They all sat down on a long table , and the bartender made haste to bring them drinks and tapas.
Among this fellowship was the Warrior knew as Baila Morena.
She wasn't partaking in the conversations, but seemed to be dazing her view around.
"Where is he" a little voice in her mind said.
It was very busy in the Cafe.
She couldn't see the person she was looking for.
''I need some fresh air" She said , and she walked towards the exit.