Rosa Klebb - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #2029-806 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Rosa Klebb
Alias: Rosa Klebb
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Specialist
Status: Inactive
Joined: 818-01-18 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 170 cm
Hair: red
Eyes: green
Age: 40, born 792 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject has a highly advanced technical background that began with varied space station control systems and later Inter-System Communication Systems. The subject was employed at Roppongi Station since the age of 18. Subject was characterized by co-workers as excessively cheerful and bubbly despite recent events that has come into question. Most likely that behavior was a front while her true nature was inquisitive and that of a radical disident. The subject blackmailed and then publicly humiliated a senior Interspace official before fleeing by unknown means to Liberty where she was last sighted. This information was obtained by inspecting a Trojan horse which the subject installed on the internal messaging sever of Roppongi.
Known Crimes
Unlawful access of private data, unlawful installation of surveillance software, extortion, slander, obstruction of justice.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject with utmost caution and diligence under the assumption that it is extremely dangerous and resourceful. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
Konstantine Romanos - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #7947-962 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Konstantine Romanos
Alias: Konstantine Romanos
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Hacker
Status: Inactive
Joined: 817-06-07 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 190 cm
Hair: light brown
Eyes: blue
Age: 37, born 795 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject was an employee of Ageira Technologies for three months hauling supplies. However, as he was not interested in being a transport pilot, at age of 16 he wrote application to fighter pilots' school. He was trained for six months and received a license for heavy fighters valid in Liberty.
After the pilot academy, Romanos did some contracts for the Zoners and DSE, and after his 17th birthday, Konstantine and his mother went missing. Before anyone realized they are missing, Liberty Security Force recorded someone hacking into their computer and looking for a file named Beta Dagger. After that, Konstantine Romanos is rumored to have joined the Lane Hackers. This is likely to be true, because the last time anyone saw him was near Magellan gate in California system, where three Liberty Police ships were lost after Konstantine attacked them without any warning.
Known Crimes
Destruction of Liberty Police, Navy and Bounty Hunter ships. Hacking into LSF computers. Destruction of Liberty Police Inc property.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture the subject through the usage of overwhelming force under the assumption that it is well armed and extremely dangerous. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
Dominic Greene - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #1146-645 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Dominic Greene
Alias: Dominic Greene
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Hacker
Status: Inactive
Joined: 818-04-13 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 180 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Age: 37, born 795 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject was an employee in Ageira for two years. He was a leader of the development team for the ACAMS MKIII (Advanced Combat and Manouver Flight Simulation MKIII). According to electronic diaries seized from his apartment on Planet Manhattan, he had supposedly discovered software glitches deliberately placed in several Liberty Government funded R&D projects. The subject saw this as an attempt to gain more funding from the Liberty Government. The subject soon became fearful and paranoid and fled from Liberty. The subject was last seen fleeing Planet Manhattan and heading to Rochester Station. Recent sightings lead us to believe the subject is now working for the Lane Hackers in Magellan.
The subject is an extremely skilled pilot, as records indicate that he partook in numerous testing sessions in the ACAMS MKIII. When interviewed, his colleagues informed us that the subject is an extremely proficient pilot due to the amount of time spent designing combat simulations and the subsequent testing. Flight records show that the subject is extremely proficient in tactical and combat maneuvers. Subject is to be treated as extremely dangerous and to be approached with caution.
Known Crimes
Hacking of multiple Ageira Corporation Databases. Consorting with criminals.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to terminate the subject with utmost caution and diligence under the assumption that it is extremely dangerous and resourceful.
Murik - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #2328-275 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Alias: Murik
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Hacker
Status: Inactive
Joined: 818-02-23 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 187 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 44, born 788 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject was a former professor at the University of Jersey, in addition to teaching courses, was working on research into an extremely complex and advanced scanning arrays. Ageira was his primary source of funding. The subject was making breakthroughs, however, with no practical application possible. The subject showed great interest in enhancing "portable" scanner arrays found usually on fighters and bombers. His last project was doubling the range at a third of the power, however, funding was cut due to the high expenses. The advanced scanning array would be far too expensive for mass-production.
The subject wrote many angry complaints and demands to re-instate his funding. As other more profitable projects came up, we pulled out even more resources from the subject and started reducing his his staff. After the last reduction, the subject arrived at our corporate headquarters. It took four guards to get him out, two of which suffered injury. We pulled the rest of his funding and staff in retribution. We sent a team over to the subject's laboratory to seize what research he had. When the team arrived, the lab had been completely emptied out.
An inquiry was sent out for the whereabouts of the subject. We recieved a call from an Interspace Commerce banker that the subject had visited him for financial advice. The trail was lost there. We checked through docking ring logs for the subject and found only one possible connection - a Starflier launching from Planet Manhattan under the the subject's middle name. After checking with LPI and Naval records, the starflier in question was seen flying towards the California system. There is no further information on his whereabouts. It is likely he went in search of the group known as the Lane Hackers.
Known Crimes
Theft of Ageira property, destruction of Ageira property, stealing funding, assaulting an Ageira executive with an atomic wedgie.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
819-09-03 AS, Personal Dossier: Murik's Personal Dossier
818-07-02 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-04-24 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-04-19 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-03-20 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-03-18 AS, Mission Report: Mission 10 Phase 2: Secure resources for upcoming expedition
818-03-18 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-03-12 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-03-04 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-02-23 AS, Recruitment Application: Murik's Recruitment Application
Boris Grishenko - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #2044-965 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Boris Grishenko
Alias: Boris Grishenko
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Specialist
Status: Inactive
Joined: 817-04-29 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 180 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 34, born 798 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject was a two year employee with a quick rise in rank which can only be described as spectacular. His former superiors have displayed problems expressing why they allowed the subject to rise in rank with this speed, most of these employee's have been found to be subject to blackmail, often involving Cardamine enhanced drinks and financial scams.
The subject was the lead developer of the QSCAN Equipment first used in the probing of the Leniex clouds. After the events of...
...the subject was pulled from the project and assigned to a low level Janitorial job. It is hypothesis that the failure was a deception pulled by the subject. However, no records of the QSCAN data have been found on any of his personal neural-net interfaces. It is a further hypothesis that this is how the subject came into contact with the Lane Hackers.
A year after being assigned to his new position, Boris suddenly disappeared without a trace. A week after, 12 individual Coffee dispensing devices were found modified with Cardamine injectors. An estimated 400 members of the management staff have been diagonosed with cardamine addiction. Medicinal costs run into the millions of credits every week.
Upon a search of his local residence QSCAN components have been found in a disassembled state. It is unknown whether or not these components have been used for the creation of a potential ''Homebrew'' QSCAN device. It is unknown how many of these devices were produced or where these devices are currently located.
Known Crimes
Multiple hacks into Ageira Security databases, poisoning of Ageira Staff, extortion and blackmailing.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
Goro Yoshida - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #1521-556 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Goro Yoshida
Alias: Goro Yoshida
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Professor Provocateur
Specialization: Intelligence
Department: Data Analytics and Forfeitures
Status: Inactive
Joined: 818-05-12 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 175 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 40, born 792 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject was working for Ageira Technologies for the last 6 years in the research department on Planet Denver. The exact date when he turned out to be a Lane Hacker sympathizer is unknown, but we conclude it must have happened relatively close to his sudden departure from the company. The two primary reasons which support this hypothesis is that he successfully passed the latest discipline test which was undertaken in late March and because of a recent recruitment message we found on his computer.
Subject is using the alias Goro Yoshida while his real name has never been used again since his departure. Subject has top level studies and publications in data analysis, logic and computer systems. His knowledge regarding Ageira's neuralnet network is huge, since he was involved in numerous projects in the past six years. Therefore, we conclude that he is a serious threat for Ageira's security protocols. On the other hand, he was never assigned to escort duties and he never received space combat training. The subject is not considered to be able to physically damage Ageira property.
After we found evidence of his involvement with the Lane Hackers, his close circle was interrogated and tested with the SRI technique. None of them was found being aware of his affiliation. Furthermore, his colleagues are closely monitored and their privacy is being revoked in case the subject tries to contact them.
Known Crimes
Numerous infiltrations in law enforcement and corporate cyber databases. Limited piracy, mostly in the Independent Worlds. Bribery attempts on law enforcement.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as minimal level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture at all costs the subject after eliminating all its electronic warfare systems in order to avoid a hostile takeover. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.
827-04-16 AS, Communication Channel with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
827-04-16 AS, Communication Channel with Helmut Weinstein from [ALG], ALG Waste Disposal (Medium priority)
827-04-11 AS, Communication Channel with Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)
826-11-05 AS, Communication Channel with Jean Holiday from LPI-, Liberty Police (Low priority)
826-11-04 AS, Communication Channel with Enma Loyola, Keiko Arashiro from LG|, Loyola Group (High priority)
826-07-29 AS, Communication Channel with Leonardo de Silva from QC|, Cadiz Cartel (High priority)
826-06-23 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari, Moka, Rei Amaia from N/A, Orange Alliance (High priority)
826-05-16 AS, Communication Channel with Sarah Mountbatten, Victor Steiner from [SIS]-, Secret Intelligence Service (High priority)
826-05-03 AS, Communication Channel with Arno Schultzsky, Corin Frei from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
826-04-30 AS, Communication Channel with Anna Heinrich from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
826-04-25 AS, Communication Channel with Daisy Williams from NO-, Natio Octavarium (High priority)
826-04-07 AS, Communication Channel with Victor Steiner from [SIS]-, Secret Intelligence Service (High priority)
826-03-31 AS, Communication Channel with Corin Frei from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
826-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with Lokria from Zoners, independent (High priority)
826-03-15 AS, Communication Channel with Anna Heinrich from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
826-03-14 AS, Unofficial Ceasefire Treaty with Damian Morreti from XA-, Xeno Alliance (High priority)
826-03-11 AS, Communication Channel with Guang Yao from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
826-03-07 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari, Chanai from N/A, Orange Alliance (High priority)
826-03-05 AS, Communication Channel with Zack Xander from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
825-11-18 AS, Communication Channel with Motoko Susubo from {Abh}, Abh Research Group (High priority)
825-11-01 AS, Communication Channel with Darkness from Order|, The Order (High priority)
825-11-01 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from IRG|, Ingenuus Research Group (High priority)
825-10-31 AS, Alliance Declaration Channel with Escher from NO-, Natio Octavarium (High priority)
825-10-22 AS, Communication Channel with Escher, Harold Kane, Rodney Miller from NO-, Natio Octavarium (High priority)
825-10-21 AS, Communication Channel with Hebishima from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
825-10-20 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari from NC-, National Council (High priority)
825-10-18 AS, Communication Channel with John Holliday from [MFE], Med Force Enterprises (High priority)
825-10-17 AS, Communication Channel with Liam Mueller from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
825-10-14 AS, Communication Channel with Claire DeFrance from N/A, Gallic Royal Family (High priority)
825-09-30 AS, HISTORIC Message to every Order member with Christopher Maihos, Jonathan Kalh, Patricia Becker from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
825-09-28 AS, Communication Channel with Zack Xander, Zeta from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
825-09-27 AS, Communication Channel with Hunter Wolff from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
825-09-03 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • •) with Corin Frei from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
825-09-03 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
825-09-03 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
825-09-03 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
825-09-02 AS, Interloper Project with Zealous.E from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (Low priority)
825-08-15 AS, Communication Channel with Leonard Harrington from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
825-08-15 AS, Communication Channel with Corin Frei from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
825-08-15 AS, Communication Channel with Harold Kane, Shiranui from NO-, Natio Octavarium (High priority)
825-08-08 AS, Interloper Project with Zealous.E from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (Low priority)
825-08-03 AS, Interloper Project with Zealous.E from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (Low priority)
825-07-25 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Martelli, Ryan Walthers from NC-, National Council (High priority)
825-06-17 AS, Communication Channel with Geoffrey Enfield, Zealous.E from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
825-05-26 AS, Communication Channel with Harry Callahan from AD|, Amalfi Directorate (High priority)
825-05-26 AS, Communication Channel with Harold Kane from NO-, Natio Octavarium (High priority)
825-05-25 AS, Communication Channel with Lord Sean from [ZoG], Zoners of Galileo (Low priority)
825-05-24 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt / Leviathan / Endurance, Sapphire Raven / Revenant from A/)-, Battlegroup Auxesia (High priority)
825-05-18 AS, Communication Channel with Heung Hideyoshi, Homura from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
825-04-29 AS, Unofficial Ceasefire Treaty with Harry Weber from [SIS]-, Secret Intelligence Service (High priority)
825-04-26 AS, Communication Channel with Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)
825-04-08 AS, Communication Channel with Michael Richard from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
825-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with Sakurai Augus from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
825-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with Krsnik from SCRA, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army (High priority)
825-03-01 AS, Communication Channel with Hebishima from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
825-02-18 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (Medium priority)
825-02-14 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari from NC-, National Council (High priority)
825-02-12 AS, Communication Channel with Ian Redgrave from Junkers, independent (Medium priority)
825-01-26 AS, Communication Channel with Jeremie Dupont from EFL|, EFL Oil & Machinery (Low priority)
824-11-15 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt / Leviathan / Endurance from A/)-, Battlegroup Auxesia (High priority)
824-06-05 AS, Alliance Declaration - Direct Channel with Allison Hunter, Athena Thompson, Jade Linford, Justin Waldhar, Lena Smith, Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel, Yann Blackwings from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
824-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Andre Rise, Jack Light, Jared Nomak from (C~, The Commune (High priority)
824-02-23 AS, Communication Channel with Kazushi Dachiko, Natsumi Hideyoshi from BD|, Blood Dragons (Low priority)
824-01-28 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
824-01-26 AS, Communication Channel with Sunny from {AFC}-, Archangels Fighter Club (High priority)
824-01-26 AS, Communication Channel with Wild Bill from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
824-01-11 AS, Communication Channel with David Starr, Kyu Akibara from OSI-, Omicron Supply Industries (High priority)
823-12-29 AS, The Black Channel with Geneviève Marie Mercier, Sajuuk from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
823-12-19 AS, Communication Channel with Aimi Amaia from GC|, Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)
823-12-19 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Martelli, Ileana Martelli from NC-, National Council (High priority)
823-11-30 AS, Communication Channel with Steve Squigs, Wild Bill from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
823-11-01 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • • • • • •) with Armin Jansen, Hermann Hosseenn from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
823-10-03 AS, Communication Channel with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
823-10-03 AS, Communication Channel with Edoardo Perilli from Outcasts, independent (High priority)
823-09-26 AS, Communication Channel with Jonathan Kalh from The Order, independent (High priority)
823-09-20 AS, Communication Channel with Ezrael Vertiga from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
823-09-19 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Martelli, Savannah Maya from N/A, Orange Alliance (High priority)
823-09-15 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • •) with Ezrael Vertiga from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
823-09-15 AS, Communication Channel with D. Davies from N/A, Poena Outpost (High priority)
823-09-10 AS, Communication Channel with Enma Loyola, Geneviève Marie Mercier from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
823-09-09 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • •) with Cristina Martelli from NC-, National Council (High priority)
823-09-05 AS, Communication Channel with Avery Reeves from [LN], Liberty Navy (High priority)
823-09-04 AS, Communication Channel with Aimi Amaia, Ran Takahashi from GC|, Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)
823-08-22 AS, Intel re: Roussillon with Cristina Martelli from NC-, National Council (High priority)
823-08-15 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • •) with Avery Reeves from [LN], Liberty Navy (High priority)
823-08-09 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • •) with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
823-06-22 AS, Communication Channel with Enma Loyola, Thomas Aquintas (ThreeWinds) from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
823-06-22 AS, Torshavn - Mactan secure channel with Carter Blake, Leonard Harrington, Lily Collins, Matthias Clarke, Sherman Hitcher, Thomas Wallace, Victoria Royan from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
823-06-14 AS, Communication Channel with Hans Schultz, Volker Koch from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
823-06-03 AS, Communication Channel with Silver Reaver from .Reaver, Reaver Mercenary Company (High priority)
823-05-31 AS, Communication Bursts (• •) with Sunny from {AFC}-, Archangels Fighter Club (Medium priority)
823-05-22 AS, Communication Channel with Katherine Snow from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
823-05-22 AS, Communication Channel with Bella Gheny from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
823-05-13 AS, Communication Channel with Wild Bill from .:j:., Junkers Congress (Medium priority)
823-05-05 AS, Communication Channel with Finn McCool from N/A, Confederation of Freeports (High priority)
823-05-05 AS, Communication Channel with Mario Olmos, Ran Takahashi from N/A, Orange Alliance (High priority)
823-05-01 AS, Communication Channel with Leslie Curero from \W/~, Sisters of Light (Low priority)
823-05-01 AS, Communication Channel with Maren von Westefeld from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
823-04-28 AS, Communication Channel with Helmut Weinstein from [ALG], ALG Waste Disposal (High priority)
823-04-17 AS, Communication Channel with "Sol Horowitz" from Lane Hackers, independent (Medium priority)
823-04-10 AS, Communication Channel with Wild Bill from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
823-04-10 AS, Communication Channel with Wild Bill from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
823-04-08 AS, Communication Channel with Main secretary from “A”-, Fallen Angels (Medium priority)
823-04-07 AS, Communication Bursts with Mia Trenton, Wild Bill from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
823-04-03 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt from N/A, The Aegis Initiative (High priority)
823-04-01 AS, Communication Channel with Erik Nodtviet from Core|, The Core (High priority)
823-03-31 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • • • • • • • •) with Hyun Shik, Sunny from {AFC}-, Archangels Fighter Club (Low priority)
823-03-22 AS, Communication Channel with James Woods from [SU]-, Slavers' Union (High priority)
823-03-06 AS, Communication Channel with Karen Takahashi from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
823-02-17 AS, Communication Channel with Estefania Casta from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
823-02-11 AS, Communication Channel with Hebishima from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
823-02-04 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from N/A, Dawson Rogues (High priority)
823-01-28 AS, Communication Bursts (• •) with Hebishima from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
823-01-22 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with Ted Thompson from NR-, Niverton Rogues (High priority)
823-01-11 AS, Communication Channel with Angel D. Dragunov from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
823-01-11 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • •) with Sunny from {AFC}-, Archangels Fighter Club (High priority)
822-12-28 AS, Communication Channel with Mia Trenton, Rico Valesquez from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
822-12-21 AS, Communication Channel with Frederik Myleson from N/A, Dawson Rogues (High priority)
822-12-14 AS, Communication Channel with Alexander Fuchs, Erich Klugmann, Freya Eistochter, Steve Harlow from VWA|, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee (High priority)
822-12-13 AS, Communication Channel with Erich Klugmann from VWA|, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee (High priority)
822-12-11 AS, Communication Channel with Helmut Weinstein from [ALG], ALG Waste Disposal (High priority)
822-12-03 AS, Communication Channel with John McArthur from .:j:., Junkers Congress (Low priority)
822-12-01 AS, Communication Channel with Erik Nodtviet from Core|, The Core (High priority)
822-08-19 AS, Intel on Roussillon with Izek-Fernando Armando from |+|, Crimson Cross (High priority)
822-08-13 AS, Communication Channel with Geoffrey Enfield from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (Low priority)
822-08-13 AS, Communication Channel with FynnMcScrap from T&T/, Tinker & Transport (High priority)
822-08-05 AS, Communication Channel with Ira Gamagori , Nagahide Niwa from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
822-08-03 AS, Communication Channel with Hebishima from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
822-07-29 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with Nagahide Niwa from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
822-07-22 AS, Communication Channel with David Hale, Rachel A. Baker from [LN], Liberty Navy (High priority)
822-07-19 AS, Communication Channel with Shana Nesho'en from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
822-07-10 AS, Communication Channel with Minomaya Irosoku from N/A, Kyushu Independence Party (High priority)
822-07-10 AS, Communication Channel with Vattier de Rousseau from Skull~, Golden Skull (High priority)
822-07-09 AS, Communication Channel with Charles Alestone from N/A, Hirschel Energy R&D (High priority)
822-07-02 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Stivenson from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
822-06-16 AS, Communication Channel with James J. McKenna, Vuk Farkas from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
822-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Leslie Curero from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
822-05-30 AS, A Date with Missiles with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
822-05-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from {PR}, Pirate Reapers (High priority)
822-05-22 AS, Communication Channel with Hikari Ohara from NET|, The Network (High priority)
822-05-18 AS, Communication Channel with Yukari Yakumo from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
822-05-17 AS, Communication Channel with Geoffrey Enfield from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
822-05-12 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with James Green from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
822-05-06 AS, Communication Channel with Leslie Curero from [RoS], Reapers of Sirius (High priority)
822-04-13 AS, Communication Channel with D. Davies from N/A, Poena Outpost (High priority)
822-04-09 AS, Communication Channel with "M", CFO, Scott McGregor from SPS)-, Sirius Postal Service (High priority)
822-04-09 AS, Communication Channel with Joe Thunder from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
822-04-09 AS, Communication Channel with Flora from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
822-04-07 AS, Communication Channel with Antoine La'Biere from [UC], Unione Corse (High priority)
822-04-02 AS, Communication Channel with Thomas Aquintas (ThreeWinds) from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
822-03-28 AS, Communication Channel with Kathrin Koch from VWA|, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee (High priority)
822-03-08 AS, Communication Channel with Minori Rei from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
822-03-08 AS, Communication Channel with Lady Red, Scarlet Death from \W/~, Sisters of Light (High priority)
822-03-08 AS, Communication Channel with Komachi Kurosawa from Golden Chrysanthemums, independent (High priority)
822-03-01 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with "M" from SPS)-, Sirius Postal Service (High priority)
822-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Andy from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
822-02-26 AS, Communication Channel with Tony Doria from BSI-, Bering Shipping Inc. (High priority)
822-02-17 AS, Communication Channel with Leslie Curero from [RoS], Reapers of Sirius (High priority)
822-02-11 AS, Communication Channel with Daichi Matsumada, Hebishima from [HA], Hogosha Association (High priority)
822-02-07 AS, To the BDM Puppet Master with Geoffrey Enfield, Volker Koch from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
822-02-02 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • •) with Flora from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
822-02-01 AS, Communication Channel with Smithy from Interspace Commerce, independent (Low priority)
822-02-01 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • •) with Yuki Hasios from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
822-02-01 AS, Communication Channel with Jerome Wallace from LR-, Liberty Rogues (Medium priority)
822-02-01 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from |+|, Crimson Cross (Medium priority)
822-01-23 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •) with Robert Crowe from NET|, The Network (High priority)
822-01-17 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • • •) with FynnMcScrap from T&T/, Tinker & Transport (High priority)
822-01-14 AS, Communication Channel with Hans von Boyle from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
822-01-14 AS, Communication Channel with Sunny from {AFC}-, Archangels Fighter Club (High priority)
822-01-06 AS, Communication Bursts (• •) with Martin Miles from [Star]-, Star Enterprises (High priority)
822-01-06 AS, Communication Channel with Senju Hashirama from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Ran Takahashi from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Aimi Amaia, Ran Takahashi from GC|, Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Antonio Delfino, Izek-Fernando Armando, Mirren Tamley from |+|, Crimson Cross (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Cristina Martelli from NC-, National Council (High priority)
821-09-28 AS, Communication Channel with Blodwyn O'Driscoll from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
821-07-28 AS, Communication Channel with FynnMcScrap from T&T/, Tinker & Transport (High priority)
821-04-22 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •) with Gotthold Ludewig, Paul Stein, Raoulf von Bartels from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
819-04-17 AS, Communication Bursts (• •) with Blain Spike from VR-, Vagrant Raiders (Low priority)
819-04-11 AS, Communication Channel with J. Fairfax from BIS|, Bretonian Intelligence Service (High priority)
819-03-13 AS, Communication Channel with Kai Siegfried from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
818-10-22 AS, Communication Channel with Daniel Dusentrieb from LPI-, Liberty Police (High priority)
818-10-14 AS, Communication Channel with Sean Hazard from Liberty Rogues, independent (Low priority)
818-10-13 AS, Operation: Aasfresser with Gunther Hoerst from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
818-09-24 AS, Communication Channel with Eberhart from AGS-U|, Alster Union (High priority)
818-09-14 AS, Communication Channel with Isaac Porter from Zoners, independent (High priority)
818-09-12 AS, Communication Channel with James Trenton from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
818-08-30 AS, Communication Channel with Fuchs, Kai Siegfried from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
818-06-24 AS, Communication Channel with Jacob Gordon, Michael O'Neal, Scarlet Orias from =CB=, Corona Battegroup (Medium priority)
818-06-21 AS, Communication Channel with Thomas McIlleny from IC|, Interspace Commerce (High priority)
817-12-05 AS, Delivery Requests Channel with Matt "Handlowiec" from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
827-01-16 AS, Internal Report: Maltese Renegades encounter
826-12-17 AS, Internal Announcement: New Professor - Mildred Wolfe
826-05-11 AS, Board Maintenance: Board Maintenance
826-04-28 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• • •) between Goro Yoshida, Mildred Wolfe, Shell
826-04-20 AS, Board Maintenance: Board Maintenance
825-12-11 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts between Goro Yoshida, Irma Bunt
825-09-03 AS, Internal Announcement: Hunt down Ingenuus Research Group
825-06-18 AS, Mission Report: Mission 70 Phase 3: Capture Die Weiße Rose leader
825-05-29 AS, Mission Report: Mission 70 Phase 1: Capture Die Weiße Rose leader
825-04-29 AS, Internal Report: Incriminating intel on Samura|
825-03-21 AS, Board Maintenance: Board Maintenance
825-02-24 AS, Board Maintenance: Board Maintenance
824-10-12 AS, Internal Announcement: Promotion Announcement
824-01-18 AS, Internal Announcement: Various changes in diplomatic relations
823-12-22 AS, Internal Announcement: Promotion Announcements and a few words for the New Year
823-11-02 AS, Mission Report: Mission 42: Investigate The Cult of Sirius
823-10-03 AS, Internal Announcement: Promotion and Title Announcements
823-09-26 AS, Operation Report: Omicron Alpha operation, Promotion Announcement and Latest Activities
823-09-16 AS, Internal Report: Meeting with Auxesia
823-09-10 AS, Operation Report: Omicron Alpha operation and Promotion Announcement
823-09-02 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Goro Yoshida, Nick Nack
823-08-27 AS, Internal Report: Promotion Announcements, Latest Activities, report on Brigand, FA, IND, AFC, IC, RHA, VWA, OSI, Auxesia, CR and Ageira encounters
823-07-29 AS, Internal Announcement: Emergency news on LN vs LSF civil war
823-07-28 AS, Operation Report: LN vs LSF in Alaska
823-03-12 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Goro Yoshida, Operative #MTA-058
823-02-14 AS, Operation Report: Mission 42 Update
822-12-03 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Goro Yoshida, Moriarty
822-08-06 AS, Internal Announcement: Status update of Deceiver Grubozaboyschikov
822-07-25 AS, Operation Report: Congress Arbiter abduction and interrogation, Official Directive on Council and Latest Activities
822-07-25 AS, Operation Report: Coronado Patrol
822-07-14 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on GG and CR encounters
822-07-08 AS, Internal Report: Unofficial Directive on FloraGro and Latest Activities, report on CR, Brigand and UN encounters
822-06-08 AS, Internal Announcement: Hudson Jump Gate instability
822-05-26 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on UC, VWA, BD and Order encounters
822-05-24 AS, Mission Report: Mission 39 Phase 1: Extort William Frederick Cody
822-05-24 AS, Mission Report: Mission 39 Phase 2: Extort William Frederick Cody
822-05-24 AS, Mission Report: Mission 39 Phase 3: Extort William Frederick Cody
822-05-01 AS, Internal Announcement: Mission 39 Announcement
822-04-02 AS, Operation Report: Mission 39 Update, Latest Activities, report on UC and Brigand encounters
822-03-23 AS, Operation Report: Mission 39 Update, Latest Activities, report on IC, GMG, Congress, LR, Brigand and GRP encounters
822-02-26 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on BDM, VWA and Watcher encounters
822-02-21 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Channel between Goro Yoshida, Raoul Silva
822-02-15 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on Watcher encounter
822-02-06 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on USI President, IC and IND encounters
822-01-19 AS, Mission Report: Mission 34 Phase 2: Reestablish contact with Blood Dragons
822-01-11 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on RoS and HF encounters
821-12-30 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• • • • •) between Nicole Hunter, Goro Yoshida
819-09-03 AS, Personal Dossier: Goro Yoshida's Personal Dossier
819-05-27 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on IC, USI, TAZ, Cryer, LSF, BPA, KNF encounters
818-09-25 AS, Internal Report: Last Activities, report on UN, OSI, TAZ encounters
818-09-11 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities and Junker Congress carrying cardamine
818-06-25 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on Corona Battlegroup encounter
818-06-24 AS, Mission Report: Mission 14 Phase 3: Conduct espionage of primary trading companies
818-06-24 AS, Mission Report: Mission 14: Conduct espionage of primary trading companies
818-06-24 AS, Mission Report: Mission 16 Phase 1: Research codename weaponry market
818-06-15 AS, Internal Report: Latest Activities, report on XA and LN encounter
818-05-12 AS, Recruitment Application: Goro Yoshida's Recruitment Application
827-04-11 AS, Public Announcement: Unioners and Republican Shipping are now allies?
826-09-13 AS, Narrative: Lone Wolfe
826-06-07 AS, Public Announcement: RFL: Who is going to be the next Lane Hacker Professor?
826-04-24 AS, Public Announcement: RFL: Rheinland Destroys Ageira Property Accidentally Kills DSE workers!
826-04-14 AS, Public Announcement: RFL: OSI Announces Record Profits after the Annexation!
825-11-30 AS, Narrative: Musing the Calliope
824-01-25 AS, Narrative: Receptions and Inceptions
823-11-10 AS, Narrative: Meeting of the Inner Circle
823-07-29 AS, Public Announcement: Secret War between LN & LSF
823-06-16 AS, Narrative: The Pact of the Masters
823-06-03 AS, Short Narrative: Meeting with AFC about outstanding matters (• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •)
823-02-20 AS, Narrative: Leiden's Illustrious Strangers Sessions
822-12-03 AS, Narrative: The Color of Midnight
822-12-01 AS, Narrative: Prowling the Cult - Act II | The apartment raid in Los Angeles
822-08-13 AS, Narrative: 14th Freeport, 4th Floor, Sector B-E Meeting
822-07-26 AS, Narrative: Arbiter McKenna in the Interrogation
822-05-03 AS, Public Announcement: [BREAKING NEWS] W.F.Cody was abducted! - CNS Exclusive -
822-03-16 AS, Short Narrative: Meeting with AFC about Mission 39 (• • • • • • • •)
822-02-18 AS, Narrative: Orange Addicts
822-02-07 AS, Public Announcement: Major announcement by the IND
822-01-12 AS, Narrative: The Shrine's Depths
822-01-05 AS, Narrative: An Unexpected Leasing
821-10-22 AS, Narrative: The Interrogation of Siren Stone
Nikolai Diavolo - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #1018-637 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Nikolai Diavolo
Alias: Nikolai Diavolo
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Hacker
Status: Inactive
Joined: 818-05-15 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: unknown
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Age: 42, born 790 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject was...
...decryption.failed...file.corrupted... believed that the subject joined the Lane Hackers.
Known Crimes
Robbery, destruction of Ageira property and conspiracy.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to terminate the subject through the usage of overwhelming force under the assumption that it is well armed and extremely dangerous.
819-03-18 AS, Communication Channel with Pierre LaFlamme from [C], Council (High priority)
819-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
819-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with Hans Gluckner from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
819-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from LaBrise|, La Famille de la Brise (Medium priority)
819-03-14 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
819-03-11 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Order|, The Order (High priority)
819-03-08 AS, Communication Channel with Pierre LaFlamme from [C], Council (High priority)
819-02-26 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Order|, The Order (High priority)
819-02-26 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Pirates, independent (High priority)
819-02-10 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from The Order, independent (High priority)
819-02-02 AS, Communication Channel with Hans Gluckner from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
819-01-31 AS, Communication Channel with Gregory Bayliis from [IND], Independent Neuralnet Division (High priority)
819-01-27 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
819-01-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
819-01-19 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Crow from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
819-01-06 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from [*USI*], Universal Shipping Incoporated (Low priority)
819-01-05 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from [*USI*], Universal Shipping Incoporated (High priority)
819-01-01 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
819-01-01 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Order|, The Order (High priority)
820-07-08 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Channel between Nicole Hunter, Nikolai Diavolo, Milton Krest, Norman Bates
820-07-08 AS, Mission Report: Mission 25 Phase 1: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology
819-09-03 AS, Personal Dossier: Nikolai Diavolo's Personal Dossier
819-04-29 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-03-19 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-03-18 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-03-18 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-03-17 AS, Mission Report: Mission 19: Reestablish contact with The Order
819-03-11 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-03-08 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-02-26 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-02-25 AS, Board Maintenance: Board Maintenance (• •)
819-02-04 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-02-02 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-02-01 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-28 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-27 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-23 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-20 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-19 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-18 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-16 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-12 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-11-13 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-11-07 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-10-27 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-10-26 AS, Mission Report: Mission 16 Phase 1: Research codename weaponry market
818-10-25 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-10-25 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-09-18 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-09-09 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-09-09 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-09-06 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-09-06 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-08-19 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-08-19 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-08-19 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-07-28 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
818-06-28 AS, Mission Report: Mission 16 Phase 1: Research codename weaponry market
818-06-28 AS, Mission Report: Mission 16 Phase 2: Research codename weaponry market
818-06-28 AS, Mission Report: Mission 1: Investigate use of Nomad Technology
818-05-15 AS, Recruitment Application: Nikolai Diavolo's Recruitment Application
Krimmler - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #1317-549 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Alias: Krimmler
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Hacker
Status: Inactive
Joined: 818-06-18 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 180 cm
Hair: black
Eyes: green
Age: 55, born 777 A.S.
Personal Background
The subject completed academic studies in astrophysics and after that joined the corporation at the age of 26 years. The subject was assigned to a project concerning new jump technology. By colleagues he was described as a friendly co-worker and a typical family man with wife and children.
After seven years, the subject was assigned to project PQ3T267 which involved human trials. After several weeks his efficiency rates became low. Furthermore, the subject started spreading slanderous rumors and accusing Ageira of conducing human experiments. The Security Division has taken a direct approach on this matter and soon the subject regained its previous efficiency.
Unfortunately, when construction of the testing site was completed, during final preparations a huge explosion destroyed most of the facility, killing several Ageira employees and security officers. Following investigation proved that the subject caused an overcharge of the reactor core and escaped in a life pod. The subject was last seen flying in a stolen Starflier into Detroit Debris Field.
Known Crimes
Several hacks into the Ageira Security Database, human experiments, destruction of the corporate property, suspected murder of multiple Ageira employees, deletion of sensitive data from corporate databases.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
Nicole Hunter - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #2445-535 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Nicole Hunter
Alias: Nicole Hunter
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Professor Provocateur
Specialization: Intelligence
Department: Intelligence and Subterfuge
Status: Inactive
Joined: 819-01-19 AS
Background: Ageira Technologies
Height: 175 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Age: 41, born 791 A.S.
Personal Background
Born on planet Manhattan, from the earliest years subject showed all symptoms of a prodigy. Subject received classical education at prestigious Marchall College, as well as private lessons of ballet, Jiu-jitsu, history of art and piano. Subject's parents belonged to the upper echelons of Manhattan's society. Father Mark was a renowned member of New Democratic Party, while mother Cecilia was a director of a local division of Cryer's Pharmaceuticals. After graduating college at age of 16 subject decided to pursue career in science at Manhattan Institute of Technology. At age 21 subject defended MA thesis devoted to non-linear adaptive programming. After graduation she was recruited by Ageira head hunter. In the meantime, she started PhD studies in the field of cognitive sciences and at the age of 24 defended dissertation exploring idea of use of adaptive programming in organic interfaces.
During seven years in Ageira the subject proved to be valuable and resourceful employee. For three years subject worked as a junior scientist at the Department of Weaponry Research and Development at Pueblo Station. After successful defense of her dissertation, subject was promoted to a senior scientist. One year later, subject was given position of a department director at Hamilton Station. Her team of scientists and engineers worked on numerous projects varying from standard weaponry optimization projects to development of multi-tier artificial intelligence systems. It was impossible to predict the disaster that occurred three years later.
Two months before the incident subject was assigned as a deputy scientist to the top secret project on alternative power sources at Pueblo Station. Subject's task was to oversee development of a user interface for an organic power source. During the initial tests several engineers became infested with a contagion that caused extreme paranoia and aggression. Twelve Ageira employees were killed and seven badly injured. According to the head scientists, subject either showed extreme incompetence or deliberately sabotaged her work, which led to breach of security protocols and in the result to the infestation of several Ageira's employees. While the subject was in detention, the power cell suddenly discharged causing temporary blackout throughout the base, during which both the subject and the object of studies disappeared.
Known Crimes
Suspected murder of at least two Ageira employees, destruction of expensive corporate property, theft of valuable corporate assets, sabotage and espionage.
Underground Activity
Currently Nicole Hunter is a Lane Hacker specializing in infiltration and corporate espionage. Thanks to her versatile education background and vast knowledge knowledge of security systems she quickly became renowned among the Hackers for her outstanding programming and cryptographic skills. It is rumored that both modern Mactan and Spyglass Networks are of her own design. Being extremely ambitious and ruthless she quickly rose to a leadership position in the Lane Hackers. Her long term efforts in building relations with various criminal groups, most notably the Outcasts and the Golden Chrysanthemums were crowned by the erection of the Orange Treaty. While maintaining extensive network of contacts and personal factotums she made herself a reputation of one of the most respected and influential criminals in the underground world of Sirius.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as high level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as extreme level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate at all costs the subject after eliminating all its electronic warfare systems in order to avoid a hostile takeover. If captured the target is to be secured in the nearest facility where it will await transfer to the headquarters for further processing. No preliminary interrogation of the subject is allowed.
825-05-28 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from AD|, Amalfi Directorate (Low priority)
825-05-05 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Hansa|, The Hansa (Low priority)
825-04-29 AS, Unofficial Ceasefire Treaty with Harry Weber from [SIS]-, Secret Intelligence Service (High priority)
825-04-22 AS, Communication Channel with Amber Lane from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
825-04-07 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari from NC-, National Council (Low priority)
825-04-05 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt / Leviathan / Endurance from A/)-, Battlegroup Auxesia (Low priority)
825-03-31 AS, Alliance Declaration - Direct Channel with Alise von Ravensberg, Sofia Zelinsky, Solomon Weiss from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
825-03-18 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (Low priority)
825-03-14 AS, Communication Channel with Sakurai Augus from BD|, Blood Dragons (Low priority)
825-02-24 AS, Misunderstanding with Jennifer Haze with Jennifer Haze from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
825-02-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from GC-, Gen'an Chrysanthemums (Low priority)
825-02-21 AS, Defilers with faction representatives from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
825-02-21 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Blood Dragons, independent (Low priority)
825-02-03 AS, Communication Channel with Solomon Weiss from UN|, Unioners (Low priority)
825-01-24 AS, Communication Channel with Kijima Hisayuki from BD|, Blood Dragons (High priority)
825-01-18 AS, Communication Channel with Tanya von Degurechaff from DWR|, Die Weiße Rose (Medium priority)
825-01-16 AS, Communication Channel with Gabriella de la Zerda from 72nd|, 72nd Maltese Fleet (High priority)
825-01-16 AS, Communication Channel with Benito Contari from NC-, National Council (High priority)
825-01-03 AS, Communication Channel with Jared Nomak from (C~, The Commune (Low priority)
824-12-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from N/A, Orange Alliance (High priority)
824-12-23 AS, Communication Channel with Set Ramizer from BLC|, Black Lotus Cartel (High priority)
824-12-04 AS, Communication Channel with Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)
824-12-04 AS, Communication Channel with Erika Keller from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
824-10-08 AS, Communication Channel with Cash Ivankov from JM|, Junker Marauders (High priority)
824-09-23 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
824-08-24 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • •) with Alphonse Fischer from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
824-08-17 AS, Communication Channel with Howard Tanner from Liberty Rogues, independent (Low priority)
824-08-15 AS, Ceasefire Treaty with Michael Richard from =CR=, Crayter Republic (High priority)
824-08-14 AS, Communication Channel with The Red Dawn from Junkers, independent (Low priority)
824-07-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
824-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Sascha Lattke from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
824-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
824-06-05 AS, Alliance Declaration - Direct Channel with Allison Hunter, Athena Thompson, Jade Linford, Justin Waldhar, Lena Smith, Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel, Yann Blackwings from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
824-05-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Light from (C~, The Commune (Low priority)
824-04-29 AS, Communication Channel with Trevor "Uncle Willy" Williams from /_\, Alcatraz Rogues (High priority)
824-04-26 AS, Communication Channel with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (Medium priority)
824-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Andre Rise, Jack Light, Jared Nomak from (C~, The Commune (High priority)
824-04-05 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • •) with Armin Jansen from UN|, Unioners (High priority)
824-03-13 AS, Communication Channel with Anna Heinrich, Dáinsleif from [RHA], Red Hessian Army (High priority)
824-03-10 AS, Communication Channel with Hank from PLR:, Padua Liberty Rogues (Medium priority)
824-02-13 AS, Direct Channel with Geoffrey Enfield from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
824-02-05 AS, Communication Channel with Sarah O'Riley from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
823-12-07 AS, Communication Channel with Marietta Mercante from NC-, National Council (High priority)
823-11-28 AS, Communication Channel with Tutashkia from Outcasts, independent (Medium priority)
823-11-09 AS, Communication Channel with Johnathan Deez from Junkers, independent (Low priority)
823-10-03 AS, Communication Channel with Victoria Knight / Julie Morrel from H|-, Battlegroup Harmony (High priority)
823-09-24 AS, Communication Channel with James McTavish from NC-, National Council (High priority)
822-08-19 AS, Communication Channel with Antonio Bloodrose from (@), Bloodrose Syndicate (Low priority)
822-08-19 AS, Intel on Roussillon with Izek-Fernando Armando from |+|, Crimson Cross (High priority)
822-08-06 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • •) with Munen Musou from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
822-06-11 AS, Communication Channel with Pierre LaFlamme from [C], Council (High priority)
822-06-06 AS, Communication Channel with Hana Ken from ~*~, Sisterhood of Dreams (High priority)
822-05-30 AS, A Date with Missiles with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
822-05-05 AS, Communication Channel with Alisoun "Athena Elegantiae" from Lane Hackers, independent (High priority)
822-04-07 AS, Communication Channel with Antoine La'Biere from [UC], Unione Corse (High priority)
822-03-23 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • •) with Kelsey Norton from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
822-03-17 AS, Communication Channel with Steve from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
822-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Andy from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
822-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Kaplan from [Y], Y Group (Low priority)
822-02-19 AS, Communication Channel with Gypsie Skripto from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
822-02-07 AS, To the BDM Puppet Master with Geoffrey Enfield, Volker Koch from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
822-02-02 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • •) with Flora from GG-, Gaian Guard (High priority)
821-12-12 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from PLR:, Padua Liberty Rogues (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Amber Lane, Mort from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Moka, Siren Stone, Tori from PLR:, Padua Liberty Rogues (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Valente Rossi from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Luke Orsini-Contari, Mansel Alcantra from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
821-10-03 AS, Orange Treaty Channel with Antonio Delfino, Izek-Fernando Armando, Mirren Tamley from |+|, Crimson Cross (High priority)
821-10-02 AS, Communication Channel with Amber Lane from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
821-09-28 AS, Communication Channel with Blodwyn O'Driscoll from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
821-09-27 AS, Communication Channel with Drago Celestino from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
821-08-24 AS, Communication Channel with Valente Rossi from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
821-08-21 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Mancini from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
821-08-11 AS, Communication Channel with Rohj Teerin from [LN], Liberty Navy (Low priority)
821-08-08 AS, Communication Channel with Joshua Hunt from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
821-08-05 AS, Communication Channel with Erin Flynn, Sadhbh McCool from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
821-08-05 AS, Communication Channel with Amber Lane, Clyde Johnson from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
821-08-02 AS, Communication Channel with Kurumi Saeki from Lane Hackers, independent (High priority)
821-08-01 AS, Communication Channel with Elio Lopez from (__, Campania Cartel (High priority)
821-04-30 AS, Communication Channel with Spoiled Reaver from .Reaver, Reaver Mercenary Company (Low priority)
821-04-09 AS, Communication Channel with Timothy Hawk from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
821-03-20 AS, Communication Channel with Kurumi Saeki from Lane Hackers, independent (High priority)
821-03-09 AS, Communication Channel with John "Sir Lagsalot" Silverstone from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
821-02-28 AS, Communication Channel with Timothy Hawk from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
821-02-01 AS, Communication Channel with Ryan Bishop from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (High priority)
821-01-28 AS, Communication Channel with Kayo Chiba from [|], Black Dragon Society (High priority)
821-01-14 AS, Communication Channel with Sarah McFarlen from VWA|, Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee (High priority)
820-12-23 AS, Communication Channel with John Holliday from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
820-12-09 AS, Communication Channel with George Masters from JM|, Junker Marauders (High priority)
820-12-08 AS, Communication Channel with Perseus Friend from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (High priority)
820-11-28 AS, Communication Channel with Luke Orsini-Contari from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
820-11-24 AS, Airdrie - Corsica Direct Channel with Kelly-087, Valente Rossi from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
820-11-06 AS, Communication Channel with Emilia Zito from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
820-11-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
820-11-06 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with Michael Edridge from AT), Ageira Corporate Headquarters (Medium priority)
820-11-04 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with Pablo Tavares from [RoS], Reapers of Sirius (Low priority)
820-10-31 AS, Communication Channel with Mansel Alcantra from CL}, Contari Lance (High priority)
820-10-06 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Henderson from IMG|, Independent Miners Guild (High priority)
820-09-14 AS, Communication Channel with Bassam Hussaini, Jared Nomak from SR), Samarran Raiders (Medium priority)
820-09-07 AS, Communication Channel with Emilia Zito, Estefania Casta from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
820-09-07 AS, Communication Bursts (• • •) with Harold Kane, Victor Delacroix from VR-, Vagrant Raiders (High priority)
820-09-05 AS, Communication Bursts (• •) with Leo Oscar from .Flare, Crimson Flares (Low priority)
820-08-26 AS, Communication Channel with Erich Stoltenberg from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
820-08-10 AS, Communication Channel with Richard Cole from [TAZ], Temporary Autonomous Zoners (High priority)
820-08-03 AS, Communication Channel with Agatha, Davids from 141|, Task Force 141 (High priority)
820-07-13 AS, Communication Channel with George Richard Hall, Mike Havering from BAF|, Bretonia Armed Forces (Low priority)
820-07-07 AS, Communication Channel with James Trenton from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
820-06-25 AS, Communication Bursts (• • • • •) with Harold Kane from VR-, Vagrant Raiders (High priority)
820-05-26 AS, Communication Bursts (• •) with La Veuve Noire from [UC], Unione Corse (Low priority)
820-05-23 AS, Communication Channel with Elise Pennybrooke from [SYN], Onyx Syndicate (Low priority)
820-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Roxanne from [*O], Orbitals (Medium priority)
820-04-08 AS, Communication Channel with Keiko Matsumado from [GC], Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)
820-03-30 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Crow from .:j:., Junkers Congress (Low priority)
820-02-12 AS, Communication Channel with Lia Yakama from VP), Valdorian Pirates (Low priority)
820-01-28 AS, Communication Channel with Tyr Cromwell from SR), Samarran Raiders (High priority)
820-01-13 AS, Communication Channel with Kai Siegfried from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
819-12-31 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
819-11-26 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
819-11-24 AS, Communication Channel with Sonya "Rinkhals" Mosby from XA-, Xeno Alliance (High priority)
819-11-23 AS, Communication Channel with Moka from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
819-11-07 AS, Communication Channel with Zechs Marquise from [UC], Unione Corse (High priority)
819-11-04 AS, Communication Channel with Koshi Inaba from Platinum|, Platinum Incorporated (Low priority)
819-10-06 AS, Communication Channel with Martino Perez from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
819-10-01 AS, Communication Channel with Thomas Fouquat from GRP|, Gallic Royal Police (High priority)
819-09-22 AS, Communication Channel with Saskia Brooks from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
819-09-10 AS, Communication Channel with Alfred Steinberg from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
819-09-06 AS, Alliance Declaration Channel with Aine Moore from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
819-08-30 AS, Communication Channel with Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)
819-08-29 AS, Communication Channel with Aine Moore from [M]-, Mollys (High priority)
819-08-22 AS, Communication Channel with Kazuo Akechi from ]bd[, Blood Dragons (High priority)
819-08-08 AS, Communication Channel with Bazard from Freelancers, independent (Low priority)
819-08-08 AS, Communication Channel with Jack Crow from .:j:., Junkers Congress (High priority)
819-05-25 AS, Communication Channel with Christina Robinson from [LN], Liberty Navy (Low priority)
819-05-17 AS, Communication Channel with Moka, Ruby from LR-, Liberty Rogues (High priority)
819-05-16 AS, Communication Channel with Thomas Aquintas (ThreeWinds) from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
819-05-08 AS, Communication Channel with Johnathan Toledo from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (Low priority)
819-04-24 AS, Communication Channel with John Doe from DSE), Deep Space Engineering (Low priority)
819-04-17 AS, Communication Channel with Joe Hernandez from [IND], Independent Neuralnet Division (High priority)
819-04-15 AS, Communication Channel with Itagaki Dato, Ryuu Noboru from ]bd[, Blood Dragons (High priority)
819-04-12 AS, Communication Channel with Anna Brown from =LSF=, Liberty Security Force (High priority)
819-03-27 AS, Communication Channel with Macsen from VE-, Virulian Enclave (Low priority)
819-03-25 AS, Communication Channel with Capella, Michał Golański from Order|, The Order (High priority)
819-03-13 AS, Communication Channel with Kai Siegfried from BDM|, Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (High priority)
819-03-06 AS, Communication Channel with Cristina Mancini from [101st], 101st Outcast Guard "Ghosts of Razgriz" (High priority)
819-02-17 AS, Communication Channel with Amaya Tanaka, Sakura Ainoh from [GC], Golden Chrysanthemums (High priority)
819-02-13 AS, Communication Channel with Alan Markson, Dane Kinnaird from [HF], Hellfire Legion (High priority)
819-02-09 AS, Communication Channel with Ryuu Noboru from ]bd[, Blood Dragons (High priority)
819-01-27 AS, Communication Channel with Ishtar Zsun, Liam from Oracle|, Oracles (High priority)
825-05-27 AS, Internal Report: Promotion Criteria: Warfare Mastery
825-05-27 AS, Mission Report: Assassin Assignment 61 Phase 1: Deter hostiles
825-05-20 AS, Internal Report: Promotion Criteria: Influence Mastery
825-05-18 AS, Internal Report: Promotion Criteria: Intelligence Mastery
825-05-18 AS, Internal Announcement: Reorganization and reevaluation of specializations
825-05-17 AS, Internal Announcement: Internal Punishment of Thackeray
825-05-15 AS, Internal Report: Intelligence on Core dealing with Harmony
825-05-11 AS, Internal Announcement: Loyalty Evaluation
825-05-11 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts between Nicole Hunter
825-05-04 AS, Internal Announcement: Felicity Willing promoted to Deceiver
825-04-15 AS, Internal Announcement: Maximillian Largo becomes Deceiver
825-04-14 AS, Internal Announcement: Stealth Operations Protocol
825-04-08 AS, Mission Report: Mission 69: Gather compromising evidence on Battlegroup Harmony
825-04-01 AS, Internal Announcement: Temporary suspension of stealth operations protocol
825-02-05 AS, Internal Announcement: Blackfriar promoted to Deceiver
825-01-13 AS, Internal Announcement: Stealth Operations Protocol
825-01-10 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Nicole Hunter, Guy Thackeray
824-12-28 AS, Internal Announcement: Hostile agent captured
824-12-27 AS, Operation Report: The Anniversary Smuggling Run
824-12-21 AS, Internal Announcement: 10th anniversary of the Inner Circle
824-10-01 AS, Board Registration: Board Registration (• •)
824-09-18 AS, Operation Report: The Spyglass Game
824-06-25 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• • •) between Nicole Hunter, Maria Freudenstein
824-06-05 AS, Operation Report: Extraction of Battlegroup Harmony
824-05-15 AS, Internal Announcement: Internal reorganization
824-05-04 AS, Internal Report: Joint operation with Unioners
823-12-06 AS, Internal Announcement: Stealth Protocol
823-12-03 AS, Operation Report: Extraction of Battlegroup Harmony
823-09-18 AS, Internal Announcement: Coordination and supervision
822-12-13 AS, Internal Announcement: Project Transcendence and Indefinite Absence
822-12-13 AS, Internal Announcement: Extraction Operation Authorization
822-08-11 AS, Internal Report: Meeting with Hana Ken
822-06-23 AS, Internal Announcement: Spyglass Network Online
822-05-14 AS, Internal Announcement: Goro Yoshida Professor in spe
822-03-31 AS, Internal Report: Spyglass Network Hardware
822-03-28 AS, Internal Announcement: Grubozaboyshikov's Congratulations
822-03-26 AS, Internal Report: Goro Yoshida Provocateur
822-02-27 AS, Internal Report: Spyglass Network Resources
822-02-21 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Nicole Hunter, Raoul Silva
822-02-14 AS, Internal Report: Spyglass Network Architecture
822-02-09 AS, Internal Announcement: Vladimir Scorpius Professorship
822-01-02 AS, Internal Announcement: Nomad Encounters Policy
821-12-30 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• • • • •) between Nicole Hunter, Goro Yoshida
821-10-15 AS, Mission Report: Mission 36 Phase 2: Confirm alliance between Gaians and GRN
821-09-22 AS, Internal Report: Project Eviscerator shut down
821-09-19 AS, Internal Announcement: Infiltrator in our own ranks
821-08-17 AS, Operation Report: Operation Poison Apple
821-08-16 AS, Internal Report: The Rainbowmaker
821-08-16 AS, Interrogation Report: Persuasive Manipulation Techniques
821-08-14 AS, Internal Report: Rules of engagement for the Superbomber
821-08-10 AS, Operation Report: Operation Devil's Decimator
821-07-13 AS, Internal Announcement: Interim State
821-05-17 AS, Internal Announcement: Current priorities
821-04-21 AS, Mission Report: Mission 2 Phase 4: Investigate secret LSF hideout
821-04-13 AS, Internal Report: Attack on Itasca Station
821-04-13 AS, Internal Announcement: Vladimir Scorpius new Provocateur
821-02-23 AS, Internal Report: More aggressive stance towards DSE
820-12-26 AS, Internal Report: Lane Hacker Prototypes LH-X5
820-10-31 AS, Internal Report: Determination and Vigilance
820-10-18 AS, Internal Report: Initiative
820-10-14 AS, Internal Announcement: Reorganization and re-evalutation
820-09-07 AS, Mission Report: Mission 25 Phase 1: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology
820-09-07 AS, Mission Report: Mission 25 Phase 2: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology
820-09-07 AS, Mission Report: Mission 25 Phase 3: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology
820-07-08 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Channel between Nicole Hunter, Nikolai Diavolo, Milton Krest, Norman Bates
820-07-08 AS, Mission Report: Mission 25 Phase 1: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology
820-03-27 AS, Interrogation Report: Public education in New York
819-12-09 AS, Internal Report: Hypnotainment Bands route secured
819-11-27 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Nicole Hunter, Orlov
819-11-24 AS, Interrogation Report: Interrogation of Sonya "Rinkhals" Mosby
819-10-13 AS, Operation Report: Operation Rascal's Nightmare
819-10-02 AS, Internal Report: Universal Ship Information system report
819-09-03 AS, Personal Dossier: Nicole Hunter's Personal Dossier
819-08-15 AS, Mission Report: Mission 20: Collect data on component bases in Liberty
819-05-25 AS, Internal Report: Quarterly report
819-05-10 AS, Operation Report: Operation Exposure
819-04-01 AS, Internal Report: The Liberty Navy Logistics Corps
819-03-17 AS, Mission Report: Mission 18: Collect data on trade shipments
819-03-05 AS, Operation Report: Operation Purity, Rising Sun, Exchange
819-03-04 AS, Operation Report: Operation ExHale
819-02-15 AS, Internal Report: Advanced combat tactics and assassination techniques
819-02-12 AS, Internal Report: Combined art of mania interrogation and extortion
819-02-05 AS, Internal Report: IND transport extorted
819-01-25 AS, Interrogation Report: Mania Interrogation of Devin Trevors
819-01-23 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-01-23 AS, Mission Report: Mission 8 Phase 2: Reconnoiter Virginia system
819-01-23 AS, Mission Report: Mission 8 Phase 1: Reconnoiter Virginia system
819-01-21 AS, Internal Report: Power Cell secured
819-01-19 AS, Recruitment Application: Nicole Hunter's Recruitment Application
830-03-19 AS, Narrative: Forgotten in the void
825-06-13 AS, Short Narrative: The Virus Attack
824-08-17 AS, Short Narrative: Identity Theft
824-07-24 AS, Narrative: Ceasefire Negotiations with Crayter Republic
823-11-10 AS, Narrative: Meeting of the Inner Circle
823-01-14 AS, Narrative: The Game of Power
822-12-03 AS, Narrative: The Color of Midnight
822-12-03 AS, Public Announcement: The Late Show: Retired LSF on hidden pirate bases
822-07-26 AS, Narrative: Arbiter McKenna in the Interrogation
822-06-27 AS, Short Narrative: A Date with Missiles
821-10-22 AS, Narrative: The Interrogation of Siren Stone
821-08-17 AS, Short Narrative: The Poison Apple
821-08-10 AS, Short Narrative: The Hacker Way
821-07-26 AS, Public Announcement: Lane Hackers official statement concerning TLAGSNET
820-04-15 AS, Narrative: All aboard the Mania Interrogator
819-12-18 AS, Narrative: A Cage Within Cage
819-11-03 AS, Short Narrative: Release of Nikolai Diavolo
819-08-16 AS, Public Announcement: Nicole Hunter promoted to Professor
819-05-03 AS, Short Narrative: What have I become?
819-03-04 AS, Public Announcement: Deadly Corruption in Liberty
Milton Krest - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2012
Dossier #1010-735 [online version] [neural-net account]
by Ageira Technologies, Security Division, Intelligence Branch
Milton Krest
Alias: Milton Krest
Affiliation: The Lane Hackers
Rank: Specialist
Status: Inactive
Joined: 817-07-25 AS
Background: Lane Hackers
Height: 180 cm
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Age: 39, born 793 A.S.
Personal Background
Subject was employed in light arms development at Detroit Munitions. His active service continued for three months, after which that target received possible psychological trauma caused by death of his girlfriend during a freelancer race at Erie. The subject was advised to change an environment and was supposed to go to Curacao for a two week vacation.
However, according to our reports, the subject stole a Dagger from Erie and joined Lane Hackers instead. It is believe that he is accusing Ageira for his girlfriend's death, but no profs were brought up so far. An arrest warrant was issued after the subject by LPI. While he is in possession of quite sensitive information on Detroit Munitions, it is unlikely that he will use them openly due to his fugitive status.
Known Crimes
Robbery, smuggling, suspected for murder.
Threat Assessment
• The subject is considered as medium level threat in terms of personal potential to physically damage Ageira Technologies properties and personnel.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential damage to Ageira Technologies security protocols and Neural-net assets.
• The subject is considered as low level threat in terms of potential public relations damage to Ageira Technologies image and its subsidiaries.
All security agents are instructed to capture or terminate the subject using standard operational techniques and procedures. If captured the target is to be transferred to the nearest facility to be interrogated.
818-05-23 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Freelancers, independent (High priority)
817-10-08 AS, Communication Channel with faction representatives from Ageira|, Ageira Technologies (Low priority)
820-07-08 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Channel between Nicole Hunter, Nikolai Diavolo, Milton Krest, Norman Bates
820-07-08 AS, Mission Report: Mission 25 Phase 1: Research Artificial Intelligence Consensus technology
820-02-22 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-09-03 AS, Personal Dossier: Milton Krest's Personal Dossier
819-08-28 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
819-08-22 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• •) between Milton Krest, Moriarty
818-01-07 AS, Internal Communication: Communication Bursts (• • • • • • • • •) between Phate, Milton Krest, Moriarty
817-09-16 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
817-08-25 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
817-08-13 AS, Mission Report: Mission 9 Phase 2: Investigate the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
817-08-13 AS, Mission Report: Mission 9: Investigate the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
817-08-12 AS, Internal Report: Regular operations report
817-07-25 AS, Recruitment Application: Milton Krest's Recruitment Application
816-11-09 AS, Recruitment Application: Milton Krest's Recruitment Application