' Wrote:A Cap 8 Shire and an escort is a force to be reckoned with.
Best would be two Shires and one or two fighter escorts. Scares the pirates senseless.
According to my interpretation of your post I think they were ok dudes and yet you just wasn't going to pay them anything at the start, becouse you think you didn't want to pay 3 millions. Also, Lolpirates don't tend to play such unpopular factions as unioners.
So maybe before you write a second rant next time overthink the scenario and what you could have done wrong. Acting like "ok kill me" makes you unworthy to be treated nicely in roleplay and out of roleplay as well. That could easily explain the next tax growing two times as much.
In my book standart price is 600 000 credits per 1 000 cargo. It can yet be higher (or lower) depending on the cargo or where it is being shipped. Or by my disposition as a player.
For the record. Piracy is an ugly business, but it's purpose has really never been about money. Yes, I said it... it's not really about money. Traders can make a shipload more than a Pirate ever will in a single run. What does that leave? Where is the value? Role play! I'm sure most are thinking, "Yes Kyte... way to state the obvious!" But my friends, I'm afraid it is not obvious. Some still think that Piracy is a capital gains venture, and give little regard to the actual reason and primary reason for DiscoveryGC in the first place. Roooole plaaaaay.
That said. As a Trader, I'm often accosted by less than savory types looking to line their pockets with my "hard" earned cash. It is actually quite rare that I find myself in a pirate's gun sight. I find it a welcome diversion to my travels and I've enjoyed quite a few encounters in the past. I've also had some distasteful ones. "2milordai" I suppose the lolwut disease accounts for some of this. Or perhaps there is another reason? Some just want an excuse for "pew pew" Wow our three bombers really blew the heck outta that Zwhale, which of course has no means of defense... ftw!!! (not advocating arming the beasts). It happens, folks.
While I've heard it said that the standard "fee" is 3 million credits. I want to caution against this as it is not based in fact nor lore. A pirate can and will ask for whatever they deem appropriate, which of course, may not be what the trader considers appropriate. THERE IS NO STANDARD NOR SHOULD THERE BE. It is a slippery slope ladies and gentlemen... do not go there. Piracy is not an organization or a fee based service. While we traders may chalk it up to "the cost of doing business" that is an internal view. I assure you this view has no viable effect upon the individual pirate, although they may appreciate that attitude, should their encounter prove fruitful. (both in role play and credits). Do not expect or get offended if they ask for more, less credits or cargo. It can and will happen. Some may order you to spill your hold into space and even worse make you destroy your own goods... (cringes) The point is that there is no standard.
From the aspect of the pirate (yes I have one too). It is important to note that they are one half of the experience or encounter as well. To that end, they have to hold up their own end of the role play. The notion of continually accosting the same Trader over and over again is "bad form". It simply doesn't make for a realistic environment with which to operate in. I've heard the argument that the Trader should choose another route to avoid that same Pirate, and I've also heard some Traders express entitlement issues, simply because they've been "hit" before. That is a difficult one. I would suggest that players temper their "expectations" with a little common sense. Clearly that can be difficult, especially when faced with the frustration of being Pirated during their largely profitable adventures. No one likes to have their time wasted, and after all that is the only true commodity here. TIME. How we choose to use that time is really the core of the argument.
So to recap... Let's try to keep in mind that we are dealing with role play on a role playing server. Further, let us try to put effort into our encounters to that end. To develop meaningful encounters that enrich the experience of all players involved. There is no standard fare, where piracy is concerned and "good and bad form" can be potentially exhibited by BOTH parties. Let's opt for the "good form" variation.
Ultimately it is the people that make the game, not the ship or the faction. If that is to your liking, then I invite you to grab up your collective creativity and forge ahead unfettered and undaunted.
' Wrote:So to recap... Let's try to keep in mind that we are dealing with role play on a role playing server. Further, let us try to put effort into our encounters to that end. To develop meaningful encounters that enrich the experience of all players involved.
Bah! My team has earned 200mil pirating in the past two nights, and we didn't do it by typing out long walls of text or by being courteous. Get on my level.
' Wrote:Bah! My team has earned 200mil pirating in the past two nights, and we didn't do it by typing out long walls of text or by being courteous. Get on my level.
Team... the mention of that word indicates that you are working with others to achieve together. Does this not suggest something? Obviously, I tailored my post to the individuals that may or may not comprise the team you have mentioned. Moreover, I addressed both sides, not just the one. Did I speak of "courtesy". Did you hear me say that? (looks back to make sure) Nope. I didn't. Feel free to 'Harrrrrrr' all you like, Sir. Did I suggest a wall of text? (checks again) Nope, I didn't. I'm not suggesting a kinder gentler pirate, by no means, each must develop their own way...
Get on your level?
I don't mean to seem obtuse, but exactly what are you implying? That quantity is superior to quality? That the success of a character can be summed up in their digital holdings? That the "3milordai" technique is preferable to a bit more effort, on the part of both parties, to stimulate a little role play to go with your 'booty'?
A 200 million credit split in a group effort, over the course of two nights, is a fail and I certainly wouldn't brag about it... not when there are those who make that sum in an hour, with group effort. Of course, I am going by your suggested standard of value here. How's that for 'getting on your level'?
Clearly you have failed to observe the function of this server and this community. Hence, my post and evidently your confirmation that I was correct in my assumption that "role play" is in dire need of attention.
Also good if you have more than 1 Cap 8 Shire. Escorts make you even scarier.
A Cap 8 Shire and an escort is a force to be reckoned with.
Best would be two Shires and one or two fighter escorts. Scares the pirates senseless.
Heh, not really, I took on a convoy convoy made up of shires with snub and gunboat escort, alone in my bargy. Destroyed one, and blew the cheeter thruster off another, made my escape.
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' Wrote:Heh, not really, I took on a convoy convoy made up of shires with snub and gunboat escort, alone in my bargy. Destroyed one, and blew the cheeter thruster off another, made my escape.