Well, I think Dab said it best - trying to justify tech combo's based on pvp advantage is bad reasoning. From an rp standpoint, it makes no sense from either side - Council ships are all antiques, and they don't just give them away - and Bretonia is not going to use anything other then what they make for themselves, without an rp justification to use anything else - which they dont have.
And really, its incredibly lolwuttish for a BAF to use a Council Battleship.
I think it is quite astounding how Ursus' suggestion gets shot down as "lolwuttish" and oorp considering the fact that in reality, allies have used allied tech for a loooooong time (like the US using British Spitfires in WWII etc. etc.) for one specific reason: To be able to carry out tasks that they can't with their own technology. PVP/War-superiority would be the ONLY credible/valid RP backgroud for any request between militaries.
I don't think the Brets should have access to the Council ships with a smaller nerf, but my opinion is solely based on balance (no faction should have access to it all) and is thus OORP. If I valued RP higher than balance in this mod, I'd ask for Council ships with smaller nerfs too, as it completes the Bret ship lineup and is the only sensible thing to do.
' Wrote:Overall, RP reasoning is better than just "let's get the best tech we can". However, that's not to say that certain characters can be RPed well enough to make the tech seem fitting.
What's wrong about characters rp who wants to get best tech possible to gain the upper hand in war?
I would say nonsensical principals of players are oorp. Not the wish to get best tech possible.
Where is no pride or dignity then you are about to be stabbed with a knife or any other situation then you're life or essential belongings are threatened. And Bretonia is threatened greaty, it makes perfect sense for them to spit on their idiotic principals and do everything they can do to win.
Now ofc, players sitting in comfy chairs can blable about honor.. not like it's realistic at any point. Ofc there are exceptions of "proud" (ignorant would be a better word here) morons full of themselves. But there are few of them and ussaly end up dead pretty quickly. For me it's strange how entire military would take "proud moron" position even then their arses are bruning hot.
' Wrote:From an rp standpoint, it makes no sense from either side
From an rp standpoint, the current techsharing makes no sense. Council ships use different fuel, which isn't available, so Bretonia couldn't fly any of them in the first place. Or if they could, they could also fly GRN ships just as easily (the caps are the same--the Redemption infocard even says they are Valors). So as far as all that goes, If you want wholesome RP, they really ought to just cut the cord on it. Right now its just some kind of gesture, hey we're going to suspend RP to make a gesture towards Council but enforce RP to keep it from being used. And here is another gesture, we're going to waste our 90% slot with a house lineup that gives us nothing. Bad RP to play this kind of house strategy too, obviously trying to lose and the slots dont matter so we are just going to lol them around as gestures. << see I can do it too
Why would Bretonia need Council stuff anyway? Challenger is by far better bomber against the heavy Royal caps - they are not agile enough to be good anti-snub, thus Challenger is a good choice to hit hard each time on the heavy royal caps.
Also Ursus, Bretonia isn't smacked again and again by devs, Templar is one of the best VHFs in the game, and Bretonia is well-equipped to counter it's enemies.
EDIT: Also, dumping Liberty - Bretonia's long time friend makes little sense to exchange in favor of someone they are fighting along wish out of necessity.
' Wrote:I am fully aware that you people are doing the best you can to make Bret lose. I feel compelled to slow the inevitable.
Are you sure? I mean somehow bretonia has managed to not lose 2 wars it is / was losing quite badly, Instead Kusari is the one with a 3 battleship fleet and the emperor with a 5 battleship fleet. Logic right? But I dont think this is the appropriate thread to discuss how kusari lost 41 odd battleships.
Anyway im just saying that Bretonia has been godmodded into not dying as badly as it should.
While they realistically should be broke, running out of resources, not even have half the fleet they have in lore. Speaking of broke, I wonder if bretonia is going to end up as Rheinland 2.0 (I mean its the only logical reason as to why bretonia isnt broke yet)
' Wrote:While they realistically should be broke, running out of resources, not even have half the fleet they have in lore. Speaking of broke, I wonder if bretonia is going to end up as Rheinland 2.0 (I mean its the only logical reason as to why bretonia isnt broke yet)
Leave it to Liberty to emerge as the ruling nation after everyone else kills eachother.
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' Wrote:Bret currently has 10% nerf on Liberty and 25% nerf on Council, but Council ships complement the Bret lineup better than Liberty ships. The gunboat and cruiser dont have much to offer, but the rest is very nice fit. You should request to have the technerf swapped.
Basilisk is awesome complement to Challenger, while Upholder is awful. Basilisk is super agile, would be nice to have in some quick-strike operations, but its not feasible with 25% nerf. Upholder isn't even worth using with 10% nerf; better to use Roc with no nerf. Basilisk would be very much worth incorporating into the lineup with 10% nerf, given the performance characteristics that it has, especially working together with Challenger. Imagine two SNAC-wielding Basilisks and a double-nova Challenger in a team... scary stuff.
Agama is one of the better HFs, while Executioner is just meh (and so is the Paladin unfortunately). Would be nice to have a good HF in your arsenal against the GRN and Corsair bombers wouldnt it?
And then there is the Redemption, a heavy dread to deploy in force when you want to have a heavy BS. Liberty dread is awesome yeah but its another light BS and you already got a good one of those.
Meanwhile, Liberty techsharing only gets you access to ... a medium gunboat that you dont need, the LSC that is worse than the Bret Dessie, and the LABC which is admittedly awesome for what it does. So basically all you get from the 90% Liberty access is a battlecruiser.
I'd rather have Basilisk, and option to have Agama and Redemption
' Wrote:You're creating a thread talking about how a faction should request changes to the tech nerf based solely on their pvp combination appeal. You do realize the admins don't accept that right?