(07-23-2014, 01:16 PM)Moriarty. Wrote: What you just said, is sanctionable. btw, this solves a lot of problems, like cloaked BS sneaking up and then suddenly uncloaking, killing you.
Since, before this change, people typed in engagement notices, waited for some time while still sneaking behind, and after ample amount of time, instakill you. Which, as Alley said, is borderline abuse.
We already had insta kills before cloaks existed even. And yet, I've never seen anyone being sanctioned for this line: "aggressors are not allowed to destroy a ship before allowing sufficient time to respond".
When there has been roleplay (of any kind), you can engage whenever you like to without having to write an engagement notice even. Of course, it has to be reasonable according the roleplay done before.
As for the change. (I know it's just a test period.) It was said, that only local chat will be disabled. Yet local, system and PM are disabled while cloaked. Why the sudden change of mind?
I will test this change for a few hours and see how it'll affect the roleplay experience. However, at this early point I pretend that the system and PM chat (except /r) deactivation is stupid.
If people can go up the plane and troll others in system chat, how will it help that cloaked ships cannot?
I think the local deactiviation (which was the main topic), is highly reasonable. Though the others not so much.
Insta kills in the sense, a single line while cloaked, no RP before that. And then uncloaking and killing. I have always been in the thought that this is a sanctionable offence, and with the usage of cloaks, avoiding the kill is nearly impossible, if faced with a heavier ship. Happened to me.
People keep saying that this totally loses the element of surprise: no it doesn't.
You still get the element of surprise, but you don't get the freedom to eviscerate your opponent at will without a proper engagement notice, which has ALWAYS been the case. Nothing has been lost except potential for abuse. That smart ones who were already playing fairly and within the rules will find no change whatsoever.
Hate to say this guys but you disabled all chats. Private/Group chat is also disabled and so is the line to Console. I got the same error message every time.
I am strongly opposed to this change. I RP as a spy and the entire point is that I don't have to de-cloak and I could operate in secret. I do many in RP meeting while operating from a point where I am not taking a risk to myself. Right now I can't do that. Further I often use my ship as a point vessel in attacks. I feed tactical information to the group while under cloak acting as a set of eyes. With the chat, I can't do this either.
I also disagree with this from a RP stand point. Why would my communications be cut while under cloak? it also defeats the purpose of a surprise attack if you can't drop RP lines while under the cloak.
I do understand the reasoning of people abusing the cloak with one liners and then attacking. But last I checked that is a server rule violation. To damage it's use for the rest of us because people are breaking server rules seems a little extreme. I'd also argue that it will not stop people from continuing to break that rule cloak or not.
(07-23-2014, 04:13 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: People keep saying that this totally loses the element of surprise: no it doesn't.
You still get the element of surprise, but you don't get the freedom to eviscerate your opponent at will without a proper engagement notice, which has ALWAYS been the case. Nothing has been lost except potential for abuse. That smart ones who were already playing fairly and within the rules will find no change whatsoever.
Not really. Actually...
(07-23-2014, 03:52 PM)Narcotic Wrote: When there has been roleplay (of any kind), you can engage whenever you like to without having to write an engagement notice even. Of course, it has to be reasonable according the roleplay done before.
... and...
Quote:All attacks must be the result of some form of justifiable roleplay.
Basically I can fly up to a Libby Dread in my RMBS, say "Nice weather we have here." and begin pounding it's shield with my Cerbs without breaking any rules. (Don't forget to give sufficient time to wake up though.)
(07-23-2014, 01:36 PM)Moriarty. Wrote: It is not about the arguments of a small group of people. The cloaking mechanism was broken in a way that people type in engagement notices seconds before uncloaking and instakilling. Which gives the opposition no way to escape.
Just because some people use cloaks to fight in fleet battles like that, does not mean that this change would completely kill off the possibilities of using a cloak, as some think. Still, a cloak can be used for various purposes. Escaping, sneaking on opposition fleet to analyse their numbers before meeting them in the battle and so on.
EDIT: Speaking of various ways of using a cloak when in fleet battles, after the pew commences, you can cloak in the middle of a fight, sneak upon him and then, could uncloak behind him and go for the kill.
You can't escape via cloak because CDs disable the cloaks while charging.
Anyway, as you guys said. Let's test it and see what happens.
It was just not necessary to introduce more confining parameters for this stuff. People can't suck it up sometimes when they should. What some think is a refinement process of the game seems more the fixing of what ain't broke me. Anyways, ammo based cloaks will be the end of it for me I'm sure.