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Thommy, I don't really expect to be liked by everyone. It's natural that you form enemies simply by being yourself. But hey, it's your opinion and that's the end of it.
I will still try to be good natured to the best of my abilities. We'll see how things turn out.
It's a bit of a shame though that you do not have the courage to simply say this to my face from your real persona.
I couldn't give a censored what does someone's alt think about me, tbh I dont care if admins think I'm a douche too as long as I play by their rules I know I'm safe. They're all sane people.
All I know is that we were having a decent convo that surprisingly wasn't locked down.
So I dropped the F word for fun.
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' Wrote:Mindless raeg that could be sarcasm, but then could be hate. Who knows. 'Tis the Internets.
1) Wat.
2) I seem to be one of the few 2000+ post count members who stays under the radar and doesn't make waves. xD
Plus, if you're counting your self importance on your post count, you're an idiot. 'Nuff said.
EDIT: Andre, I'm starting a coup to take over the Invergordon maintenance decks, cafeteria and sewerage systems in addition to my cleaner's cupboard. Just to piss you off, yaknow?
It always amazes me when I come across posts of this nature, "I hate it here, I hate so and so, I have no friends cos you all hate me" etc etc. I use the server to relax, unwind and have some fun. I enjoy the interaction and being different characters and ultimately PLAYING the GAME. I enjoy trawling through the forums and generally seeing whats going on and find some of it interesting and distracting.
My point is that it is not real life. It is a game and the forum I am viewing on the internet. I do not interact with the people directly face to face and any 'friends', I use the term loosely as realistically they do not fill my definition of a friend, I make along the way are a bonus, but I doubt they will become life long nor will I share moonlit strolls or candlelit dinners with them.
I fail to understand why, if the game is not fun anymore, you would continue to play? Or if someone upsets you(struggle to understand what upsets people that much in a game), you dont just stop playing for a while. Its not like you have to speak to them or see them IRL. If someone posts something you disagree with, fine, make a comment, give your opinion but why get upset by it.
Life is short and there is so much real life enjoyment to be had, familly and friends (real living and breathing people) to enjoy so stop and think am I taking all this too seriously, is my life and every waking minute consumed by this game and the people I interact with, do I wake up at night and wonder what someone has posted on the forum, if so then you need to seek professional help, or make some 'real' friends in the real wide world
In essence play to enjoy and remember it is only a game, it is not life or death.
Oh and if you feel the urge to post nasty comments about people or that you hate them, dont, its just not nice and rather childish to be honest
Thats my opinion, now I am going to play the game and try and relax and unwind
I know I suck at typing so you'll see me at 2000+ when I'm about.....well dead. I love this game for real guys. I play FPS on my xbox360 and PC. I got a nice ride and play death metal on guitar. I always find time to come on discovery and do boring crap and enjoy it...why I dont know. I think I see why he is upset but you must not go crazy. Going crazy is like watching your child bleed to death in your arms. Must zoom out and back in and realize its just a game in the end. The community is just a game...
This is a old game and has probably has the most unique community I've ever had the luck to be apart of. Been playing just about half a year now and still need to learn to tune down my PVP rage. Lets get facts straight.
Kiss me.
PEOPLE DO USE LAGG SWITCHES!(easy to make and even easier to use)
The trade lanes need to be bigger!(So getting stuck is not normal)
Fighters need to move faster!(please consider changing speeds on all)
Larger vessels need more anti-fighter abilities!(+range on solaris)
Better missile tracking!(Less dmg)
Change ore prices more often like lets say weekly. RP good, prices high! RP bad, prices low. Its like a community cookie jar.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)