I really appreciate you doing this for us, Xing, but you realize how limited our use of the vessel is going to be compared to the uniques in the other houses?
While nearly anyone can operate a Superbomber, Attack Transport, or the White Wolf, only the higher up Brets can actually operate a vessel like this. In addition, while most of the other vessels will be able to move freely in space(except the white wolf), we aren't going to be able to. People will also balk at the fact that we have three massive super battleships, and other will scream:
OMFG 3v1??? Really? 3v1?!
And get angry at the fact that we have multiples of them out at the same time.
I spoke with you during the chat, and frankly, this is not what we need.
Again, I appreciate what you are doing, but I don't know if I like the idea of the ship.
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?
Incoming Transmission
Source ID: Lord Commander Sir Roger Brinkely, Battleship Norfolk
I must admit to being overcome by a warm, fuzzy and most pleasant humour when I beheld the schematics of this new ship. Its commendable curves and heavenly hues! Words fail me. Its various virtues are too numerous to enunciate. Has the engineer chosen to produce it in the old Etonian colours deliberately or is this a fortunate accident? All it needs is a soft seat for my wrinkly rear end and it's time to bully off for the final chucker against the ferocious northern foe. Baaaah!!!!!
I would give my right leg to fly her. Even now, visualising myself entering her has truly awoken a tiger in my loins.
As for this vile whelp:
' Wrote:i think this one is to much red...to much gold and i dont ike the design anyways...
but i must say... i dont like any bretonia made ship... i dont like the design
You don't like any of the conventions of grammar, spelling, taste or use of the frontal lobes of your brain either, do you? Although with a name like Zork, one can only assume you have a brain made entirely of scrambled egg.
Good thing you aren't flying our wonderful ships. You would be as poor an ambassador for our great nation as a turd in a dinner jacket. Keep your inane dribblings to yourself when it comes to the diligent doings of our engineering egg-heads before I plant my boot in your behind.
I wonder, of course, if it will actually be restricted in any way. We might find it floating around just as much as the indie Dunkirks..which, unless I've missed something, is counter to what its planns are..Only three...one being the Queen's Flagship..I'm assuming I'll fly that one. The other the Flagship of the BAF...and...the third?
Edit: Infocard redo..
Yue's infocard
Quote:The ship of the line class is a Bretonian unique warship, and is among some of the most feared sight the Sirius sector has ever known. The most massive vessel of Bretonian built, this ship is so heavily armoured it is reputed to be indestructible, and packs such a tremendous firepower (although most of its firepower are only available from its side canons), no capital vessel could ever outclass it.
The enormous cost of these ships have limited the number to only 3 known in active service within the imperial fleet, one of which is the flagship of Queen Carinna.
My suggestion:
A recent wartime innovation, the Agincourt is the culmination of the Bretonia Ship of the Line research and development project and a triumph of Bretonian ingenuity. With more than twice the mass of any ship construction project ever undertaken on Southampton Shipyards, producing even one is an incredible undertaking. The Agincourt is unrivaled in armour and weapon capability.
Its hull is supported by a solid twenty meter thick folded duralloy branching internal spine which stretches from bow to stern without a single weld. The main drive is mounted directly to the spine, and consists of three mox burning reaction cores which fire in rotating sequence. Due to the immense mass, the drive cores are devoted to main thrust and cruise, and so the ship contains four entirely separate central power generators, one in each of the four ship sections which support the immense power-array devoted to weapons, shields, and maneuvering thrusters. The external armour is underlaid with a ribbed superstructure which dissipates impacts into the central spine. Inside the armour support skeleton, a system of honeycombed bulkheads provide ample space for extensive cargobays, crew quarters, dual fighterbays, and ship functions.
Each ship begins its life in as duralloy molds in foundries on Planet Leeds, as optronics superstructures on Cambridge, as millions of sheets of platemetal in Newcaste. The central spine is folded over a thousand times, and then shipped to Southampton, where it is assembled over the next three years, constructed with over twelve billion bolts, sixteen million welds, and seven hundred thousand vacuume seals.
Due to the cost and time required to build one Agincourt, only three have been produced to date, with the next line of four expected to roll out of production near 819 AS. Two of the ships have been devoted to the defense of the Realm, as flagships of the Bretonian Armed Forces. The third has been christened as the flagship and seat of the Queen.
Edit: Changed name to Agincourt, another brittish victory on french soil. King Henry, if anyone knows their shakespear.
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I mostly like it, but there are three main points I'd like to raise:
1) The colours are a bit off - try using the Skins for the Dunkirks with the duller reds and golds.
2) The prow is smooth, whereas the Dunkirk has ridges along the prow. Adding ridges (skin or model) would make it look alot better and fit in with the current Capital line (I think all of the current capitals have the ridges)
3) Again the skin, the Dunkirk has a bridge section, which is a texture made of windows painted accross the far front of the prow. Maybe you could incorporate such a bridge area on this model too? It would help get an idea of scale too.
EDIT: Currently it looks like one of the Alliance caps out of Starlancer because of the colours...
I'd make the red a bit more........dull/orangeyish and the same with the metal, ever seen a shiny bretonian ship? However if this is because of the lighting of the programme feel free to use me as a flame punching bag.