From: Sergeant Bob Pickering, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic:Kidnapping and Assault Clearance: SENSITIVE
Dear Colleagues,
Sergeant Jodie Flynn, Sergeant Ibram Maso, Sergeant Edward Butcher: these names we all know. May they rest in peace. Special Constable Bob Pickering might easily have been next on that list. For I have been the victim of a brutal assault by the very worst the Leeds criminal underworld has to offer.
The day began like any other. During my patrol, I was called upon by Special Constable Harding from Traffic Control, who, along with my good friend Special Constable -now Sergeant- Montgomery, was dealing with a situation spiralling out of control. Intervention was needed from someone with expertise in de-escalation, such as myself. Two freelancers were causing havoc, and though I shan't delve too deeply into the specifics, one of them, “Jason McGillion” (alias: “Bob”), received a minor fine for Deeds Prejudicial to the Good Conduct of Public Affairs and a warning for tampering with evidence.
This freelancer created quite the scene, attracting the attention of curious onlookers, as well as some rather... seedy characters with less-than-pure intentions. Among the gathering crowd, I spotted the vessel [MFE]~Penicillin, its notorious captain being the subject of one of my ongoing investigations into illicit drug trafficking and possibly a member of a larger criminal network that I’ve yet to fully uncover. The captain, “Dr” Isabella Saito, was behaving in a most disruptive manner. She was repeatedly asked to maintain her distance and yet persisted, all the while fraternising with our intern, McAscott: a vulnerable individual who, regrettably, still appears to be susceptible to the allure of a life on the wrong side of the law.
Once the first troublemaker was dealt with, I turned my attention to the second freelancer. “Arthur Watts” displayed a markedly aggressive attitude, but as he was homeless, I suspected he was simply angling for a hot meal and a roof over his head. I surmised he hoped to be arrested, but alas for him, BPA Newgate is a prison, not a charity hotel. Instead, I let him off with a warning for harmful conduct involving local wildlife for he had been observed disturbing wildlife migratory patterns, as noted by multiple constables, myself included.
Mr Watts did not appreciate this leniency, claiming that he was in fact not disturbing wildlife. I had to remind mr Watts that I am no agent of the Bureau of Wildlife and Agriculture, and therefore lack the authority to make such a distinction. He proceeded to attack me without provocation. To make matters worse, another bystander -a Gaian- joined in the fray, seizing the opportunity to inflict as much harm as possible on us, the first responders. The damage to my Hawfinch fighter was so severe that I was regrettably forced to deploy my escape pod, unable to defend myself adequately. No doubt, this was met with loud cheers from “Dr” Isabella Saito, who seems to harbour some villainous personal vendetta against me.
While this turn of events was most unfortunate, it was not particularly shocking. As first responders, we are often the first targets in the line of fire in the fight against crime. This was not my first rodeo, as the Libertonians say. On the beat, you learn to rely on your fellow constables and only them. A BAF Commander, on passing by, even went as low as mocking the situation all together, calling Mr Watts a hero.
However, the real horror, indeed, a truly nightmarish experience, occurred after my defeat. Left defenceless in the vastness of space, I was deliberately kidnapped, drugged, and subjected to violent mistreatment by the monster known as “Dr” Isabella Saito and her crew. Under the guise of humanitarian work, this kingpin, drug dealer, and madwoman robbed me of my freedom, assaulted me, and injected my body with a vile concoction of illicit substances from which I am still recovering.
Of all the challenges I’ve faced as a constable, this was by far the most terrifying, repulsive, and violent attack I have ever endured. By the end of this ordeal, during which I completely lost track of time, I was unceremoniously dumped on Planet Prague by “Dr” Isabella Saito’s lackeys. While the physical injuries will heal, I fear the mental scars will remain with me forever. A part of me was left behind on that horror ship, [MFE]~Penicillin. What I endured there is something I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.
It is my hope that the violent maniac, Isabella Saito, will be apprehended, given a fair trial (a courtesy I was denied aboard her dreadful ship) and locked away, so that she can no longer claim another victim. We must stand firm: Keep your dirty hands off our first responders!
This dreadful ordeal coincides with the day of my promotion, a moment I cannot truly celebrate due to the deep emotional wounds I now bear. Nevertheless, I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Montgomery on her well-deserved promotion. Monty, I beg of you: please do keep an eye on McAscott, you seem to be the only one able to get through to her and protect her from the influence of scoundrels like the half-Maltese “Dr” Saito.
PS: On a personal note, Martin and I are deeply grateful for the support, kind words, and concern shown by you, our colleagues, friends, and family. You all mean the world to us. <3
Bob Pickering | Special Constable | SN: SP0128 | Civil Defence Initiative | Bretonian Police Authority Special Constabulary | Unit 24, Stanbrook Hall, Millgarth Street, Wharferdale City, Aberavon, Planet Sprague, Omega-3. BW0101 WD56 3LO. | Web: | Mail: | Tel: +7755631 230247 214 |
Special Constable Eileen Harding, We have a pending conversation regarding your performance and other issues during a recent operation with some illegal merchandise carriers.
Show up at my nearest pub before starting your shift.
From: Sergeant Bob Pickering, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic:Patrol Report Nov 29, 834 AS (Saito Case) Clearance: SENSITIVE
At approximately 20:45 Bretonian Mean Time, Sergeant Montgomery and I commenced our joint patrol. We set up orbit around New London for our rendezvous, as I had already spent some time conducting a stake out near the Cambridge jump gate beforehand. Upon arrival, we unexpectedly encountered Intern McAscott once again meeting with an unsavoury contact, Not.A.Brick, who is known to have ties with the violent terrorist, Captain Belmont, of the cruiser Unto.Nightfall|S8.
The freelancer was speaking in what could only be described as incoherent gibberish, mentioning a cursed helmet, pineal amulets, and other bizarre topics. At one point, Montgomery and I considered arresting him for a 3.6 violation, but things quickly took a turn when he began singing on the network of Isabella Saito, a suspect in an ongoing investigation concerning the assault, criminal battery, and kidnapping of Bretonian Constables, namely myself and Sergeant Montgomery, disguised as a medical assistance effort following the Leeds incident.
Our conversation shifted to a "John Henry Holliday", leader of the MFE, and Saito’s superior, which caught our attention. Though he is not suspected of any crimes, he might be a person of interest in our ongoing investigation of the Saito case. At this point, Intern McAscott began protesting, possibly due to the pressure we were putting on our new informant. However, Sergeant Montgomery, displaying remarkable skill, managed to jog the informant’s memory on Saito.
It was then that Intern McAscott began to protest vehemently, calling Montgomery and myself “stupid clowns” who should have been “dumped into space.” Both Montgomery and I decided it best to allow her some time to cool off. Police work on the beat can be highly stressful, and to be fair, McAscott had done an excellent job in forwarding this informant to us. Stress is a silent enemy on the beat, and we Constables support one another, even in moments of emotional distress.
As McAscott stormed off, I was in the process of explaining to our informant that McAscott is a bright young intern with a promising future who simply needs space to grow, when Saito’s ship, the Penicillin, pinged on PLOPS.
Meanwhile, McAscott was having something of a meltdown, bless her, disputing the idea of “slandering people with good intentions” and so forth. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge that we have all, at some point early in our careers, faced similar crises of conscience. We’ve all questioned the morality of our work, feeling sympathy for individuals who seem good but later turn out to be threats to society. Aware of this, Montgomery and I opted to give McAscott the space she needed to vent while we focused on the task at hand.
At this point, PLOPS indicated that the Penicillin was using the tradelanes and heading straight for our location when suddenly, the spooks appeared out of nowhere, and (REDACTED). The BIS officer, callsign Sorcerer, asked us if the situation was under control and (REDACTED) as the Penicillin emerged from the tradelane, blasting its propagandistic message to lure innocent bystanders into its trap over the system-wide transmission waves.
[29.11.2024 21:21:40] [MFE]~Penicillin: This is the Medical Frigatte Penicillin. If you need medical help come to us or tell us were you are.
We were soon joined by Special Constable Arai, who had come to investigate the commotion. On the comms, we heard the voice of the suspected kidnapper, Saito, who wasted no time in taunting us, calling us her “favourite patients.” A back-and-forth ensued, with the BIS officer (REDACTED) and informing Saito (REDACTED).
During questioning by the BIS officer, suspect Saito put forward an easily disproven lie:
[29.11.2024 21:29:22] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: as i explained the Injuries and Behaviour of Mister Pickering Required a Specialized Treatment in a Hospital and--
[29.11.2024 21:29:41] [MFE]~Penicillin: --Baffin was the Nearest Secure Hospital we could Reach.
Intern McAscott, witnessing that the questioning was not going in favour of her associate, Saito, began acting out in a fully subversive manner:
[29.11.2024 21:32:00] IMG|Maya.Mcascott: You can find the rags you call Uniform and the rest of the meaningless junk in the trashcan next to your *office*. [29.11.2024 21:32:23] IMG|Maya.Mcascott: If you want something from me, call the Guildmaster as i will not answer you !"
Meanwhile, the BIS interrogation was escalating as well:
[29.11.2024 21:40:12] Sorcerer: Whilst the CDI continues to make their case, allow me to make this crystal clear.
[29.11.2024 21:40:13] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: *Curses in Kusarian* We have Documented Everything, Documents that Miss Mongommery have Recived.
[29.11.2024 21:40:46] Sorcerer: The next time you recover an injured or fallen Bretonian officer, you do what is in your capabilities to assist them and-
[29.11.2024 21:40:57] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: MFE is a Honorable Medical Provider that takes care of many things that Bretonia does not DO for its Citizens.
[29.11.2024 21:41:02] Sorcerer: -hand them over to the nearest authority of her Majesty.
[29.11.2024 21:41:12] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: Come again?
[29.11.2024 21:41:14] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: That's... quite the low blow
[29.11.2024 21:41:19] Sorcerer: Is that understood?
[29.11.2024 21:42:14] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: You know what the Number One Death for Pilots is out here? Internal Bleeding after an Ejection.
[29.11.2024 21:42:46] Sorcerer: I asked a simple question.
[29.11.2024 21:42:48] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: sure thats why MFE Provides almost all Medical Care on Spraque that is more than just handing out some Painkillers.
[29.11.2024 21:42:51] Sorcerer: Do you understand?
[29.11.2024 21:43:10] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: That would be news to me. Outlandish claims, lies, made up stories.
[29.11.2024 21:43:20] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: What an amusing lady you've come to know there, Sergeants.
[29.11.2024 21:43:40] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: well then read the Newspaper, one of our Doctors was even murderd on Spraque after she opend a Clinic there.
[29.11.2024 21:43:57] Sorcerer: Zoner.
[29.11.2024 21:44:04] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: A singular clinic. A singular tragic incident. That translates to "almost all", huh.
[29.11.2024 21:44:15] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Liquidations in the criminal underworld are not unheard of, sadly...
[29.11.2024 21:44:15] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Its Doctor Isabella Saito for you from now on.
[29.11.2024 21:44:48] Sorcerer: Isabella Saito, do you understand the conditions I have laid out and will you comply with them in the future?
[29.11.2024 21:45:32] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: Sir i will always do what is best for my Patients. The Hippocratic Oath Forbidds me from Letting them die after all.
[29.11.2024 21:45:44] Sorcerer: You do not.
[29.11.2024 21:45:47] Sorcerer: I see.
[29.11.2024 21:45:49] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: and its Dr. Saito Understand.
[29.11.2024 21:46:22] [MFE]~Penicillin: Isa: John was right bretonia is Open Air Mental Institute.
[29.11.2024 21:46:40] Sorcerer: Officers.
[29.11.2024 21:46:45] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Yes?
[29.11.2024 21:46:48] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: Hmh.
[29.11.2024 21:46:52] Sorcerer: I believe this applies here.
[29.11.2024 21:46:46] Sorcerer: Section Three Point Six.
[29.11.2024 21:47:19] CDI)SC-Mary.Arai: Section Three Point Six, alleged Section Three Point One under the light of an ongoing investigation, Agent.
The situation dragged on for some time until we received a distress call from a civilian transport ship heading to New London via Cambridge, which was being pursued by a Corsair cruiser. We immediately responded, heading at full speed towards the Cambridge gate, where a hostage situation was about to unfold.
I will conclude my report here, leaving it to Sergeant Montgomery or Special Constable Arai (whose efforts I highly praise) to report on our success in resolving the hostage situation without firing a single shot. However, it must be noted that our efforts were continuously hampered by Saito, who tailed the first responders to the scene.
I would request that Inspectors handle the Saito situation or consider expanding our rules of engagement to allow us to deal with her ongoing interference and threats to our police work.Furthermore, I believe it would be in the best interest of Intern McAscott to be taken in for a discussion with one of our senior Constables. She seems to be under the influence of the charismatic figures within the Bretonian criminal underworld, though I am convinced that her actions stem from a place of naivety. It is not too late to guide her back onto the right path. In the past, I mistakenly saw her as a significant player in this criminal network, but it is now clear she is merely a pawn. It is our duty to protect her and, with the right guidance, she may well one day become a fine constable.
Yours sincerely
Bob Pickering | Special Constable | SN: SP0128 | Civil Defence Initiative | Bretonian Police Authority Special Constabulary | Unit 24, Stanbrook Hall, Millgarth Street, Wharferdale City, Aberavon, Planet Sprague, Omega-3. BW0101 WD56 3LO. | Web: | Mail: | Tel: +7755631 230247 214 |
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From: Inspector Grace O'Sullivan, CDI. To: Sergeants Howard, Montgomery, Pickering. Topic: Emergency debrief. Clearance: EYES ONLY
Sergeants Howard, Montgomery and Pickering, please report to the Chief Inspector's office as a matter of urgency. Within the hour. You are required to provide an emergency debrief on a recent incident
From: Special Sergeant Jacky Montgomery, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic: HMC Wendsleydale Clearance: SENSITIVE
I apologize for the lack of updates lately, I have been kind of swamped down in work from the promotion and moving my flat out to Sprague. But I am pleased to report that a side project of mine has finally come to fruition. The refurbished Ceres 100T hulk that we've had rotting in the impound lot for the last 5 years has been made space worthy again. We've had some issues with, well, rats, but the techs assure me that they're all cleared out. The entire interior has been gutted and rebuilt, and we've installed a modern power core and rebuilt the engines from the ground up. So far, the HMC Wendsleydale has passed all her initial inspections and trials. I am going to get some crewmen assigned to it in short order, and I am hoping to take the ship out for a proper shakedown later today during our prisoner transfer into Kusari.
Word from the wise - the techs will tell you they've got rid of the rats, but they ain't. What they'll have done is put down some baited poison in the service conduits and called it good. That don't work, never has. Spaceport rats are a different breed, they got wise to that shite centuries ago. Had the same issue with the Wollaton when she was restored from mothball.
What you want to do is flash your new sergeant's badge, throw your weight around, and demand a vacuum sweep. Full depressure. Vent every compartment, crawl-space and conduit - concurrent, not sequential! Properly tests your atmo rig, plus the squeaky fuckers will be dead right quick. Mind, you'll likely not find the bodies until much later when they start stinking real bad.
This'll get rid of a whole bunch of other bugs and nasties that are probably hiding out in there too, although it won't get rid of lice. Need chemicals for that, and Finance won't sign off on those unless you've got a serious infestation. So, there's that.
Sergeant Reggie Top | Civil Defence Initiative | Bretonian Police Authority Special Constabulary | Unit 24, Stanbrook Hall, Millgarth Street, Wharferdale City, Aberavon, Planet Sprague, Omega-3. BW0101 WD56 3LO. | Web: | Mail: | Tel: +7755631 230234 000|
From: Sergeant Bob Pickering, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic:PATROL REPORT DEC 09 , 834 AS (Saito Case/Leeds Shooting) Clearance: SENSITIVE
At approximately 20:00 Bretonian Mean Time, I began a routine patrol of the Leeds system, sans my usual partner, Sergeant Montgomery, who was off-duty for the day. During my patrol, Dispatch notified me of an individual, one G. B. Beverly, a rather eccentric academic from New Cambridge, who had lodged a complaint. He claimed that someone had been rooting through his rubbish bins outside his manor. Beverly described the culprit as a "band of hungry raccoons," though one suspects there may have been a touch of hyperbole in his account.
Considering the unpredictable nature of Leeds and its well-documented reputation for escalating situations, I promptly called for backup, requesting Special Constable Travis Felts to rendezvous with me at the New London Jumpgate.
Upon arrival, I quickly identified a familiar presence: Dr. Isabella Saito and her ship of medical horrors, the [MFE]~Penicillin. Dr. Saito and her crew were loitering near the jumpgate, once again indulging in their tiresome discourse on "humanitarian aid" and other such inanities. What caught my attention, however, was the presence of one Victor Steiner, former Director of the H.M. S.I.S. It soon became clear that Beverly's allegations were aimed squarely at Steiner, and that Dr. Saito had hired mercenary escorts, equipped with Pirate IFFs and LGN| signature, who were circling around Steiner in a rather menacing manner, clearly attempting to intimidate him.
With tensions mounting, I wasted no time in putting my best de-escalation techniques to work, hoping to avoid things spiralling out of control. Special Constable Felts soon arrived on the scene to back me up, and together we worked to keep the situation in check. However, things took a rather unfortunate turn when a Gallic Royalist war criminal appeared on the scene, seemingly spoiling for a fight. Steiner, clearly on edge, suggested that the most expedient course of action would be to deal with the war criminal by way of summary execution.
The situation rapidly deteriorated, with Felts and Steiner engaging the Gallic Royalist. Whilst under a nigh constant verbal barrage of lambasting from Saito, I took up a defensive position setting up a safety perimeter to cover the pair. Despite their combined efforts, the two were ultimately overpowered, and Steiner was forced to eject from his vessel. With no time to lose, I entered the fray, bringing my heavy weapons expertise to bear in what became a brief but intense exchange. Thanks to a combination of swift thinking, precise action, and excessive violence, I was able to subdue and arrest the war criminal.
Meanwhile, Dr. Saito, ever the conniving opportunist, seemed to be watching the situation unfold, looking for any opportunity to further her own interests. When she moved to seize Steiner’s ejection pod, I couldn't shake the suspicion that she might have less-than-honorable intentions, considering her past actions, including the incident where she had abducted Montgomery and myself during a previous encounter. I issued a firm warning, demanding she release the pod immediately, or else face severe consequences. Special Constable Felts, showing commendable determination, managed to retrieve the pod from her grasp. We then quickly made our way back to Planet New London, where Steiner was promptly taken for a medical check-up to ensure no further harm had come to him.
In closing, I would like to commend Special Constable Felts for his remarkable bravery during the incident. His actions under pressure were exemplary, and I firmly believe he should be put forward for a wage raise. It is conduct like his that all Constables should aspire to emulate.
Bob Pickering | Special Constable | SN: SP0128 | Civil Defence Initiative | Bretonian Police Authority Special Constabulary | Unit 24, Stanbrook Hall, Millgarth Street, Wharferdale City, Aberavon, Planet Sprague, Omega-3. BW0101 WD56 3LO. | Web: | Mail: | Tel: +7755631 230247 214 |
Cambridge's Board of Regents has submitted a complaint to the Home Office and Admiralty Board about the state of security throughout Cambridge and Omega-3. They're concerned about the increasing rate of attacks by both Corsair and Molly raiders.
This has apparently been made our problem primarily, and the Chief Inspector has asked as a matter of urgency that some high visibility patrols are organised to sweep the length of The Line, range out to the Omega-7 Jump Gate, and then return to Planet Cambridge.
Put your lights on, look official and make a lot of noise. That should settle the Regents down so we can focus on intelligence-led rather than performative policing.
From: Special Sergeant Jacky Montgomery, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic: Patrol orders Clearance: SENSITIVE
Sure thing, ma'am. I will get my 60F off the pad as soon as I wrap up lunch here. I'll go call ahead and have the boys warm it up, my fish and chips should be ready soon anyways.
From: Special Sergeant Jacky Montgomery, CDI. To: COCS Database Topic: Patrol report, December 14, 834 Clearance: SENSITIVE
Ma'am, I did my run and I ran the flag as requested. There were two minor issues with trade ships not listening to requests for inspections in Cambridge, but that matter is somewhat overshadowed by what I'd call a large scale Rheinland sting operation in the middle of Omega-3. A large wing of MND and unmarked ships had blockaded the wreckage of Aland shipyard with the intent of capturing or destroying two SynthFoods Inc ships. They cited these vessels as having been reported stolen, but at some point after they arrived there appeared to be a breakdown of communication between SFI and the MND. I offered to defer the processing of the detainees to our facilities on Sprague until the matter with SFI's transport manifests could be sorted out, one of the MND pilots demanded to inspect the facilities. While I was escorting him to the location however, the MND moved the SFI ships out of the area. While it is probably not my position to question the motives and movements of a foreign house intelligence group, I cannot help but find their actions somewhat concerning, since they are effectively conducting a sting operation in our jurisdiction. Can we please cross check with BretGov for their legal clearance to do so, and maybe contact someone from intelligence services to see if this is some form of overreach. I am confident that CDI would have been able to detail and process the crew of these vessels if Rheinland authorities had alerted us to their known route into Bretonian space. I will attach a communications log and a pair of guncam shots for your review.
[14.12.2024 19:15:32] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Hunh, Rheinlanders?
[14.12.2024 19:15:38] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Guess it makes sense so close to the border.
[14.12.2024 19:15:56] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Guten abend, Bretonia Police vessel.
[14.12.2024 19:16:05] Wilde.Fylgja: Guten tag, Police vessel!
[14.12.2024 19:16:17] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Dispatch, this is Montgomery, RV'd with three Rheinlander ships, over.
[14.12.2024 19:16:28] Wilde.Nacht: S: Guten tag, Bretonian.
[14.12.2024 19:16:37] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Sorry.... O'Sullivan has us running the flag out through this way.
[14.12.2024 19:16:50] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Bunch of big wigs on Cambridge are bitching about borderworld security it seems.
[14.12.2024 19:16:58] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: What the-
[14.12.2024 19:17:11] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[14.12.2024 19:17:17] Wilde.Nacht: S: There's been a recent uptick in pirate activity it seems.
[14.12.2024 19:17:21] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Hrm, you MND boys and your cloaking devices...
[14.12.2024 19:17:31] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: You ever get tired of screwing around with people with those?
[14.12.2024 19:17:33] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I know I wouldn't.
[14.12.2024 19:17:48] Noth-1: Chatty one, aren't you.
[14.12.2024 19:17:56] Wilde.Vernunft: G: *he chuckles* We have reason to believe two unlicensed Synth Foods vessels are to pass through here.
[14.12.2024 19:17:57] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: *slurps*
[14.12.2024 19:18:21] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Do you suspect they're some kind of threat to Rheinland national security?
[14.12.2024 19:18:24] Wilde.Nacht: S: Interesting. Quite a coincidence.
[14.12.2024 19:18:26] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I mean, considering... this.
[14.12.2024 19:18:46] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Intel dictates one of the vessels is stolen, and one has racked up considerable fines.
[14.12.2024 19:19:32] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Hrm, doesn't exactly sound good for the offices in Stuttgart.
[14.12.2024 19:20:04] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Hunh, this wreck seems, er, popular.
[14.12.2024 19:20:55] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Well, uh, if you have reason to believe these stolen transports will pass into CDI jurisdiction, please contact
[14.12.2024 19:21:00] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Our offices with relevant information.
[14.12.2024 19:21:11] Wilde.Vernunft: G: We do not intend to let them pass into Bretonia.
[14.12.2024 19:21:21] Wilde.Fylgja: Agent Noth-1, go provide some cover to Serpopard if you want.
[14.12.2024 19:21:28] Wilde.Fylgja: Just in case things go a bit south.
[14.12.2024 19:21:37] Noth-1: Compliance.
[14.12.2024 19:21:57] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: And there he goes...
[14.12.2024 19:22:10] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Oh wonderful, /more/ people.
[14.12.2024 19:22:13] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Synth Foods Vessels, Cut your engines.
[14.12.2024 19:22:14] Wilde.Nacht: S: Synth vessels detected. Hold it there.
[14.12.2024 19:22:16] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: You know I was going to mentioned the strange organic readings on his-
[14.12.2024 19:22:18] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: At least they
[14.12.2024 19:22:18] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: What the hell?
[14.12.2024 19:22:31] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Yeah yeah we read the pamphlet.
[14.12.2024 19:23:04] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Remind me, what did the pamphlet say about this again?
[14.12.2024 19:23:16] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Tuck your head between your legs if I remember correctly.
[14.12.2024 19:23:20] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Er... I think I may have run headlong into something a bit messier than the boss had hoped for.
[14.12.2024 19:23:33] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Dispatch, this is Montgomery, requesting um... advice...?
[14.12.2024 19:23:40] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Scanningf their cargo, Stand-by.
[14.12.2024 19:23:50] [OOC] Wilde.Vernunft: Scanning*
[14.12.2024 19:23:55] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: No, no scanning, I have a permit for all of this..oh the cargo, oh sure
[14.12.2024 19:24:10] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Ugh. Corporate needs to get us better sensors. I can't see half of the correct IFF's here.
[14.12.2024 19:24:11] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Is uh, there a problem, Noth...?
[14.12.2024 19:24:25] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: You have IFF's? Mine don't even show
[14.12.2024 19:24:29] Noth-1: Not yet, Officer. Just making sure everything goes smoothly.
[14.12.2024 19:24:35] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Confirmed. These are the vessels.
[14.12.2024 19:24:42] Wilde.Nacht: S: Some defective module, I believe.
[14.12.2024 19:24:43] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Half are showing weird shit.
[14.12.2024 19:24:52] Noth-1: Why don't we go on patrol a little, Officer?
[14.12.2024 19:24:57] Wilde.Nacht: S: Their transponders have been malfunctioning for a while now.
[14.12.2024 19:25:02] Death: Warframe was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[14.12.2024 19:25:03] Noth-1: I'm sure my superiors have it handled.
[14.12.2024 19:25:23] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Perhaps.... I am currently.... uh... this has to be in the manual somewhere...
[14.12.2024 19:25:23] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Thanks for recommending me for this /Tim/.
[14.12.2024 19:25:33] Noth-1: The manual recommends you agree.
[14.12.2024 19:25:37] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: to be fair it was the automated system that assigned you to me
[14.12.2024 19:25:47] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Forgive me if I am somewhat hesitant...
[14.12.2024 19:25:52] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: So this is more of...Karls fault
[14.12.2024 19:25:54] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Something isn't sitting right here.
[14.12.2024 19:26:07] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: I swear to whatever deity might exist, I am going to come back from the dead and haunt you both.
[14.12.2024 19:26:25] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I feel as if I am about to overstep my bounds but I would like to ask the MND commander on scene the nature of this inspection
[14.12.2024 19:26:27] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Exactly.
[14.12.2024 19:26:52] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Synth vessels, you are to be detained and escorted back to Rheinland space, effective immediately.
[14.12.2024 19:27:07] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: We both are going to be turned into paste as this rate for being this far behind....wait
[14.12.2024 19:27:12] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Detained!?
[14.12.2024 19:27:18] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Lovely.
[14.12.2024 19:27:22] Wilde.Nacht: S: It's for your own safety, don't worry.
[14.12.2024 19:27:35] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Oh, yeah. I'm sure. I love being a prisoner in Rheinland.
[14.12.2024 19:27:39] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Love it.
[14.12.2024 19:27:41] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: My safty, you know what Debby will do to /me/ if these don't make it to..uhh, Joe where we going again?
[14.12.2024 19:27:58] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Uh, Vespucci? The hell?
[14.12.2024 19:27:58] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: We have export permits too
[14.12.2024 19:27:59] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: From what I understand there's some reason for these Rheinlanders to believe these vessels are stolen.
[14.12.2024 19:28:03] "The.Serpopard": ?: Execute the orders, and everything would be fine
[14.12.2024 19:28:31] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: /Stolen/!? Now I know my fella here Joe isn't the best to look at, but what makes you think we aren't anything more than
[14.12.2024 19:28:48] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Get bent, Tim.
[14.12.2024 19:28:51] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I apologize but I lack the relevant paperwork to the case at hand.
[14.12.2024 19:28:59] Wilde.Fylgja: Bretonian officer, I guess there is little room to question our actions here. I assure you there is a good reason we gathered..
[14.12.2024 19:29:10] Wilde.Fylgja: this many ships just to intercept the Synth vessels.
[14.12.2024 19:29:20] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: *stuttering* I but, its so cold in those prison blocks
[14.12.2024 19:29:23] Wilde.Vernunft: G: One stolen vessel. Transponder of Synth Foods Tango dash zero three seven four four two
[14.12.2024 19:29:33] Wilde.Nacht: S: Stolen ships tend to have some compromised data that may attract unwanted pirates.
[14.12.2024 19:29:51] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Stolen?! The shit! I just got this from the bay before I left!
[14.12.2024 19:29:58] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: We signed them out like normal
[14.12.2024 19:30:07] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Granted they aren't our normal rigs but that happens from time to time
[14.12.2024 19:30:08] Wilde.Vernunft: G: And one vessel who has racked up quite a fine list... Synth Foods Tango dash one one eight seven five six.
[14.12.2024 19:30:11] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: *rubbing eyes* Merde... look, the last thing I want is to get in the way... can we have someone contact their corporate office?
[14.12.2024 19:30:22] "The.Serpopard": ?: Everything is under MND control, do not be afraid
[14.12.2024 19:30:25] Wilde.Nacht: S: The way these ships were constructed had flaws. Not everything that comes out the drydock is safe.
[14.12.2024 19:30:35] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: I have stopped at every /red/ light those Camras are broken!
[14.12.2024 19:30:36] Wilde.Fylgja: Did Synth Foods found some escape goats on these poor pilots?
[14.12.2024 19:30:55] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Joe are you hearing this!
[14.12.2024 19:31:10] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Goats? What goats? Why are they escaping? I'm so damned confused.
[14.12.2024 19:31:20] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I, uh...
[14.12.2024 19:31:33] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Its only paste!
[14.12.2024 19:31:45] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Synth vessels, Come with us. Make this easy on yourselves.
[14.12.2024 19:31:52] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: well, some of it, but look its for FARMS, you know dirt, earth, that sort of thing
[14.12.2024 19:32:15] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Joe....even Debby is saying over the internal comms we gotta comply, whats up with that
[14.12.2024 19:32:18] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Okay I reviewed all the documentation...these are official Synth vessels, so your information is out of date...or wrong.
[14.12.2024 19:32:38] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: I think we got boned, Tim. Who'd you piss off at corporate?
[14.12.2024 19:32:48] Wilde.Nacht: S: Official? Am I sure they passed the quality check?
[14.12.2024 19:33:03] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: Look the guys at the yard manage the ships, we're just the drivers
[14.12.2024 19:33:04] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: If there has been a breakdown of communication, may I suggest we moor the ships at Sprague for processing until this is all
[14.12.2024 19:33:06] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Sorted out?
[14.12.2024 19:33:23] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: From all my documentation, these are the property of Synth Foods...but the head office is telling us to comply.
[14.12.2024 19:33:32] Noth-1: Officer! Officer...come now. That is an unsafe thing to do.
[14.12.2024 19:33:35] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: whats happening, in combat y?
[14.12.2024 19:33:36] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Tim, that "vixen" you're waiting on, I think she sold us out.
[14.12.2024 19:33:47] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: This has to be some sort of joke, Debby wouldn't turn on us like that
[14.12.2024 19:33:52] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Not yet.... just a bunch of MND making a fuss about some synth transports here, they have a whole fleet
[14.12.2024 19:33:56] Wilde.Vernunft: G: Negative. This convoy is to return to Rheinland. If the Pilots themselves are found innocent, then they will be released-
[14.12.2024 19:34:26] Noth-1: Let's go check the amenities on Sprague, Officer.
[14.12.2024 19:34:32] Wilde.Vernunft: - from custody. The vessels themselves are to be impounded for full investigation.
[14.12.2024 19:34:45] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: "If". I like that. This is teriffic. Well, Tim. I would rather not be sucking space and they look like they're looking for
[14.12.2024 19:34:48] S-Foods|T-037442: ...a reason.
[14.12.2024 19:34:56] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I am sure you would find the facilities somewhat lacking knowing Rheinlander standards...
[14.12.2024 19:35:09] Noth-1: Won't know until I've seen them. So...let's go.
[14.12.2024 19:35:22] S-Foods|T-118756: Tim: I.....just.....Joe this was supposed to be an easy run
[14.12.2024 19:35:40] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: Tell that to corporate office "if" we get released.
[14.12.2024 19:35:42] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Forgive me if I am somewhat hesitant on the matter... all of this is highly irregular.
[14.12.2024 19:35:54] Noth-1: It isn't. You would do the same.
[14.12.2024 19:36:02] Wilde.Nacht: S: You're looking at an intelligence operation in your own eytes.
[14.12.2024 19:36:06] Wilde.Nacht: S: Nothing unusual about it.
[14.12.2024 19:36:19] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: ... perhaps.
[14.12.2024 19:36:43] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Very well, you can inspect our space port detainment area if you like.
[14.12.2024 19:36:48] Noth-1: Let's go.
[14.12.2024 19:37:02] S-Foods|T-037442: Joe: I think after this I'm going to quit Synth Paste. If I get to live or see freedom again that is.
[14.12.2024 19:37:12] [OOC] S-Foods|T-037442: Synth Foods**
[14.12.2024 19:37:21] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Sprague is on the far side of the sun, but I am sure you are aware of this.
[14.12.2024 19:37:24] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[14.12.2024 19:37:39] Noth-1: Yeah, I know.
[14.12.2024 19:38:08] Noth-1: Let's see...
[14.12.2024 19:38:20] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: We have numerous surface facilities, and the Park of course.
[14.12.2024 19:38:23] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: VigarX
[14.12.2024 19:38:47] Noth-1: Getting in contact with those running the show on land.
[14.12.2024 19:39:00] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Uh hunh....
[14.12.2024 19:39:40] Noth-1: ...this. Is this what you call a proper colony?
[14.12.2024 19:39:50] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I mean, it's Bretonian, so it's dogshit.
[14.12.2024 19:39:50] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: there's 3 of them
[14.12.2024 19:39:53] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: possibly more
[14.12.2024 19:40:21] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I got 2 near me, but they've isolated me, they may want to take me out, not sure
[14.12.2024 19:40:39] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Ah hey, guess dispatch got the message.
[14.12.2024 19:40:41] Death: +Cryer+Oxycotin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[14.12.2024 19:40:55] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Monty, what erh... why did you ring?
[14.12.2024 19:41:09] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Bob, these Rheinlanders were busy with some steak out over near the ruins and they've been making a big fuss all day.
[14.12.2024 19:41:33] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I told them they could sort out their communication issues with SynthFoods on Sprague until they could talk shop with corporate
[14.12.2024 19:41:38] Noth-1: Some internal trouble. One that will stay internal and not burn fuel coming to this s
[14.12.2024 19:41:50] Noth-1: Ahem. Place.
[14.12.2024 19:42:07] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Right.
[14.12.2024 19:42:22] Noth-1: Synth Foods HQ is much more fit for a thorough investigation.
[14.12.2024 19:42:44] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: You may need to check with the LSF for that, as I believe their HQ is in Liberty somewhere.
[14.12.2024 19:42:47] Noth-1: ...or any other place, honestly. Not meaning to be rude, of course.
[14.12.2024 19:42:51] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: I am sure you two can cross reference your records.
[14.12.2024 19:43:00] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Oh no, please be rude, I know how Sprague is.
[14.12.2024 19:43:05] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: *sits back and slurps his coffee*
[14.12.2024 19:43:13] Noth-1: Well. It is pure shit, then.
[14.12.2024 19:43:24] Noth-1: I'll be seeing you around, Officer. Seems like I need to return to the convoy.
[14.12.2024 19:43:28] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Charming.
[14.12.2024 19:43:41] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Okay, Bob, guess this was a load of nothing... you go get your dinner.
[14.12.2024 19:43:53] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Right erh...
[14.12.2024 19:44:16] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Yeah, take care Monty erh... just ring me again if there's anything!
[14.12.2024 19:44:46] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: Bob I know you're off local comms, but gonna continue this sweep for O'Sullivan.
[14.12.2024 19:45:04] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: Bravo ten four Monty! have a good patrol!
[14.12.2024 19:45:24] CDI)Sgt-Bob.Pickering: *is heard spilling food all over his lap*
[14.12.2024 19:45:33] CDI)Sgt-J.Montgomery: *sighs*
EDIT: (15/12/834 11:01)
I couldn't sleep this morning, so I find myself pouring over pertinent paperwork to the matter above. It's been bothering me since I realized late last night that there were at least 3 different reasons given by the MND for stopping these ships; fines, theft, safety hazards. None of these warrant such a large response force. Rheinland proper does not recognize Omega-3 as being within their territory, and specifically designates this area as being under our jurisdiction from the Omegas Security Agreement of November 13 829 AS. The MND's detainment of the Synthfoods ships yesterday should have been done by Bretonian law enforcement, however the MND could be viewed as having violated Military Article 5 of the Security Agreement for failing to share information on this 'group' of suspects. Also in none of Rheinland's treaties I can access through the BretGov channels does it show anywhere that they hold any kind of law enforcement authority within Omega-3. So this technically could count as a UKBCIL Regulation 3.1 breach on part of the MND. Additionally, Pickering informs me that an MND ship was in the Cambridge system as part of this operation of theirs. That itself is a gross overstep of their authority, and I strongly advise contacting the BIS on the matter.