' Wrote:That's a good story. Interesting too, I made an OC gunboat for a specific situation and went to pirate some indy pirates for practice. Every single one of them refused to make payment.
Aint that fun!
Sometimes, the bad need cleaning from the bad.
While the whole system has flaws, tehre cannot be good balance between pirates and traders. We just gotat make up with what we have.
I love it when traders who "Don't know how to speak english but know the most illegal trade route flying the most expensive transport with heavy armor and anti-bomber guns." Try to use it as an excuse then I get PMed cursed out in the most perfect english.
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
' Wrote:In my experience when pirating it's always best to provide your victim with the illusion of choice.
People want to feel as though they have control over their character development and they want to feel as if the environment bends to their desires. They're more likely to cooperate with your demands if they feel like they have influence over the outcome of the encounter (even if, in reality, they have no influence whatsoever).
As for a death penalty, well.. I think everyone should be subject to a death penalty. When you die, I believe you should lose your ship. Simple as that. The lack of a proper death penalty will continue to be a detriment to roleplay. Devs spend too much time building mechanics to enforce ooRP policies when they should be building mechanics that encourage better roleplay standards. The lack of a death penalty is ridiculous on an "RP" server, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
Loosing your ships when destroyed is alredy discussed & will not be permitted
This is a game DUDE not RL
' Wrote:I love it when traders who "Don't know how to speak english but know the most illegal trade route flying the most expensive transport with heavy armor and anti-bomber guns." Try to use it as an excuse then I get PMed cursed out in the most perfect english.
heh! yep. those are my favorites. The guys that claim no english before you 86 'em are 9 times out of 10 lying through their teeth & will PM from their last spawn point saying things like "WTF DID YOU DO THAT FOR A******?!?!:lol:
' Wrote:That's a good story. Interesting too, I made an OC gunboat for a specific situation and went to pirate some indy pirates for practice. Every single one of them refused to make payment.
You're too easy to get away from. Get faster.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"><span style="color:#ffaaee">Accepting donations! Send money to problem?</span></span>
/l1 /l2 /l3 Bluemsg, Beam and sell. Problem?
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
Its hard though, pirating, and to some level you might just very well be forced to take a lolwut-approach.
For instance, yesterday I stopped two trains in my Sabre, and asked them for 2 million each. The one guy negotiated, and I said alright to 1 million each (a ridiculously low amount IMO), and he brought up the trade screen and kept lingering forever, so I had to shut that down and told him to transfer the cash fast. Then I get no response whatsoever, and after I tried communicating with them for a while I start shooting up one of the transports who still keeps 100% radio silence. I felt like blasting him out of the sky to teach him a lesson, but then another (experienced) player shows up on the scene and tell me to be nice to the two chaps, that they are new or whatever (but they still both had trains).
I decided to be Mr. Nice Guy, break off my attack and go to Cortez, met an RP-willing trader who informed me he didn't have cash on his character and he would get a friend to transfer him some. Surprise surprise, 1 minute later a bunter shows up, guns blazing.
So this experience tought me that as a pirate, if you want results, in most cases you have to be absolutely ruthless to oorp- and rp-traders alike. The moronic "2milordai" works in the sense that both oorp and rp traders will know that you truly mean it.