I am writting because i would like to make some credits. I dont have a specialized ship, nor the credits to buy one.
I do have time, and i consider myself to be very loyal.
I would be happy with anything as long as it pays, being mining ,trading maybe not escorting since im new.
I love to rp altho it quite limiting at the moment since the knowledge of the game isnt the best, i hope it gets better with time.
I try to spend time in the wiki and forums, its hard tp memorize everything right away.
My goal is to get enough credits to buy a decent Gunboat and explore the freelancer space,almost made a circle all around the fl map, from gallia lorreine to alaska, tried the Omicron 99 approach didnt work, so i had to go all the way around.
Anyway im drifting now.
I am portuguese but my english is quite good (not trying to be cocky:)). I can be during the day, my GMT is +1.
i work nightshifts at the moment. But i can be from 2 to 4hours sometimes even more during the day.
' Wrote:If you want quick money, try joining a trade faction, they often give you a transport when you join.
Hail, i do want money, but the most important factor is actually play with other people, be part of something bigger.
The idea sounds great ill try digging around for trading factions.
Go for mining faction that is not IMG- they all need more members. Check the faction part of the forum.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
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Bowex is the biggest trade group in Bretonia, and one of the biggest in the server overall as well. New recruits that don't have a transport get provided with one, and we've got a pretty much spotless track record when it cones to training up new players. If you're interested, check out the links in my sig. That'll point you in all the right directions.