The reason I mainly opposed this is not my hatred for the Zoners. I've no such sentiments for the group. It's mostly about roleplay and balance. I shouldn't have to tell you why it's inappropriate in roleplay. Self defense is one thing, actively hunting down aliens is another.
Now, for balance. The Zoner ID is already a rather powerful one. The changes you propose would make both the Order and the Core pretty much redundant. It's the same reason the Hessians are more popular than other Rheinland unlawfuls and why House Navies are more popular than House Police. Because they can do the same things and more. Each faction should have it's niche, or something only it can do. When it's not so, what's the whole point of that faction?
(03-24-2013, 01:44 PM)Tel-Aviv Wrote: Yeah it seems that the admins always come here whenever you post something, still its well within the good taste and though you may have a different opinion it is still valid and accepted and I have no problem with that.
However, i've noticed something about these people here, alot of them have a bad feeling about the zoners ( and really who can blame them ) - but keeping an open mind is always a good idea.
I have on both of them really but its just so happens that we've had 20 swarms or whatnot on a 1 Order pilot 1 sair and 1 core ( that was 14 hours ago with 178 players online ). - Surley someting is wrong here.
As someone said earlier,there's no such thing as THE Zoners.
There's a whole lot of different zoner groups.
You can't hate them all just 'cause one of them is spamming rants all the time.
While that is not a bad thing,you can actually try and listen to people and maybe follow their advice.Most of them have been around much longer than you and me,Tel.
Of course,I know how you feel,I mean,not having your Neph at 100% to shoot nomads could get really frustrating at times
As for getting swarmed or "ganked",that is a whole different topic.
Some call it bad taste,others refer to it as tactics,and there's those who simply don't care.
PS:Order's pretty active too,I can say that from personal experience.
It is quite fun to come back to a nerfed Zoner ID. (Again.)
From a balance perspective, if you are in a Nephilim and a Marduk approaches you, and starts shooting, you are going to die. Capital ship battles are so close that whoever lands their hits first, will win. (Most of the time, not including outliers and assuming some matched semblance of skill, just to nitwit/nitpick proof my post.)
I suppose the only thing to go is stand near Freeport 11 and bait them to coming within base range, and then shooting "to protect Zoner bases". I'd advise gluing a finger to the screen-shot key though.
Also, everyone reading should make a character in The Order.
(03-24-2013, 01:40 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: So in roleplay two factions fight Nomads actively: Order and Core. Each for their own reasons. Pick any or make characters at both sides and shoot Nomads. Zoners are not going to supersede any other faction in their roles, including Order. Want to see more Order? Help their activity by participating. That's it. You've mixed up statistical player activity with faction roles, but that's two distinctly different areas. I kinda expect you'll be insulting me once again (not that I care really, it's mildly amusing) and digging yourself even further in this thread.
I have on both of them really but its just so happens that we've had 20 swarms or whatnot on a 1 Order pilot 1 sair and 1 core ( that was 14 hours ago with 178 players online ). - Surley someting is wrong here.
Okay, so you've been outnumbered, happens all the time. Well, everyone got their bad luck days, that however doesn't deserve such public attention. I mean I had a terrible headache yesterday, news at eleven.
All three sides of this conflict (Order, Core and Nomads) are open, they have preset /restart commands too, it's really easy nowdays... Well okay, not fully open yet: public Nomads don't have access to bigger capital ships so far (would you like that?), and so they have to compensate it with having numbers in smaller ships and actually swarm their opponents capital ships.
(03-24-2013, 02:10 PM)n00bl3t Wrote: Also, everyone reading should make a character in The Order.
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N00b3t, send out a screen of fighters to stop that 'Duk getting close. CDs don't count as an attack, and in this case it'd be a purely defensive maneuver. Nomad capitals don't like getting pinned, so something blue is going to happen fairly quickly. Then you engage all blues what you see with mortars from range.
(03-24-2013, 12:16 PM)VoluptaBox Wrote: I strongly disagree with you. Both on a RP basis and an OORP one. What would be the point of the Order if you guys are going to do the same and, much, much more?
What point is that? I have yet to see more than 2 orders online are you stuck or something? im argueing about the order activity unless aerelm jumps in and steals the rest of my post.
Instead of whining about order activity and do nothing about it, why not make an order char and encourage your disco friends to make some as well? Organize raids, take the initiative, make RP. Hell, even encourage or drag Order factions with you.
You only need 3 easy to master traits for this: Friendliness, communication and reason.
Whining about the Order's lack of activity and moreover wanting to have the Zoners take their place won't magically increase their activity at all.
(03-24-2013, 01:30 PM)Tel-Aviv Wrote:
(03-24-2013, 01:26 PM)VoluptaBox Wrote: [quote='Tel-Aviv' pid='1314497' dateline='1364127108']
What point is that? I have yet to see more than 2 orders online are you stuck or something? im argueing about the order activity unless aerelm jumps in and steals the rest of my post.
Like others said, instead of complaining about order activity and doing nothing about it, try to play as order, make an order ship, encourage your friends to play and organize raids together. Be innovative. Maybe motivate the factions to join with you.
It's actually simple, you just need some simple and easy to master traits: Friendliness, communication, reason and the well known gentleman-code.
Whining about Order activity and doing nothing and moreover wishing to have the zoners take the Order's main reason of existance will do no help for the Order.
(03-24-2013, 01:14 PM)Snoopyman Wrote: [quote='VoluptaBox' pid='1314453' dateline='1364118026']
In most cases silently engaging is the best course of action and the best roleplay. Some just can't seem to understand that. It's funny how many think that the more words you spew, the better your roleplay is. It simply isn't true.
As a matter of fact, I'd extend the "no need for a thousand words prior to engagement" to a lot more IDs. The only reason I'm not pushing for it is because I know a lot of people don't have the maturity not to abuse it.
It works for the Nomads mostly because the ID is so limited otherwise.
What i am trying to say is that it is stupid for people just to attack free will with nothing being said. You could be sitting still one second and then a nomad bomber comes and takes your shields down and snacs you before you even get a chance to move.
(03-24-2013, 01:20 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Ah, an Omicron rant!
In my opinion, there is an universal truth about Nomad rp: "The less, the better".
Few players are capable of doing the Nomad rp.
The majority (myself included) better stay away from: "*** bleeeb // blub *** stars *** light (!) poor rp attempts.
So, nothing is wrong with silently engaging Nomads.
They create a more realistic background than the "talking" Nomad.
That Zoners get into the crossfire is just what should happen. That's why they have heavy toys. And what is difficult about doing "Defending myself/ship X/Station Y/Humanity against the Nomad threat" rp? You'll always find something to defend because Nommies attack everything.
To be honest, I would actually like to have silent engaging nomads rather than the current RP some indies pull out. No offence meant to anyone, but personally, I don't like the RP some indies come up with like "Me wantz your brains" or "Me wants your blood" (All this with nomad speech). But this is a personal opinion though. And no, I wouldn't wish to have all the nomads do no RP at all... I had many great encounters by ''peacefully" RPing with nomads.
(03-24-2013, 01:21 PM)Implosion Wrote:
(03-24-2013, 11:54 AM)Tel-Aviv Wrote: Zoners Dont take sides In Order/core/corsair/outcast ; 70% of the Omicrons is Zoner based Bases or ZOI.
Wrong,most of the indy zoners use their nephs to either farm nomads or grind anti-core missions in Mu or Delta.
They do take sides.
I really have to second this. Zoners DO take sides and most of the time they ally with Order. Hell, I've seen countless zoner nephilims farming nomads and refusing to give them when I demand them forcing me to shoot them out of their existance.
Moreover, I've also been warned by zoners and even shot at while I was on my core faction char and went to Mu and other omicrons. I need to add that they shot first.
Moreover, if the Order activity really displeases you and you still want to shoot Nomads, make a Core char. As mentioned above, they have less indies.
From my point of few, Zoners will never get the ability to engage the Nomads the same way Order and Core do. That will make the Order and Core, especially Order obsolete.
Moreover, Zoners are not even organized in one group, and additionally, they are civilians, not military groups. It would be logical that if a civilian or a zoner sees a Nomad, he would run like hell to the nearest secured station and let the Order or Core do the job.
You also mentioned that some people have a distaste towards Zoner. That is certainly not true, at least from my point of view. There are countless different zoner factions and you can't have the same point of view regarding all of them for the same reason. Moreover, the hatred you mentioned could only be cast upon indie zoners who make great lolwuttery.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
(03-24-2013, 02:20 PM)n00bl3t Wrote: Heh, no response to balance?
I thought the Core was more active, based on what I have seen and even going off faction activity. (Balance?)
Okay, fixed that for you here:
(03-24-2013, 02:10 PM)n00bl3ttreewyrm Wrote: Also, everyone reading should make characters for Order, Core Guild and Nomads. At least one character per each faction.
Just for everyone shouting about how Zoners would run to the nearest station. (Also, I laugh at the idea of a Nephilim running from a few fighters or a gunboat with fighter escort. That's not good RP, that's just stupid.)