Ah, ye, effective range. Forgot to post that. 1500m for the BS razor, 1200 for the cruiser. Not too different from present, but especially the cruiser razor got a major buff in projectile speed - at the cost of a bit of range.
Just tried to see how a mining gun would look with a similar effect. Answer: Hideous. Reverting that one... I think a small fighter weapon, or Solaris gun may be a better idea.
[Edit] No, no way no how. This is going to look ridiculous on fighter weapons due to the high relative angular velocity of fighters. Rays, in order to hit, would need to fire two to three fighterlengths ahead of their target for the dummy projectile to hit. That's going to be very confusing for folk. Aside from that the ray doesn't appear when fired from cockpit view... I'll have to limit it to the gunboat turrets.
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It looks neat, although I'm worried this'll make capitals even more of a pain for those of us who don't really fly them that often. Two battle razors that are almost impossible to avoid (if you get a clean shot, I guess), chainfired just a little after eachother, would instantly kill pretty much everything.
(03-26-2013, 11:11 PM)Hasteric Wrote: Two battle razors that are almost impossible to avoid (if you get a clean shot, I guess), chainfired just a little after eachother, would instantly kill pretty much everything.
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(03-26-2013, 11:11 PM)Hasteric Wrote: It looks neat, although I'm worried this'll make capitals even more of a pain for those of us who don't really fly them that often. Two battle razors that are almost impossible to avoid (if you get a clean shot, I guess), chainfired just a little after eachother, would instantly kill pretty much everything.
Well, if they're mounting two of those, that makes them extremely vulnerable to other capital ships. Mounting heavy defence lasers instead of long range mortars of missiles means another cruiser or battleship will tear them up.
Fight to your strengths, play to your enemy's weaknesses.
EDIT: And yeah, it's more a cosmetic facelift to get rid of the fluffy death-marshmallows. There are some important changes though, as you'll see in AD's post up there.
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(03-26-2013, 11:37 PM)Veygaar Wrote: They're already like that :|
Not really. As long as you're moving a little as a snub you're fairly safe to dual-razor cruisers. If they become almost instant hit, however, combined with turret zoom making aiming them a breeze as well.. I'm just a little worried.
And yes, I do understand they're a trade-off, but ships such as the LSC armed with Solaris' and Battle Razors are already quite effective at both doing some damage at long range to heavier ships, and keeping three or more bombers off its back at the same time.
(03-26-2013, 11:38 PM)jammi Wrote: Well, if they're mounting two of those, that makes them extremely vulnerable to other capital ships. Mounting heavy defence lasers instead of long range mortars of missiles means another cruiser or battleship will tear them up.
Fight to your strengths, play to your enemy's weaknesses.
Then there's the factions that don't have capital ships at all. Mercs, groups like CR| that have a history of not using many - or any - capital ships for in-roleplay reasons, etcetera. If you're forced to take down capitals using bombers, said capitals becoming much more resistant to bombers (potentially) can be a problem.
In the mercs' case, avoiding capital ships isn't really an option as they tend to be the best-paying, and frankly most numerous enemies.
I'm not against the weapon looking better and offering more solid performance in the anti-snub field. It's just that given the current stats, and such high accuracy, I'm worried they'd become a magnitude or so too powerful.
(03-26-2013, 11:11 PM)Hasteric Wrote: It looks neat, although I'm worried this'll make capitals even more of a pain for those of us who don't really fly them that often. Two battle razors that are almost impossible to avoid (if you get a clean shot, I guess), chainfired just a little after eachother, would instantly kill pretty much everything.
The turret turning speed is slowed a bit to give the fighters a counter: By using their agility. If you're making a flyby perpendicular to the turret it's unlikely to keep up. If you're flying straight at the capship and try to SNAC it at midrange, yea, you run the risk of getting insta'd.
But keep in mind too, for a chainfired razor, the capital ship requires at least 2 heavy turrets occupied. Which means less Cerberus or Mortaring power, which makes it less effective when dealing with other capships. If a cruiser shows up against a razor-equipped battleship and starts mortaring, the razorBS is in trouble. If you need to take one out as a snub group - Nova torpedos outrange the razors by twice it's range. SNACs is a possibility if you aim for the far end of the ship - where the mortars are not - and break away right when you've launched a SNAC. This takes skill - you've got about 100m of room to work with, plus whatever room you add by attacking the far side of the ship. Get sloppy, get zapped.
I don't think people understand the importance of the force_ori setting for this type of weapon and how it will affect how it needs to be used. I expect some folk will report poor performance as a bug even.
Small update: Revisited some inventory assignments for bases that were missed. Leeds and Tau31 gate, as well as the Wilde bases. Gave the Wilde bases a loadout appropriate for their region: Up to gunboat weapons (including the Nom equipment), plus the house weapons for the region the Wilde base is in. Kusari for Tegagi's, Bret/Lib for Tau117, Rhein for Omega55. Should allow them to get sneaky whichever way they choose. Capital equipment was axed from those bases. Wild don't have cruiser/battleship access anyway.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
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