Sad to see the thread becoming useless to those who are designing the Omicrons because the useful and interesting ideas (even if conflicting) get covered by unimportant side-arguments.
This is not a "distribute cookies" discussion, nor a "secure your future sweets!", but a great channel to offer different approaches on what to do with the commodity.
Derailing it into "but I think this is right because..." doesn't yield much any more. The arguments have been exchanged. Let's see whether groundbreaking new ideas come in.
(06-27-2014, 12:11 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Texan oil companies are better at extracting crude oil from Iraqs oil fields than Iraq's companies. Yesterday I saw a documentary on Copper mining in Chile and Peru. European companies, using european high tech equipment and our university skilled people are behind it.
Two examples where said companies have encountered said materials on their main working field. Texas have their own oil to develop the technology to extract on, and Europe have their copper deposits too. Please tell me, where did IMG encounter iridium before? Taus? Omegas? Where else do IMG mine?
IMG might have the expertise to mine minerals and metals in the areas they've been operating in so far, but I hardly think the've been a frequent sight in the Omicrons in the past years, and thus iridium is a fairly new metal for them to work with. How about you try to roleplay getting familiar with it first, before asking for the bonus you are yet to justify, you know, like the AI faction does?
Can you please... please... just realize that I was not asking for an IMG bonus (but for a bonus for all expert mining groups) and you can also read the reasons and considerations where I posted that. Thank you.
I dont see how Daumann or BMM or Kruger or GMS is interested in the edge worlds. DSE, Samura, none of them have any valid roleplay except for IMG(kudos btw) for exploring the edge worlds. sure, you are independant, but I dont see how people who cant establish mining ops in O41 itself(vanilla lore), will go to mine in a Omicron, nomad omicron st that.
(06-27-2014, 03:42 PM)seven-alpha-one-one Wrote: I dont see how Daumann or BMM or Kruger or GMS is interested in the edge worlds. DSE, Samura, none of them have any valid roleplay except for IMG(kudos btw) for exploring the edge worlds. sure, you are independant, but I dont see how people who cant establish mining ops in O41 itself(vanilla lore), will go to mine in a Omicron, nomad omicron st that.
As GMS, we are are very unlikely to want to venture our that far, unless of course somehow Gallia conquers a large swathe of Sirius in the meantime, as we have far too many enemies between us and the field. There are also no safe Havens for us to dock on seeing as Zoners are not on friendly enough terms. Maybe the DRED side of GMS might try it but I think this is very unlikely.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
Well it ain't too bad here. Doesn't bother me much and I just ignore pointless bickering anyway, been there a time long enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. There definitely were thoughts here and there that I'll make use of. To me it's about having people come up with their thoughts, views and their ideas, it's not about some sort of consensus reaching, and to this end, however a little hot it may get, the thread does serve the purposes alright.
Anyway, improvements to mining in Omicrons were intended from the beginning, so yes they will be there, and that being said there's more than just iridium. So yeah something will happen there.
Overall there are few key points to this redesign of Omicrons. While it's more about theme and setting up the environment it does affect the mining there as it is a part of it as well. The general idea is that life in Omicrons is meant to be tough and it should be reflected. From infocards to wreck fields of the battles that took place all around. But tough not in a sense of tuning up NPCs everywhere. Definitely not like that, but you are to be mindful of routes you'd take as some are to be riskier than others and some you don't want to enter without backup. Selecting next jump hole and AFK'ing would not be an option. Resources are few, barely any habitable worlds, so the scarcity makes them precious to survive. Ever shifting territorial borders, mostly lawless even though various groups trying to install their own laws in territories they claim for however short or long periods those are. With raising up risks there are rewards to be as well for activity. When some say something along the lines that more factions could set up local shops there be mindful that Omicrons aren't going to turn into sort of Border Worlds in terms of stability and life improving conditions. Any sort of endeavor into expanding business there will be a tremendous risk. Building up a dreadful sense, the anticipation of the conflict escalating and the war making rounds up to next stage. All along the context of the global story.
(06-27-2014, 02:47 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Can you please... please... just realize that I was not asking for an IMG bonus (but for a bonus for all expert mining groups) and you can also read the reasons and considerations where I posted that. Thank you.
What I wrote applies to any mining faction. While they are experts at mining, they are experts on their own working field. I do not expect Daumann or Kruger being pros about Niobium mining, sure not as much as how good they are when it comes to mining Diamond, same thing applies to all mining factions in regards of Iridium. It's simply a metal you don't work with on a daily basis.
Apologies for missing that. If roleplay from IMG like that becomes more frequent, I can see the Iridium mining bonus becoming justified for IMG. This also applies to any other mining faction.
(06-27-2014, 02:57 PM)Jack_Henderson Wrote: Sad to see the thread becoming useless to those who are designing the Omicrons because the useful and interesting ideas (even if conflicting) get covered by unimportant side-arguments.
If certain topics are unimportant for you, you are free to stay outside of the discussion, but to my knowledge this thread exists to discuss said useful and interesting ideas, and as I see that's pretty much what's happening.
Dropping a few bits of info here and there, could you enlighten us a bit more? What do you mean by "there's more than just iridium" regarding mining? Or was that "more than" part meant to be the rest you described in your following paragraph?
(06-27-2014, 04:09 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Dropping a few bits of info here and there, could you enlighten us a bit more? What do you mean by "there's more than just iridium" regarding mining? Or was that "more than" part meant to be the rest you described in your following paragraph?
Another resource to mine. Some resources to as drop items from missions. Things like that. More things to do and not just narrow focus on player-to-player interactions.
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Iridium is a trade commodity that happens to be mine-able, not an ore that happens to be trade-able. To mine and sell iridium at rates similar to ores, iridium ore needs to be created and handled independently from the iridium trade commodity. Whoever it is that handles the mining mod would be responsible for that. Development work on the trade economy and mining economy are completely separate and independent of each other.
Check out my Trade Development Blog
for all the latest news on Nerfs and Final Nails, or to request trade changes.
(06-27-2014, 06:02 PM)Xoria Wrote: Iridium is a trade commodity that happens to be mine-able, not an ore that happens to be trade-able. To mine and sell iridium at rates similar to ores, iridium ore needs to be created and handled independently from the iridium trade commodity. Whoever it is that handles the mining mod would be responsible for that. Development work on the trade economy and mining economy are completely separate and independent of each other.
Could iridium prices be buffed as a trade commodity?
It was buffed...9000 selling price on planet holstein, but at same premium scap was buffed. means just a few people did care of iridium and yes, the AIs have used to exchange iridium for other required commodities instead of using human credits since the beginning of our tiny AI house.Therefore we have just requested a mining bonus for iridium.