And it can mine a commodity which has a very good sell point, on par with ores. Not all the transports can mine, have so many regens, mount gb turrets, have a cool powercore and have a pretty sleek profile (unlike the box like profile of most transports), which makes it a godly ship in the hands of capable people. And all that is the downside of the salvager is its somewhat bigger size, absence of CD. I am pretty sure the pros of the ship outweigh the cons.
Actually, the main issue is unrelated to its GB turrets, size, mining ability, lack of a CD or anything else like that.
The issue is much simpler than that: pure survivability under fire.
The fact that it's large but flat and has massive firepower is secondary.
The main problem with it is: it has sufficient cargo space to be a valid trade vessel, while being nigh-unstoppable simply by virtue of high base armor, huge regen count, and light transport thrust speed. A combination no other ship (except the Raba, to a lesser extent) can boast.
Of course the other factors are relevant when considering its overall balance, but it simply will not change the fact that it's an unpirateable medium transport.
Have there been super major changes since 4.85/4.86 to the Raba & Salvager??????
When I previously played (through 4.86) and on my mercs (Mandalorian Mercenaries & Reavers) or pirate (Pirate ID & Molly) I never had any major troubles with taking down either a Raba or a Salvager, even when TSing was introduced.
Combined with an old slow computer, high ping, and using a touchpad instead of a mouse I was far from being the most capable pilot in the game, so if I could blow one up rather easily I don't see what the problem is.
What changes have there been to these ships in 4.87?
(10-26-2014, 09:22 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Gunboat turrets became deadly.
Okies, I can dig that...but really *that* powerful?? I never classified myself as anything more than mid-range when it came to PvP when comparing to others I knew. I've solo'd both ship types in a bomber (roc, barghest, gallic bomber) and with a 4.86 werewolf.
A couple nights ago I killed an indy salvager in Dublin with a borrowed indy Molly barghest (he was using a BMM miner and tried to run when I pirated him).
If someone like me who was never in the top 50% of PvP-whores and who just returned to the game and forgets which is the dock button in game after 2 years gone...I really fail to understand the problems with killing these ships.
I *know* I'm not that good, so I figure if I can do it, nearly anyone can. I'm not defending against the OP complaint, it's simply that I just don't understand the OP complaint.
If this is really that big of a concern, considering it's SIZE and AGILITY, might as well give it a smaller powercore, scale it up, and slow it down to make it easier to hit and maybe reduce the amount of firepower to some extent. You may or may not switch some turrets to transport turrets if you need to.
Right now I am not as concerned as not every Salvager owner uses Solaris.
Protege's test was still pretty interesting to look at though, considering that I have never really had to deal with a Salvager TSing and firing on me...yet.
The video is interesting. However instead of comparing a CAU8 Salvager to an AU8 P-train, could we get a comparison versus the more common battle transports at equal armor levels? When SW) was around I had far less trouble getting a blue message on Pig Pen's salvager than against Rubber Duck's CAU8 shire. As part of [Convoy] (now BAF|MN) we were attacked by a Scyllia dessie once and 3 or 4 Cau6 to Cau8 shires decimated the Rogue dessie. Also, in doing the comparison can we please see equal amount of dodging of gunfire? I noticed more dodging from the Ptrain's guns and more head on direct into the gunfire flight vs the Salvager. Either way, yeah, I'll agree that a CAU8 sally is much harder to kill than an AU8 Ptrain any day of the week.
Also, being newly returned to the server, was that the new remodeled Warran that was being used for a bomber? Looks cool