(02-14-2020, 09:11 AM)Jayce Wrote: Stop flying your bomber in a straight line at the cap.
(02-19-2020, 12:24 PM)Sh'ozak Ma'hk'null Wrote: Legit, the only thing snubs should ever worry about on caps is staying away from them.
And how does one convince the snub that starts hugging the cruiser whenever someone shoots at it to stay away? Express righteous indignation and call him a bad man? God knows people have done that in the past, but it never seemed to work very well.
We are in an endless domino effect of nerfs which will probably continue until every fun thing in the game is gone. But hey, noms have endless cloaks so it will be alright.
(02-19-2020, 07:18 PM)Chi Wrote: noms have endless cloaks so it will be alright.
Battleship and transport cloaks might as well last forever. I challenge you to get around as Khara, the only group with infinite cloaks, and not get murdered horribly seconds after being seen 16km away by a battleship scanner. Khara are permanent gank targets, regardless if they're involved in the fight or on the outskirts. I've had all 4 sides on a fight in delta turn on me from 8km away cus they noticed me.
Wrong thread for bitching about Khara. If someone abusing their cloak, theres a feedback thread for it