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Yup, we're still working on it. For the demo release, literally all we need is models. NSW is almost completely done so far as written materials go (200 rumours and counting - I'm estimating a final count of 240-270), and the Beta system will probably take about a day to do after that.
If you know any modellers, please badger, bother, coerce, persuade, flatter, intimidate, charm or trick them into helping us out. :P
We're primarily looking for station models, really. We have enough ships for a basic release, although we would appreciate someone assisting with the creation of a Medicean Legion line, which should look fairly unified.
I know you're all pumped for the demo release of Broken Bonds, whenever that'll be. And I realise the full release will just be the first version, but... gosh darn it, I'm just so excited for this particular chunk of content I don't want to wait. I've already posted this on the BB forums themselves, but for those who haven't been there yet, here is your sneak peek at the third (yes, third!) House of the Pleiades:
The Kingdom of Sankara
Backstory: When the Invictus left for the Pleiades, the tiny African nation of Burkina Faso was angry at being left behind. Marshalling all their resources, they built their own sleeper ship, somehow, and pursued the Italians and the Australians all the way to the sector. Now they have been waiting, biding their time and building up the strongest military ever seen to crush their former compatriots.
Today: Sankara spans 45 star systems just outside the Pleiades Sector, with 58 habitable planets. Its capital, New Ouagadougou in the Kadiogo system, is home to more than half of the House's sixty billion people and a sizable chunk of its frankly irresponsible military. Now, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I can reveal that, upon Sankara's introduction in our seventh mod release, it will immediately flatten Medicea and absorb all its territory, leaving Southern Cross in a very precarious position. But, on the bright side, look at all the new content you'll be getting!
Planetary Features: And you thought the Daam K'Vash got bored in Gallia? Sankara has, among other planetary marvels:
The largest planet in the universe (it takes up three star systems!)
A pyramid of fifteen (yes, fifteen!) planets stacked on top of each other - take THAT, Dauphine!
A moon shaped exactly like Richard Nixon's head
An asteroid field that spells out the complete text of Marcel Proust's à la recherche du temps perdu
And no - we won't be explaining how ANY of it makes a lick of sense!
Ships: The lucky players who get to be Sankarans will have all sorts of new toys to play with! We don't want to give too much away, but I can tell you that the Sankaran Battleship will have 327 guns, be the size of a small star, and be able to take out a Medicean Dreadnought from two systems away. Naturally, these ships will be completely unrestricted!
Other highlights include a gunboat the size of a bomber, a bomber the size of a heavy fighter, a heavy fighter the size of a light fighter and a light fighter the size of a small child.
Factions: The only two factions in Sankara will be the gigantic Sankaran King's Navy and the Sankara Syndicate, a pirate faction. Because, let's face it, that's all anyone's going to play anyway.
So there you have it! I hope you're all just as excited as I am at this sneak preview, and that I won't get tarred and feathered by the dev team for revealing it too early!
Join me next week as I exclusively reveal how the Nomads were actually behind the whole situation in the Pleiades from the beginning!
Who is creating the textures for these ships? While they have done a fairly solid job, they really need more flare. Maybe some thing to make them not look so crisp and clean, a little dirt and scratches perhaps? That bomber looks good but that sterilized white detracts from it greatly. That battleship falls under the same problem I would say.