What about the escorts- are they allowed to harass the concurrency? Would shooting each other escorts be considered as disqualification?
How the OORP knowledge would be prevented?
I mean I start to smuggle on S with completion of S1 S2 and S3 and get my buddy to catch and kill them with other char if they fly better/faster then me?
I am considering to organise 2-3 people for it- it sounds fun.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
This would be a lot more fun if you could actually do something to slow your competition down. Otherwise you're just going to have three or four people sitting around a JH waiting to jump. Will severely hinder others.
Throw in you're allowed to CD your competition. Though, that hinders you as well, for they can just as well CD you after you engage your engines.
Make it harder, and I might consider throwing in my Anki in the mix.
- the listed transport/freighter IS ALLOWED to CD the competition, this doesn't count as an attack afterall and is actually encouraged
-Escorts are a good idea to protect you from the usual problems during smuggling even more so as metagaming can't be avoided, so at least you know a horde of cops /hessians are waiting behind the next jumphole
- As al racers have to be in the group with the judge they are super easy to identify and metagame, which honestly sucks but can't be avoided if you want to stop certain ways of cheating. Thus you have to expect to get caught and attacked along the way (propably at JHs) - be it to police faction members who are happy to find some work or some pirates who dislike you.
You have to play smart to evade metagaming somewhat- be it with bribing, firepower, speed, fighting skills or paying of pirates- adly you can't count on folks not using the chatlist to identify you and your location if they are out to get you
-on escort vs escort combat: while the racers itself are a no no to shoot at i think that scorts can duke it out if they like to - it surely shouldn't happen in Omicron Gamma as it is a bit of a low blow(but perfectly fitting with smugglers!)
To sum it up- be creative to generate the most fun and rp for you and everyone! Play hardball - snitch on the other racers bribe police and prates to stop them and ignore you, whatever..
We want to find the best organized, meanest and most efficient smuggler and party while watching you guys - that is the idea more or less
Anna, my smuggler, will be taking part as pilot of her ship the Beguiled_Economy.
As long as we don't have too many people CDing each other at the start (maybe at least let us get out of Gamma before we start hassling each other?) and there aren't too many police players, it should be good fun.
Is there going to be a thread for us to post our screenshots and any boasting etc.?
' Wrote:This would be a lot more fun if you could actually do something to slow your competition down. Otherwise you're just going to have three or four people sitting around a JH waiting to jump. Will severely hinder others.
Throw in you're allowed to CD your competition. Though, that hinders you as well, for they can just as well CD you after you engage your engines.
Make it harder, and I might consider throwing in my Anki in the mix.
The amount of Corsair Cruiser Pirates on Sunday will quadruple , i think you will
have more to worry about than CDs ;)
' Wrote:we have to be in the group, but do we have to take the same route?
It'd be pretty boring if it was just whoever got to the front of the jump gate/hole queues that won - a massive trail of smugglers isn't exactly a subtle way to avoid the authorities either...
I guess the choice of route is probably a personal one (if you don't know if any are particularly faster or not), but if you die in, say, Hamburg then you'd be much slower getting through Texas to New York.
Unfortunately for me (but fortunately for all da other competitors, hahaha) my smuggling days are far behind me...
[size=medium]BUT (dis is a big but here, brudda)
My entertainment skills are still as top-tier as they ever were....
What I'm proposing is dis:
You need catering, to a degree, 'fore the festivities start; And if there's' one thing the "Belching Betty" is known for, it's her hospitality.
What I'm sayin' is dis, cuzz; I'm willing to fill up da 'Belching Betty' with luxury food and/or wine for your little party, all 'n exchange for the honor of letting me stay; Of course, my load-out is completely up to you; I'm more than happy to accommodate any "special requests" the Elders might have in exchange for letting me attend a "real deal" Corsair party. I've flown through your space a few times, delivered Pharms on more than one occasion, and I know how accommodating you guys can be those that "donate to the cause", so to speak.
And, to sweeten the pot even further, I'm willing to bring "Big Ben" Nawahine with me; Houston's most acclaimed musician and master of the Ukelele!