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Energy weapons

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Each and every energy weapon that can be mounted on a ship uses one of four different methods of projectile generation, each producing a bolt effective against a particular type of shields whilst being less effective against another type.


Tachyon weapons are balanced between damage and speed - they do relatively high damage, whilst retaining their long range, and fire faster projectiles than plasma weapons. They also have a smaller energy drain. Tachyon bolts are most effective against molecular shields, and least effective against positron shields.

By effectiveness on shields, tachyon weapons should be compared with photon, laser or pulse weapons, but because of damage, photon would be more effective - the comparing effect high effectivity on molecular and positron shields with a reduced effectivity on graviton shields and an average-high enegy usage. Changing the photon to laser effects an increased speed and less energy usage.

First choice: Photon Second choice: Laser, Pulse

In combination with: Plasma


Neutron weapons are all round, slated to be able to respond to most threats on an at least average level. Neutron discharges deal average to high damage, with medium refire and energy use. Neutron projectiles are effective against molecular shields, and deal less damage against positron shields.

By effectivity on shields, Neutron should be compared with laser, photon and pulse weapons, but because of speed, laser would be more effective - the comparing effect high effectivity on molecular and positron shields with a reduced effectivity on graviton shields and an average enegy usage. Changing the laser to photon effects an increased damage and energy usage.

First choice: Laser Second choice: Photon, Pulse

In combination with: Particle, Plasma


Particle cannons are middle ground between neutron and tachyon weapons. They fire faster projectiles than tachyon guns, are more energy efficient, but also sport lower range and damage. They are most effective against graviton shields, and least effective against molecular shields.

By effectivity on shields, particle guns should be compared with neutron or tachyon weapons, but because of energy, neutron would be more effective - the comparing effect high effectivity on graviton and molecular shields with a reduced effectivity on positron shields and a high-average enegy usage.

First choice: Neutron Second choice: Tachyon

In combination with: Laser


Photon cannons are rarely used weapons, mainly due to the maintenance requirements. They are very specialised, shooting high speed, low damage bolts at a small energy cost and with fast refire. They are most effective against positron shields, and least effective against graviton shields.

By effectivity on shields, Photon should be compared with plasma or particle weapons, but because of damage, plasma would be more effective - the comparing effect high effectivity on positron and graviton shields with a reduced effectivity on molecular shields and a high-average energy usage.

First choice: Plasma Second choice: Particle

In combination with: Tachyon


Laser guns are the most common weapons used in space, requiring little technical expertise to maintain. They are generally middle-ranged, dealing medium to low damage, but are energy efficient and sport a high refire rate. They are most effective against positron shields, and least effective against graviton shields.

By effectivity on shields, Laser should be compared with Particle or Plasma weapons, but because of energy, Particle would be more effective - the comparing effect high effectivity on positron and graviton shields with a reduced effectivity on molecular shields and a low-average energy usage.

First choice: Particle Second choice: Plasma

In combination with: Neutron


Plasma cannons function by generating large globes of ionised energy and propulsing them out of the weapon barrel by magnetic force. Such bolts are very destructive upon impact to both shields and armour plating, however they require large amounts of energy to work and the issue of overheating prevents quick refire. Plasma bolts also dissipate fairly quickly, sporting only medium range in general. They are most effective against Graviton shields, and least effective against Molecular shields.

By effectivity on shields, plasma should be compared with tachyon or neutron weapons, but because of range, tachyon would be more effective - the comparing effect high effectivity on graviton and molecular shields with a reduced effectivity on positron shields, high damage and a high enegy usage.

First choice: Tachyon Second choice: Neutron

In combination with:Photon


Pulse guns are a specialised type of weapon characterised by their electro-magnetic discharge upon impact, but sporting no significant effect on most materials themselves. Although most ship hulls are designed to prevent these weapons from shutting down electronics with their EMP, pulse guns are still an important part of any arsenal due to their ability to drain shield power quickly and effectively.


Some weapons do direct physical damage to the target, and their energy damage is not modified by the target's shields. In particular, all CODENAME guns, missiles, torpedoes, mines, and capital ship weapons use direct impact damage. Note that some of these weapons also perform like Pulse weapons, doing more energy damage than hull damage, but they still do direct energy damage and are not modified by the target's shields.