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{{Ship Infobox
#redirect [[T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer]]
| name = Kusari Explorer
| image =
| shipclass = GUNBOAT
| shipowner = {{House Link | Kusari}}
| guns = 0
| turrets = 7
| CD = 1
| CM = 1
| hull = 100,000
| cargo = 430
| maxregens = 350
| optwepclass = 8
| maxwepclass = 8
| maxshieldclass = 8
| maxspeed = 80
| maxthrust = 140
| maxpower = 600,000
| recharge = 60,000
| hullcost = 19,000,000
| fullcost = 22,014,750
The first ships of the Kusari Explorer type were built in 490 A.S., the period when space exploration was considered very important for the House of [[Kusari]]. Bearing a power array and weapon systems similar to a Gunboat, the Explorers were reliable enough to spend long months and even years completely alone with a small crew onboard, mapping remote systems and seeking uncharted jump holes. These years, the period of active space exploration is over for Kusari, but not for the [[Gas Miners Guild]] who are constantly seeking new mineable areas in the Sirius nebulas and use many Explorer-type vessels to increase research efficiency. Several Explorers also stay on in service with the Kusari Naval Forces.
Similar to most transports.
* 7 Class 8 Gunboat Turrets
* [[Honshu]], [[Kusari]]
* [http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/159/screen4qc7.jpg]
* [http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/8526/screen3yb5.jpg]
[[Category: Discovery content]]

Latest revision as of 01:34, 13 November 2012