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Current Pilots and Forum Member Accounts are:
Current Pilots and Forum Member Accounts are:
*[GC]-Ai.Takeda (GC Leader. Forum name is Kuraine) (Taisho)
*[GC]-Ai.Takeda (Kuraine) (Taisho)
*[GC]-Chie.Mori (Corrupted) (Taisa)
*[GC]-Chie.Mori (Corrupted) (Taisa)
*[GC]-Lady.Kurisho (Geisha Maiko) (Shosho)
*[GC]-Lady.Kurisho (Geisha Maiko) (Shosho)

Revision as of 15:19, 30 May 2009

This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Golden Chrysanthemums


The Golden Chrysanthemums are a terrorist organization dedicated to the overthrow of the current Kusari government and replacing it with a matriarchy that is dedicated to the good of all the people, male and female. They are especially concerned with the rights of the severely oppressed women of Kusari, and see themselves as freedom fighters in the cause for equal rights.

The Golden Chrysanthemums have a special hatred of Samura, particularly in light of its overwhelming control of the current regime, and a large number of their attacks are frequently targeted at Samura installations and convoys. The Kusari State Police have had little luck infiltrating their organization so far, as a Cardamine addiction is required to become a full fledged member, and the sisterhood of the Golden Chrysanthemums and their Blood Dragon allies are ever vigilant.


Naming Convention:

  • [GC]-Firstname.Lastname (example: [GC]-Ai.Takeda)
  • All GC players must have a female Japanese name. Male names can only be approved by the faction leader.

Tag: Golden Chrysanthemums

ID: Golden Chrysanthemum ID

Used ships:

  • Golden Chrysanthemum Line (Blossom and Orchid)
  • Civilian Line (Hawk LF, Griffin LF, Falcon LF, Eagle VHF, Civilian Bomber)
  • Capital Ships (Outcast Tridente Gunship)

Available Weapons and Equipment:

  • Civilian
  • Standard Missiles/Explosives/Scanners/Armours
  • Golden Chrysanthemum (our preferred weapons)
  • Maximum of 1 Blood Dragon Laser on any ship. (Must have been donated to you by a Dragon)
  • Civilian Kusari
  • Codename Weapons allowed (members have to acquire codenames themselves)
  • Nomad Weapons not allowed (all Nomad weapons to be handed in for disposal by Blood Dragon experts)
  • Nomad Thrusters not allowed (replacements are too hard to come by)
  • Nomad Turrets not allowed

All weapons not listed here cannot be used, except with the explicit permission of the Golden Chrysanthemum faction leader.

Goals and Operations:

Engaging the combat ships of our enemies is, while worthy, not our ultimate goal. While the Golden Chrysanthemums are indeed prepared to strive, even gladly die, for victory on the battlefield, our objectives go far beyond that:

  • Do as much damage as possible to Samura’s operations throughout Kusari in an attempt to bring the company to its knees, or at least to conceding political objectives in our fight for women’s rights. This involves the interdiction and destruction of Samura shipping and assaults against Samura installations.
  • Attacking Kusari Naval and Police forces in an attempt to weaken the central government. This will also have a knock-on effect regarding Cardamine supply and distribution in Kusari; with fewer police and navy patrols, our Outcast allies will also be able to operate more effectively throughout Kusari in combating the Corsairs.
  • Being familiar with the layout of each system that falls within our zone of influence is critical to our survival and avoiding being intercepted while carrying out our mission objectives, and for escaping with valuable cargo. Do not, under any circumstances, allow yourselves to be captured. If necessary, use the self-destruct in your ship to prevent you and/or valuable cargo falling into enemy hands.
  • Engage and destroy any Corsair, Hogosha and Farmers Alliance forces encountered. Give aid to any Junker forces encountered, as their increased influence in Kusari can only erode the power of the Hogosha.
  • Our only safe port of call in Kusari space proper is the Interspace Commerce base, Roppongi Station. Interspace Commerce does not mind our presence and we buy essential supplies there. To this end we will try to protect any Interspace Commerce shipping passing through Kusari in an effort to continue this policy of toleration and neutrality.
  • Assist Bretonian forces and/or shipping in any way possible. If the Bretonian government is eventually victorious against Kusari, this may weaken the central government to the point where we and our Blood Dragon allies could be able to effect a regime change for the greater good of Kusari and all its citizens, male and female. If, however, we cannot topple the Kusari government, we would far prefer to see Kusari ruled by the Queen of Bretonia than any male, as we would at least finally be granted our equal rights under the rulership of Queen Carina.


  • Taisho (Admiral) – Permitted to fly anything.
  • Chujo (Vice Admiral) – Permitted to fly anything.
  • Shosho (Rear Admiral) – Permitted to fly anything.
  • Taisa (Captain) – Permitted to fly Fighters, Bombers or Gunboats.
  • Chusa (Commander) – Permitted to fly Fighters, Bombers or Gunboats.
  • Shosa (Lt. Commander) – Only permitted to fly Fighters or Bombers.
  • Taii (Lieutenant) – Only permitted to fly Fighters or Bombers.
  • Chui (Lieutenant JG) – Only permitted to fly Fighters.
  • Shoi (Ensign) – Only permitted to fly Fighters.

Historical Information

Most scholars date the start of the group as the publication of Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom in 642 AS. The author, Yuyu Matsuda, was a young but critically acclaimed poet. Charismatic and well-spoken, Matsuda had a considerable following among young Kusari women who found their lives lacking in direction but were reluctant to become married and fulfil their traditional role in Kusari society.

Matsuda decried what she saw as the corruption of the Kusari male-dominated culture and preached a revolution led by the long-suffering women of Kusari. These ideas were eventually encapsulated in Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom, in which Matsuda described a fictitious nation called Yomi. A place of fat, lazy male bureaucrats who handed out concessions at the whim of entrenched mega-corporations, Yomi was eventually engulfed in revolution and united under the rule of a benevolent Empress personally selected by the goddess Amaterasu to watch over her people.

Matsuda looked to the foreigners as a model, where women could be president and run corporations. The Chrysanthemum went on to become a best-seller. Unfortunately, in 648 AS, Matsuda crossed the dangerous line between ideas and actions when she was implicated in the botched assassination attempt of the planetary governor of Kyushu. Rather than face the ignominy of imprisonment, Matsuda chose ritual suicide instead. An increase in attacks on government personnel and installations followed soon after.

Unfortunately, any attempts to locate the Golden Chrysanthemum base or learn more about their organization has been thwarted by their willingness to die rather than talk. A Golden C. pilot will trigger her ship's self-destruction rather than be captured, and suicide attacks are common. Attempts to infiltrate the Golden C. have proven equally fruitless, due to the rituals, security measures and Cardamine addiction required to become a fully fledged member. On several occasions the Kusari government has received the finger of an undercover agent wrapped in a page from one of Matsuda's books.

The Kusari State Police keeps a watchful eye on the faction, but has been unable to control them. This is at least partly due to the assistance of the Blood Dragons, who have made use of the Golden C. base in Hokkaido as a rest stop on the long journey to the inner systems of Kusari. The Blood Dragons also share the group’s desire to overthrow the government and reform House Kusari, although perhaps using more sophisticated methods.

Originally, the Golden Chrysanthemums were never as well armed as the Blood Dragons nor as influential as the Hogosha, and were more of an irritant to the government than an actual threat. In recent years however, especially in the wake of the war against Bretonia, greater amounts of funding from the increased popularity of Cardamine, and recruits from the dissatisfied younger elements of kusari society, have flooded into the organisation. The Golden Chrysanthemums have grown to rival the paramilitary power of the Blood Dragons, both in technology and in the quality of pilots, although due to their radical ideas they still lack the considerable political influence that the Blood Dragons secretly wield within elements of the Kusari government.

Faction Diplomacy

++ Allied

  • Nova Powergen (NovaPG)
  • Red Hessian Army [RHA]
  • Blood Dragon Independents & NPCs
  • Golden Chrysanthemum Independents & NPCs
  • Shadow Outcast Brigade {SOB}

+ Friendly

  • Molly Republic [MR]
  • Hellfire Legion [HF]
  • Lane Hackers [LH]
  • Junkers
  • Borderworld Exports
  • Gateway Shipping
  • Planetform, Inc.
  • Synth Foods, Inc
  • Bretonian Armed Forces BAF|
  • Bretonian Police Authority [BPA]
  • Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
  • 101st Outcast Guard [101st]
  • 202nd Howling Spirits [202nd]
  • Blue Lotus Syndicate [BLS]
  • Reapers of Sirius [RoS]
  • Interspace Commerce [IC]
  • Independent Outcasts, Hessians, Hackers, Rogues, Mollys & NPCs
  • Independent BAF, BPA, BMM, IC & NPCs

= Neutral

  • Jupiter Guild [\JG/]
  • Phantoms
  • Liberty Rogues [LR]
  • Temporary Autonomous Zoners [TAZ]
  • Zoners
  • Bundschuh {BU]
  • Unioners
  • Independents [IND]
  • Mandalorians [M]
  • Universal Shipping
  • King of Fighters [KoF]
  • Gas Miners Guild (GMG)
  • The Order (Order|)
  • Independent Order, GMG, LR & NPCs

- Unfriendly

  • ALG Waste Disposal
  • Kishiro Technologies
  • Deep Space Engineering
  • Liberty Navy [LN]
  • Liberty Security Force =LSF=
  • Liberty Police Incorporated [LPI]
  • Colonial Remnants =CR=
  • Republican Express (RepEx)
  • Xeno Alliance XA-
  • Independent Mercenaries
  • Independent Xeno Terrorists
  • All Harvester units

-- Hostile

  • Benitez
  • Samura Industries
  • Slavers Union [SU]
  • Nature’s Last Hope [NLH]
  • Kusari State Police
  • Kusari Naval Forces [KNF]
  • Black Dragon Society [BD]
  • Ageira Technologies
  • Farmer's Alliance [AFA]
  • The Keepers
  • Nomads
  • The Wild
  • Rheinland Military [RM]
  • The Brotherhood [TBH]
  • The Hogosha
  • Independant Miners Guild IMG|
  • Bounty Hunters
  • Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army SCRA|
  • Independent Corsairs, FA, Gaians, KNF, KSP, RM, Hogosha, Samura or BHG-affiliated
  • Any faction not otherwise mentioned in any category.

Faction Roster

Current Pilots and Forum Member Accounts are:

  • [GC]-Ai.Takeda (Kuraine) (Taisho)
  • [GC]-Chie.Mori (Corrupted) (Taisa)
  • [GC]-Lady.Kurisho (Geisha Maiko) (Shosho)
  • [GC]-Ceudoku (Ceud) (Taisa)
  • [GC]-Izanami (Argonaut) (Chujo)
  • [GC]-Tojo.Matsumoto (Argonaut) (Chujo)
  • [GC]-Sunao.Kai (Warien) (Taii) (reserve)
  • [GC]-Taii.Shikyo (Taii.Shikyo) (Chusa)
  • [GC]-Shin.Takeshi (Taii)
  • [GC]-Kurokawa.Keiko (Taii)
  • [GC]-Koshiko.Matsamura (Boots) (Chusa)
  • [GC]-Utada.Hikaru (Hikki) (Taii)
  • [GC]-Noriko.Nakamura (Balious) (Shoi)
  • [GC]-Chigusa.Hamasaki (Shoi)
  • [GC]-Hisano.Coguchi (KingAbbott) (Shoi)
  • [GC]-Aori.Haruka (Shoi)
  • [GC]-Ayumi.Nakajima (Shared) (Shosho)
  • [GC]-Sumiyaka.Saskai (Mangadrive) (Shoi)
  • [GC]-Ryu.Saiba (darksamy) (Taii)
  • [GC]-Saigo.Watanbe (Shoi)
  • [GC]-Naomi.Sato (CoyoteMcGee)(Shoi)

(In process of beeing updated in short)

Individual Diplomacy

Do Not Tax/Pirate List

  • Kuraine
  • Daermoth
  • Geisha_Maiko
  • Ceud
  • KreepeR
  • Centoz
  • Blackwolf
  • TheBerg
  • Underbridge
  • Kitsune
  • Seelie
  • Unseelie
  • [IND] tagged vessels

Kill On Sight List:

  • Any Corsairs ( Hunters clan especially)
  • Any Hogosha
  • [AFA]
  • [KNF]
  • [KSP]

Contacts and Links

If you need to contact the Leader or a group member, please PM via the forums as a preference. Alternatively, you may use the contact information below:


  • Skype - ID: vanderbil_corpration/Nick: Argonaut.
  • XFire - pilot235/Argonaut

Below are useful links for the Golden Chrysanthemums: