Matsue Base

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Matsue Base
Edo class Station
Image missing
KNF Guard
4D, Hiroshima
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 500

Matsue base was constructed in 799 as a last redoubt for the Emperor and his family when the conflict with Rheinland began. Later known as the Nomad crisis.

As the crisis ended, the Admiralty of the Kusari Naval Forces saw the advantage of Hiroshima as a remote but strategic system. The headquarters were moved to Matsue, which also serves to train new staff officers.

While the Emperor resides in his castle on New Tokyo, his guardians watch over the Blue Lagoon from Hiroshima, having Honshu and New Tokyo both within arms' reach.

Since the war with Bretonia began, the station has been additionally outfitted as a small laboratory for classified military projects.


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