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General Information

Characters: Blake Sullivan, Evan Black, Lloyd Black, Floyd Roberts, Jacob Orine

Forum Account: Thexare Blademoon

Ship Preference: Fighters

Weapon Preference: Laser Cannons, Minefields

Favorite Area: Anything with an asteroid field or minefield.

Blake Sullivan

Ship IDs: ALS)Blake.Sullivan, ALS)Blake.Sullivan-B, Livos

Ships: Hussar, Challenger, Arrow

Faction: Azure Line Shipping (unofficial; independent traders/guards)

Age: 24

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Grey

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110 lbs

Born on New London, Blake consistently was at the top of his class in all academic matters, though his frequent illnesses and injuries kept him from school more often than most. When the war with Kusari began, Blake was still in college, choosing his classes without any specific goal in mind, fully intending to stay as long as he could. But, relatives were signing up to join the Bretonian Armed Forces. Not one to abandon his family, Blake attempted to join as well, but failed both the physical and flight tests. Knowing he wasn't cut out for the military life, the recruiter suggested the Bretonia Police Authority as a good way to help his country.

In his time in the BPA, assorted incidents with the Gaians, especially those involving a woman calling herself Butterfly, led Blake to have some doubts about the BPA. She sat in her ship near Leeds, simply asking for donations. When traders refused, she cheerfully let them go on their way; no shots were exchanged. When Blake requested her departure, she left without argument. Later, despite Blake not hiding his status as a constable, bands of Gaians simply ignored him and passed without firing a shot. And yet fellow constables referred to the Gaians as a band of mad terrorists, to approximate their words. Digging through some old family papers, Blake found an antique ship registered to his great-grandfather, who had died some thirty years before, yet the ship was still in his name. He decided to claim that registration, trade out the ship for an Arrow, and attempt to negotiate with the Gaians. Unfortunately, he didn't get much chance to try while still a constable; he was busy taking care of a sick aunt on Leeds for a week, and realized in that time that staying in the BPA wouldn't work at all for the negotiations; if he left entirely, perhaps he'd have better luck with the Gaians... if, that is, he could get the Bretonians to listen.

He's currently acting as the Head of Security of Azure Line Shipping, a small trade and shipping company that Evan Black started. There's still more hostility than he'd like, but he needs to earn money somehow.

Evan Black

Ship ID: ALS)Cerulean

Ship: Train

Faction: Azure Line Shipping (unofficial; independent traders/guards)

Age: 23

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 135 lbs

Born on New London, Evan wasn't particularly studious growing up, but had a natural aptitude for math. Upon finishing school, Evan packed his bags and moved to Manhattan, to become a trader. He wasn't interested in working for any established corporations, though; he thought he could do better himself. About half a year later, he had five employees and his own train, and decided that still wasn't enough. When Blake contacted him to inform Evan of his departure from the BPA, Evan decided to start Azure Line Shipping, and offered Blake a job as the Head of Security.

Evan makes much of his money buying raw materials in Liberty and delivering them to Bretonian bases, to help supply the army, but he'll trade almost anything with almost anyone.

Lloyd Black

Ship ID: Lloyd.Black

Ship: Viper MkII

Faction: Independent Zoner

Age: 25

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 150 lbs

Lloyd's life on New London was relatively normal. Grew up, went to school, same as anyone else. Like his brother Evan, Lloyd was a very independent and outspoken person, his mouth getting him chased out of Sheffield Station by a few bounty hunters when he went looking for temporary employment. They chased his Hawk, given to him by his father, through the North Sheffield Ice Field, through the jump hole to Magellan, then to Leeds, and into the Taus, where he finally lost them in a mine field around Planet Harris. Yet, despite the danger he was in the entire time as he weaved through the asteroids and mines, he was enjoying every minute of it. That was where he wanted to be: zipping through dangerous areas of space, relying on his ship and his wits, nothing more.