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Liberty Rogues (player faction)

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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Liberty Rogues

Sylpheed's Rogues
Origin Their parents
Affiliation Liberty Rogues
Alignment Pretty damn bad
Date of founding Long ago A.S.
Date of dissolution Whenever they get bored A.S.
Founder(s) unknown
Current leader(s) Simon Reynolds
Base of operations Alcatraz Depot
Primary role
Making your life miserable
Secondary role
Earning cash as they do

The Beginning

The Liberty Rogues began as a motley crew of lower-class citizens beneath the foot of the Liberty Police Inc. and cast out from society; for years they spent their lives in a four by four cell lit by fluorescent white lighting, no room to stretch their legs; or working the dark depths of a mine on Houston where noxious gases mingle along the ceiling as they breathed deep. They were not men, they forgot how to be. Then when their time had been served they returned to the world with no home or families to go back to. They looked up and saw the stars and they became the only thing they knew how to be. Their hopes and dreams were quashed, but not their spirit; they took what little they had in this world and headed out for the stars.

Liberty Rogues Today

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In 816 A.S. Sylpheed took the Position of Crime Boss from Felix Valder and began to shape the Liberty Rogues to his vision, eventually becoming what they are today. Unlike most other Unlawful Organisations, the Liberty Rogues have chosen to cast aside all idealologies and causes. The Liberty Rogues goal is simple, to loot and plunder hapless transports before disappearing back into the Asteroid fields before the Police and Navy can respond. In general, the Liberty Rogues avoid confrontations with even the most pitiful of the Authorities; a Rogue that runs away lies to plunder another day. The Liberty Rogues also hold a brutal stance towards piracy in what is considered their territory, often attacking even their own allies for pirating in their hunting grounds, most notably is their hostility towards Outcast Gunboats and Destroyers with in Liberty Space.

Well when an old friend came and asked me what I knew about the Liberty Rogues, I told him that I had a lot of information on them and their operations. I also told him I knew a secret about the Rogues that they probably don’t want anyone to know. I’ll get to that info later but for now I’ll just stick to the general facts.

The Liberty Rogues are the Outcasts route for Cardamine into Liberty, with their connections to the Junkers of Rochester and Beaumont, However that chain is precarious as it’s just as easy for Outcast smugglers to miss out the Rogues and go straight to the Junkers. The Rogues therefore exist on a knife edge between useful and useless, without the Cardamine trade the Rogues would become a lot less than they are right now.

Recently a new group within the Rogues has emerged from the darkness, bringing propaganda and scare tactics to try and get things done. Kind of like the Xenos only with less isolationism and more insanity. The Democratic Peoples of Liberty sprung up around the time of the Manhattan Protest Massacre in which perennial whiner Simon Reynolds was reputedly killed, along with a few other folks including three children. The timing of their arrival is somewhat suspect, but more on that later. - The Liberty Rogues as told by Fisherwoman

Noteworthy Liberty Rogues


Crime Boss of the Liberty Rogues it’s been reported that he’s never been seen by any outside the Rogues. Well he has been now. I’ve seen him and talked to him and I can tell you one thing for sure, this guy is a few hull plates short of a starflier. Sylpheed cropped up with the DPL, he came with them and insinuated himself into the Rogues higher echelons, when Valdar went away, he took the top spot and now he won’t relinquish it. The timing of Sylpheeds arrival and Reynolds death isn’t a coincidence. It was Sylpheed who arranged for the protest to be hit and it was Sylpheed who organised the DPL, of course this would require Sylpheed to have contacts in the Navy, which he did have up until recently anyway. The Admiral responsible for having Reynolds demobbed was the same guy bribed to send out a black ops team to smash this convoy. These coincidences just keep stacking up.

Personal Vessel: LR-Gunboat.Diplomat-D, a Rogue Gunboat.

Andrew Mort

Soon after Sylpheed’s sudden disappearance, however, his second in command, a young man named Andrew took over the leadership of the Rogues and DPL. Rumors tell that he is a schizophrenic, constantly changing his way of speech and how he acts around both his friends and his enemies. He is told to be an ex worker of the West Point academy docking crew, oddly enough, considering he was found clipping off his own mother’s head inch by inch with a toeclipper, when he was five and was sentenced to correctional, but the information on how he actually joined Sylpheed’s side remains twisted. Andrew Mort is still slowly gaining power over the time he leads his friends on their daily routes in Liberty, but he has yet to earn the respect that of Sylpheed.

Personal Vessel: LR-Lasting.Damage, a Rogue bomber.

Ashes "Nighthawk" Yotaka

Originally from Planet Kyushu in Kusari, Ashes left behind her bleak fate to seek the freedom Liberty promised. She joined with the Liberty Rogues in order to fulfill this dream through hard work. Ashes' first friend with in the Rogues was Draya Kirillov, who was a new recruit around the same time Ashes joined. The two dubbed themselves the "Cali Girls" and fly matching "Doomsday" Barghests. While not exactly an Ace pilot, Ashes has gained a small reputation of being one of the “unkillable” Rogues. She has eluded certain death from overwhelming odds countless times in the past.

Ashes spent much time befriending and forging links with the 'higher ups' of the Liberty Rogues, and when Andrew Mort took over she was chosen to take the position of Underboss. Ashes has been sighted in space left often as of late, and instead dedicates most of her time to helping run the Liberty Rogues behind the scenes and working as a mechanic on Alcatraz. She is even responsible for several of the recent improvements in the design of the Rogues’ trademark ship; the Greyhound. Originally joining the Liberty Rogues seeking freedom, Ashes is slowly losing sight of her goal, and her humanity.

Personal Vessel: LR-Dramatic.Exit, Greyhound heavy fighter.

Danny White

Easily recogniseable by his notorious cough, Danny White is part of the second generation of Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues. He gained trust with Mort and Yotaka through dedication to the Liberty Rogues, and became the Captain of the second ever Liberty Rogue Slave Liner to be commissioned, the Big Sexy Beast. After Andrew Mort took leave, Danny White stepped into the role of acting Crime Boss until he returned. Today, Danny White is the Underboss in charge of the Liberty Rogues' smuggling wing, the Cult of Contraband.

Personal Vessel: Hole In the Wallet, a Barghest Bomber

Eva Jones

One of the new and up-coming Liberty Rogues, Eva Jones is narcasistic and from the beginning she was notably arrogant and disliked, but quickly proved her worth on the battlefield. Eva Jones inherited the Gunboat of Ex-Underboss Ashes Yotaka, the Heart Of Gold, and uses it with deadly precision to create chaos all over Liberty. Eva Jones quickly gained the trust of Sylpheed and rose through the ranks to Underboss in record timing. Very little is known about Eva Jones, except that she handles her ships and hand weapons with military finesse and takes pain medication for a limp in her right leg.

Personal Vessel: Misery Buisness, a Greyhound Heavy Fighter

Liberty Rogues in Popular Culture

The actions of many Liberty Rogues have left a lasting effect on many Liberty citizens, these are such examples.

Don Thug

Don Thug is something of an icon in Liberty, the Rogues know him as fanatically loyal, if a little shy of brain cells. His restricted vocabulary has made him a target for the LPI, as they use sound recordings from the man as part of their anti Rogue Propaganda. This hasn’t affected Don though as he continues to protect Valdar and by extension the rest of his wing.

>>Interesting factoid, seems the student populace of Denver and Manhattan have somewhat ignored the LPI and turned Don into something of a student icon.

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They've also compiled a dictionary of some of Dons more often used vocab it can be found at this Cortex address Don Dictionary

Eva 'bloody' Jones

Eva Jones is one of the more notorious Rogues amongst the Liberty Navy, having taken exception to many of the Liberty Rogue creeds. Her undeniable good luck and skill has seen her survive, and even win in combat against insurmountable odds. Her name is often heard being yelled across open broadcast comm channels in the form of a warcry, "I'm Eva bloody Jones!" earning her the title 'bloody' by many of her cult following.

Eva Jones is a growing icon amongst the Liberty Rogues and has even had a ballad composed in her honour.

Eva Jones, Oh Eva Jones,

You are the number one Battlebarge captain in Liberty.

The Navy send out their Battlecruisers to take you out,

And build Dreadnaughts to save themselves.

But it's not use, you always kill,

At least a few Gunboats a day,

Just to remind them to be fearful.

At least a few Gunboats a day.

A few innocent lives a day.

Eva Jones, oh Eva Jones.

Liberty 'Rouges'

The term 'Liberty Rouges' first came about when a news reporter unintentionally misspelt the word 'Rogue' during a news report. The misspelling quickly became a joke amongst Liberty Citizens, including the Rogues themselves. Eventually a reality television show entitled "The Liberty Rouges" was aired featuring five homosexual males helping men without a fashion sense improve their self image and hygene. The show ran for five seasons and won many awards.

Naming Conventions

The Liberty Rogues have existed in Liberty's dark underbelly for over two hundred years, they saw the true face of Liberty and chose to be a parody of it. The manner in which Liberty Rogues christen their ships is notorious Sirius-wide for their ironic humour and light-hearted gesting. Known as 'cultureisms,' the Liberty Rogues naming conventions have been mimiced by people from many walks of life in every corner of Sirius. Liberty Rogue ship names are not oxymorons.

Notable Examples

Uninvited Guest

Gunboat Diplomat

Hopeless Romantic

Dramatic Exit

Chaotic Serenity

Sadistic Intent

Ethics Gradient

Push Button

Recieve Bacon

No More Mr Nice Guy

Absence of Style

Bigger Bang

I Can't Dance


600 A.S. The Liberty Rogues are born; Buffalo Base is founded with in the Badlands.

610 A.S. Liberty Rogues expand operations into California; Alcatraz Depot is founded.

6XX A.S. First contact with the Outcasts. The Liberty Rogues begin to smuggle Cardamine through Liberty; Montezuma is founded in Cortez. Actual date is disputed. The Arch-Angel weapon line begins production.

630 A.S. The Liberty Rogues and Mollys become allies and work together to create the Bloodhound, Wolfhound and Mule. Pauda is founded in Galileo.

680 A.S. Cassini discovered.

681 A.S. San Quentin Base founded in Cassini.

751 A.S. Dawson is founded in Hudson.

765 A.S. Yukon and Alberta explored. Fort McMurray established in Alberta.

799 A.S. Liberty Rogues begin to smuggle Artifacts through Galileo for the Corsairs.

800 A.S. Hoboken Depot destroyed by the Liberty Navy inside Pittsburg Debris Field. Sean Ashcroft is captured during a Smuggling operation; The Corsairs cease Artifact Trade with the Liberty Rogues. The Rogues house the Order before an assault launched from Buffalo.

814 A.S. Montezuma begins production the Greyhound, an iconic Liberty Rogue ship. Terre Haute Shipyard begins development on the Liberty Rogue Gunboat and Destroyer.

815 The RA-4 "Charybdis" Gunboat is commissioned; the Z-9000 Barghest is commissioned; Bloodhound and Wolfhound are upgraded into Hyena and Werewolf. Felix Valder becomes Crime Boss; The Graviton Outcast Destroyer is commissioned.

816 A.S Sylpheed Becomes Crime Boss; Democratic People's of Liberty is founded. The RA-6 "Scylla" Destroyer is completed in colaboration with the Mollys. All Liberty Rogue vessels recieve an overhaul with the availability of more advanced technology.

817 A.S The Drunken Codger is commissioned and stationed in New York's Pittsburg Debris Field. Sylpheed disappears; Andrew Mort becomes Crime Boss. Rogues still loyal to Sylpheed become known as "Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues." Andrew Mort and Ashes Yotaka disappear; Danny White becomes acting Crime Boss. Sylpheed returns and reasserts his control over the Liberty Rogues. Blood Diamond trade is established with the Red Hessians.


ID Useage - Liberty Rogue/Liberty Rogue Guard ID

IFF - Liberty Rogue

Ship Naming

LR-Insert.Culture.Here - Run of the Mill Liberty Rogue

LR-Insert.Culture.Here-D - Diplomatic Peoples of Liberty

LR-Insert.Culture.Here-C - Cult Of Contraband Smuggler


Recruit - Before becoming a Liberty Rogue, one must become a recruit and suffer through the time honoured hazing of flying an unarmoured Greyhound for a total of six flight hours before being inducted to Sylpheed's Liberty Rogues.

Rogue - The main body of the Liberty Rogues, essentially the cannon fodder and nobodies who have yet to make a real name for themselves.

Veteran - Rogues who have distunguished themselves above the rest and been recognised for their service to the Liberty Rogues. Rogues are promoted to Veteran status on a case by case basis. Veteran Status cannot be lost; former Underbosses automatically gain Veteran Status.

Ace - Rogues who have proved highly capable on the battlefield.

Underboss - The 2IC of the Liberty Rogues, the Underboss answers only to the Crime Boss and generally takes care of all the messy paperwork the Crime Boss can't be bothered doing, like updating the roster and wiki page. The rank of Underboss is also given to the caretakers of the Liberty Rogues' specialty wings; the Democratic Peoples of Liberty and the Cult of Contraband.

Crime Boss - The Big cheese, what he says goes. The only way to become the Crime Boss is to beat the current Crime Boss in a bare knuckle duel. Good luck with that; he's a big bastard.



Z-2010 "Bloodhound" Pirate Light Fighter Cheap, and ineffective. You'd have to be nuts to fly this this, which luckily isn't a problem for most Liberty Rogues. "A ship that will be with you until the day you die -- because it's a death trap." - The Bloodhound as described by Ashes Yotaka.

Z-5500 "Hyena" Pirate Light Fighter

Z-3005 "Wolfhound" Pirate Heavy Fighter

Z-4800 "GreyHound" Pirate Heavy Fighter

Z-5900 "Werewolf" Pirate Very Heavy Fighter

Z-9000 "Barghest" Liberty Rogue/Molly Bomber


Z-1138 "Mule" Pirate Freighter

Z-6150 "Bactrian" Pirate Freighter

Z-8500 "Bullmastiff" Pirate Transport

Z-8550 "Bison" Pirate Train

Capital Ships

RA-4 Rogue/Molly “Charybdis” Gunboat

RA-6 Rogue/Molly "Scylla" Destroyer


Liberty Rogue Recruitment

Liberty Rogue Faction Status

Liberty Rogue Message Dump

Liberty Rogue Faction Feedback

Liberty Rogue Communications

Liberty Rogue Roster

Liberty Rogue Technology Negotiations