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Freital Base

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Revision as of 17:56, 18 August 2008 by Blodo (talk | contribs)
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Red Hessians
C4, Omega-11
Technical Data
Gravity unknown
Docking bays unknown
Amenities unknown
Crew unknown

A large, strategically important Red Hessian base in the Jeschke Fragment, Freital is considered both as a supply base on the way to Omega-5, as well as an important forward base vital to conducting successful raids on Daumann shipping and operations in the region - and ensuring that the Corsair plague does not spread beyond the nearby jump holes.

The asteroid currently bearing the base has been discovered by Hessian raiders somewhere around 716 A.S., soon after the discovery of the Omega-11 jump hole in Dresden. The fast attack raiders relied on strike craft to conduct hit and run operations on diamond transports passing to Stuttgart from Solarius Station. However, the massive amounts of radiation expelled by the dying sun in the centre of the system have made long term operations difficult without a resupply point. The Hessians adopted a strategy of hiding their ships behind the dense carbon rocks in the outer asteroid fields to shield them from the sun's rays while waiting for transports to pass by. In time, they mapped specific rocks capable of protecting their ships better than others due to their mineral composition. A fuel and supply depot was eventually built around one of the asteroids, expanding into the rock itself ever since. Freital (as the base came to be known) quickly became a station full of cynical veterans, attracting people only for the prospect of robbing the most lucrative Daumann transports in all of Rheinland, despite the risk of radiation poisoning or the occasional Corsair attack.

Additional information

  • Class: Unknown
  • Gravity: Complete
  • Docking: Yes
  • Amenities: Yes
  • Crew: Unknown