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Template:Faction Name

From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 00:09, 12 September 2011 by Ipuvaepe (talk | contribs)
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{{FN|<faction acronym>}}

Available acronyms:
 Aoi = Aoi Iseijin
 BAF = Bretonian Armed Forces
 BHG = Bounty Hunters Guild
 BPA = Bretonian Police Authority
 BD = Blood Dragons
 CO = Corsairs
 FA = Farmers Alliance
 FL = Freelancer
 GC = Golden Chrysanthemums
 GMG = Gas Miners' Guild
 GRN = Gallic Royal Navy
 GRP = Gallic Royal Police
 IMG = Independent Miners' Guild
 IND = Independent Neuralnet Division
 KNF = Kusari Naval Forces
 KSP = Kusari State Police
 LH = Lane Hackers
 LN = Liberty Navy
 LPI = Liberty Police Incorporated
 LR = Liberty Rogues
 LSF = Liberty Security Force
 M = Mollys
 Order = The Order
 OC = Outcasts
 RFP = Rheinland Federal Police
 RH = Red Hessians
 RM = Rheinland Military
 SCRA = Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army