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Jane "The Creep" Johnson

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Jane "The Creep" Johnson
Yellow Rose of Texas by Venita.jpg
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Gender Female
Affiliation Liberty Rogues
Born N/A
Died Still alive.

Birth and a small kid (800~806 A.S)

Akashi was born in March 24 800 A.S on planet Honshu to a poor fishermen family, mainly fishing salomon. They lived in a poor village but they were a small happy family, consisitng of Akashi, his broder Takashi, and 2 sisters: Kaiko and Sakura. while being the 3rd to be born in his family Akashi haven shown from younge age skills in the master of blade and face to face assult.

Youngestry (806-812 A.S.)

Akashi was sent to the local Haikido master - Haishi Sensei of Kaiboka Shrine, in order to learn the arts of combat, while showing high results, when he was 12 Akashi mother was killed in occasional GC raid. His father commited "Seppuku" as he couldn't handle the sarrow and taking care of the family passed to the older brother and sister: Takashi and Kaiko. While being alot away from home, Akashi one day looked up in his brother belongings and found small capsules of orange matter, later on discovering it was the narcotic drug "Cardamine". His brother disappeared about a month later.

Early Teenage (812-816 A.S.)

While passing the early years of his younge teens peacefuly, under the watch of his sister Kaiko, Akashi was perfecting his skills and started to learn how to fly ships, while not excelling in flying them he was better then the usuall pilot. with his family getting deeper to economical crisis, Akashi took on a bounty job inside planet Honsho, followed by 3 others inside the planet, and assasinated 4 men. when he was 15 Kaiko left one day and joined the local GC. At 12 March 816 A.S a band of masked thieves came inside the small village demanding any valuables to be granted to them, as the village was poor and Akashi felt no guilt when defending it, he killed the 6 thieves without blinking an eye, when he uncovered their faces in order to discover who were the cowards he recognized the face of his brother. Ever Since Akashi have the feeling of guilt inside him and can never be found leaving his sword Keitsa left alone, while the edge of his sword Kaisau that was used to commit the kill of his brother is always in a locked small box kept with him. With all of the money Akashi have earned, he have bought a house eleswhere, far from that village, on planet New Tokyo. A place for his younge sister Sakura to live and study.

Late Teenage (816-817 A.S.)

Akashi was walking down the street atfer making a small disapperance to have his soul clamed down. Akashi was all of a sudden surprised, it was his sister Kaiko selling caradimine for the GC movement, Akashi angry on his sister keeping to ruine others families came to ask his sister to stop and selling the dangerous drug, his sister responded with a gun aimed at his forhead. Akashi used Keitsa slashing only once and moving away. Kaiko was dead. Akashi was looking for a job when he came across Aiji Ishikawa offer, to be a pilot in the Kaizoku gang. Akashi recognizing that everyone in the gang have suffered one trauma or anther, felt that the Kaizoku gang is a good place for him to be at decided to pledge allegiance to Yuka and Yuki Kaizoku - the leaders of the gang.

Recent Days

Not much is known about the Kuroi Akuma. Akashi has joined them sometime in the late 818 A.S and rest remains mostly unknown.