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This is a player faction.

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Freelanced Mining Corporation
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Alignment Lawfull
Date of founding 975 A.S.
Founder(s) Unkown
Current leader(s) Admiral Donald Rolton
Base of operations Planet Manhattan
Primary role
Mining Operations, Base Construction, Hauling
Secondary role
Military Support


Mining Services

The FMC fleet includes many miners of all size to supply your mining operation needs.

  • Helium

Hauling Services

FMC Hauling Trains will haul any Lawful materials to any location you wish! Please note you require an FMC Hauling Services Membership in order to use this service! A Membership cost 25,000,000 Credits

Fee's :

  • Base Cost of Resource + 30%
  • System change + 50/unit/system **Please See exemptions below

Exemptions :

  • Water
  • Oxygen
  • Food Rations
  • All products with a base cost under 250 Credits
  • **Basic Alloy is not an exemption!

Example math :

10,000 Basic Alloy from Manhattan NY to Player Base in Albert
Purchase at 50/unit, + 35% = 65/unit
+50/unit/system (3 systems = 150) = 215/unit
Total cost 2,150,000

5,000 Helium From Pennsylvania to New Berlin
Purchase at 400/unit + 35 % = 520
+50/unit/system (4 systems = 200) = 720/unit
Total cost 3,600,000 (A load worth 20,350,000)

Support Services

FMC Support services!

Call for an FMC-Service ship today! Dont waist time coming all the way back from the battlefield! Our repair ships will get you stocked up and ready to go in no time at all!
Prices :
Liberty systems : 250/unit
Rheinland systems : 275/unit
Bretonia systems : 275/unit
Kusari systems : 300/unit
Gallia systems : 300/unit

Unit refers to 1 Nanobot or 1 Shield Battery


Mining Division

Hauling Division

Military Division Fighters

Li fighter.png
Used as a scout
Li elite.png
Used as a Patrol Craft

Military Division Warships

Li gunship.png
Liberty Gunboat
Anti-Fighter Escort
Li cruiser s.png
Liberty Siege Cruiser
Anti-Capital Escort


Faction Relationship
All Other Factions And Individuals
Pirates who target Miners
At War