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Holo San

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Revision as of 17:07, 27 February 2014 by Holo San (talk | contribs)
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Holo Sanoko or Holo San as he's commonly known, is very much a Zoner's Zoner. Hailing from Honshu, his distaste for Megalopolises and house rules, as well as his wanderer's nature led him to the edge worlds, where he finally found a place for himself amongst the Zoners working as contracted freelancer for OSI.

Though not averse to defending himself, Holo avoids conflict wherever he can, preferring to talk or scam his way out of hostile situations. His practical nature and glib tongue have won him many contacts throughout Sirius, and it is rumored that Holo can get anything you may desire, by tapping these contacts, if the price is right or the cause is favorable.

Recent rumors that a wreck possibly belonging to his great grandmother, the famous holosculptress Kaile Sanoko, has been found somewhere in Liberty space has led Holo to issue a notice of a substantial reward for further information.