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Niigata Station

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Niigata Station
Koryu class Station
Niigata Station.png
GMG Guard
3E, Sigma-59
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 590

The largest installation GMG has in the Sigmas. Built for the purpose of establishing control of Sigma 59 after Battleship Namura was destroyed by Outcast assailant beyond the jump hole to Sigma 60. Exceeding expectations, Niigata Station made it possible for GMG to make the already remote Sigma 59 into their most heavily defended system and thereby becoming the home of GMG's Guild Masters. With the seat of GMG power now transferred to Niigata, the system completely under their control and the recently augmented battleships redeployed, GMG felt confident to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding Sigma 59 and opened the system to Sirius knowledge in 818 AS.

Missions Offered

No missions offered here

Bribes Offered


  • None