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Blue Lotus Syndicate
[img]http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/2417/blcopiejj4.jpg[/img] The Blue Lotus Syndicate [b]The Most Powerful Outcast Drug Cartel in all of Sirius[/b]
[b]Communications Prefix For Usage in Callsigns[/b]; [BLS]-X [b]Transponder for ALL ships (transport and fighter)[/b]; Outcast [b]IFF (Identification: Friend/Foe) for ALL ships[/b]; Outcast
Description: The Blue Lotus Syndicate is the well organized, ruthless and merciless smuggling ring headed by Outcast Don and chief smuggler Zacarias Poncho. The organization represents nearly all of Outcast Cardamine trade in Kusari space, and is a sizable stakeholder in other areas of Sirius. The leadership of the Syndicate is kept secret from all but high ranking members, with the leader normally referred to as “The Grand Master” and appearing as merely a shadowy, voice disguised entity on comms, as Poncho has come to take up the old Grand Master’s respected shipping magnate and his famed film producing studio, as well as his personal friendships with numerous heads of state.
The Syndicate, however, has angered the GMG because of the smuggling it conducts in its territory, and thus relations with the GMG are strained. The organizations goals are simple; The acquisition of money, the total domination of cardamine markets, and the enslavement of House citizens for purposes of blackmailing them into granting recognition to a dominant Hispanian state.
New goals under the new Grand Master include the interdiction of hostile cardamine shipments. Not only does he want all of Sirius to be enlightened by cardamine, but he wants to be the one who controls [i]all[/i] of it. Currently, the Blue Lotus Syndicate owns roughly twenty percent of Malta’s cardamine plantations, the largest piece of the pie held by any one organization or individual. Thus, they supply their own ships, refusing to sell to the independent transporters; cutting out the middleman to maximize profits. By vigorously attacking said transporters, the Blue Lotus Syndicate’s goal is to run them off or recruit them to their own banner, thus running the other cardamine plantations dry and prime for being snapped up.
This has brought the Blue Lotus Syndicate into direct conflict with several other, smaller yet still sizable, cartels. Other groups are also allowed to trade cardamine, on the condition that they buy only from the Blue Lotus Syndicate’s fields. Also, due to wanting to keep cordial relations with the Reapers of Sirius, they have agreed to keep such activities out of Omicron Alpha.
The Syndicate is currently seeking new members from the ranks of the Outcasts and allies to spread the glory of ambrosia across space and bring down the insidious Houses and the vile Corsairs. Por gloria la Malta!
[b]Syndicate Ranks;[/b] [b]Grand Master (Capo di tutti capi);[/b] [img]http://www.rouletabille.perso.cegetel.net/Images/Adaptations/Heritiers/Rastapopoulos.JPG[/img] The absolute leader of the Blue Lotus Syndicate. Has authority to command any BLS members, final call on diplomacy, and spokesman status for the faction. Can fly any faction allowed ship.
[b]Master; [/b] [img]http://www.m6.fr/html/emissions/m6kid/dessinsanimes/tintin/images/04.jpg[/img] The two lieutenants of the Grand Master. They have authority to command any lower ranking BLS members and represent the faction as spokesmen and diplomatic representatives. Can fly any faction allowed ship up to cruiser level.
[b]Underboss[/b] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d4/Bohlwinkel.jpg[/img] The mid ranking leaders of the Blue Lotus Syndicate. Have authority to command any lower ranking BLS members and fly any faction allowed ship up to gunboat level.
[b]Capo[/b] [img]http://www.rouletabille.perso.cegetel.net/Images/Adaptations/Heritiers/Jorgen.JPG[/img]
The junior leaders of the Blue Lotus Syndicate. Have authority to command any lower ranking BLS members and fly any faction allowed ship up to transport level.
[b]Henchman[/b] [img]http://www.rouletabille.perso.cegetel.net/Images/Adaptations/Heritiers/Sponsz.JPG[/img] The guards of the smugglers. Have no authority to command and may only fly Outcast and allied fighters or bombers, depending on original nationality (Rogues and Mollys would fly Pirate-line, Outcasts Borderworld line, etc.)
[b]Smuggler[/b] [img]http://www.rouletabille.perso.cegetel.net/Images/Adaptations/Heritiers/Lampion.JPG[/img] The middlemen between the addicts and the farms of Malta. Have no authority to command and may only fly freighters and transports, preferably unlawful ones such as the Dromedary.
[b]Faction Members; [/b] [b]Grand Master;[/b] [i]zapp_evn[/i]- [BLS]-Zapp [BLS]-Zapp|Carina [BLS]-Carina [BLS]-Armory (Factional bank/armory)
[b]Master;[/b] [i]AlexBG-[/i] [BLS]-Alekzander [BLS]-Blackthorn [BLS]-Alvaro.Raymundo [i]P Funk-[/i] [b][u]Inactive[/b][/u] [BLS]-Aquilar [BLS]-Rajaijah [BLS]-Wokou
[b]Underboss;[/b] [i]Malvasi[/i] [b][u]Retired[/b][/u] [BLS]-Luciana.Malvasi [i]Drake-[/i] [b][u]Inactive[/b][/u] [BLS]-Harrier [BLS]-Alejandro.Velez [BLS]-Kaze
[b]Capo;[/b] [i]sdssn!p3r-[/i] [BLS]-Salvador [i]Malvasi[/i] [b][u]Retired[/b][/u] [BLS]-Raffaele.Malvasi
[b]Henchman;[/b] [i]Weylin-[/i] [b][u]Inactive[/b][/u] [BLS]-Weylin [i]sdssn!p3r-[/i] [BLS]-Mateo_Aleman [i]Boss-[/i] [BLS]-Shadow [i]Satiel-[/i] [BLS]-Lucius.Satiel [i]bluntpencil2001-[/i] [BLS]-Michael.Corleone
[b]Smuggler;[/b] [i]Longcat-[/i] [b][u]Inactive[/b][/u] [BLS]-Tacgnol [i]Satiel[/i] [BLS]-Satiel [i]Dusty Lens[/i] [BLS]-Jose.Faria [i]zapp_evn-[/i] [BLS]-Miranu [i]Why?-[/i] [BLS]-Resurrection
[i]Entry Requirements; [/i] Experience with FL and Discovery. Good RP skills. Average PVP skills.
Faction Rules; [b]DO NOT break any server rules. Penalty for minor offences; 1st time warning, 2nd time demotion, 3rd time suspension, 4th time banishment Penalty for major offences; 1st time suspension, 2nd time banishment DO NOT deliberately attack allied ships DO NOT fly ships out of your rank Penalties; 1st offense; Warning 2nd offence; Demotion 3rd and subsequent offences; Suspension DO try and participate in forum RP DO realize that RL comes before FL. DO have fun[/b] [b][i]The most important rule: DO NOT OOC in system, group, or private unless it is marked as such. Accidents happen, we forget, but continued offenses can result in loss of rank.[/b][/i]
[b]Allowed Ships;[/b] [b]Outcast[/b] [b]Pirate Transports[/b] [b]Zoner[/b] (Restricted to good RP background) [b]Rogues/Hessians/Dragons/GC/Mollys (Limited up to gunboat level)[/b] (Restricted to good RP background) [b]Note: Must ask Lane Hacker permission for purchase of a Lane Hacker Gunship[/b] [b]Kusari (Limited to fighter and freighter level)[/b] (Restricted to good RP background)
[b]Faction Diplomacy[/b] [b]Sirius Faction Diplomacy: An All Purpose Guide To Blue Lotus Syndicate Diplomatic Policy[/b]
[color=#CC6600][b]Ageira Technologies[/b]:[/color] Ageira Technologies is a major provider of House transportation methods and crippling them will as a result cripple the pathetic houses. Feel free to tax in our space or pirate.
[color=#CC6600][b]ALG Waste Disposal[/b]: [/color] ALG Waste Disposal provides waste disposal services to the whole of Rheinland. Destroying them will cause Rheinland to split and wallow in its own filth. Feel free to tax in our space or pirate.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Asgard Warriors[/b]: [/color] An ancient and powerful organization which, much like the 101st, we have no wish to anger. Do not fire upon, save in self defense, and render assistance in their space if requested, except against Phantoms.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Blood Dragons[/b]:[/color] While the Hideyoshi Guard fight a noble cause against the Samura scum of Kusari, they have strong moral objections to the Ambrosia of Malta. As a result, diplomatic relationships between our groups are neutral. Do not initate action unless fired upon.
[color=#CC6600][b]Bretonian Mining and Minerals[/b]:[/color] A backbone of Bretonian commerce, of which destruction would cause economic crisis. Feel free to tax in our space or pirate.
[color=#CC6600][b]Border World Exports[/b]: [/color] A major shipper of House goods across Sirius depended upon by many of our enemies and few of our friends. Feel free to tax in our space or pirate.
[color=#CC0000][b]Bounty Hunters Guild[/b]: [/color] Vile, despicable scum at which even Corsairs vomit in disgust. Destroy on sight in our space.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Bretonian Armed Forces[/b]: [/color] Though military scum, they share our distaste of Corsairs and are currently at war with Kusari, which is currently fond of Corsairs. Treat as neutral unless fired upon.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Bretonia Police[/b]:[/color] See above
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Bundschuh[/b]:[/color] While they are allies of the Hessians, they do not want to overtly ally with either us or the Corsairs. Leave alone save in self-defense.
[color=#000000][b]Corsairs[/b]:[/color] War is permanently declared upon all Corsairs.
[color=#000000][b]Cryer Pharmaceuticals[/b]:[/color] War is declared upon Cryer Pharmaceuticals due to their attempts to "cure" Ambrosia and their major threat to our organization and to the Outcasts.
[color=#CC6600][b]Daumann Heavy Construction[/b]: [/color] A major engine in the vile leviathan of Rheinland. Feel free to tax or pirate in our space.
[color=#CC6600][b]Deep Space Engineering[/b]:[/color] To all the Houses what Daumann is to Rheinland. Feel free to tax or pirate in our space
[color=#CC0000][b]Farmers Alliance[/b]:[/color] Though noble strugglers, Corsair pawns. Kill on sight in our space.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Freelancers[/b]: [/color] Policy may vary depending upon individual freelancer. Warn twice to leave our space if unauthorized, assist if it may prove politically convenient and feel free to pirate or tax unless otherwise noted.
[color=#FF0000][b]Gaians[/b]:[/color] A bunch of Corsair aligned scum with the mental health of rabid bulls. Kill on sight in our space.
[color=#CC6600][b]Gas Miners Guild[/b]:[/color] They may not be House scum, but they are still scum and have objected to our trafficing of Ambrosia through to Kusari. Give one warning to leave our space, then if not complied with destroy.
[color=#CC6600][b]Gateway Shipping[/b]:[/color] See Border World Exports.
[color=#33FF33][b]Golden Chrysantheneums[/b]:[/color] Our most reliable arms and pawns in Kusari. Their radical social ideas notwithstanding, provide them with cheap Cardamine and assist them.
[color=#FF0000][b]Hogosha[/b]:[/color] 2nd only to Corsairs and Bounty Hunters in vileness. Kill on sight in our space.
[color=#CC6600][b]Independent Miners Guild[/b]:[/color] See Gas Miners Guild.
[color=#CC6600][b]Interspace Commerce[/b]:[/color] See Border World Exports.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Junkers[/b]: [/color] Useful mules and pawns. Give 2 warnings to leave our space if unauthorised and assist if one feels like it.
[color=#CC6600][b]Kishiro Technologies[/b]: [/color] A major technological backbone of Kusari, which if crippled will crumple the Kusari Navy. Feel free to tax or pirate in our space.
[color=#CC6600][b]Kruger Minerals[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Mining and Minerals.
[color=#FF0000][b]Kusari Naval Forces[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#FF0000][b]Kusari State Police[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#33CC00][b]Lane Hackers[/b]:[/color] Kindred spirits amongst the stars. Offer access to our space and assist if requested.
[color=#FF0000][b]Liberty Navy[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#FF0000][b]Liberty Police Inc.[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#33CC00][b]Liberty Rogues[/b]:[/color] Useful Liberty muscle and pawns. Offer access to our space and assist if requested.
[color=#FF0000][b]Liberty Security Force[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#FF6600][b]LWB[/b]:[/color] A noble yet so far unhelpful group. Give 2 warnings to leave our space if unauthorized and do not initiate action against unless fired upon.
[color=#33CC00][b]Mollys[/b]:[/color] Decent enough gringos, offer access to our space and assistance.
[color=#000000][b]Nomads[/b]: [/color] Try to addict, if addiction proves impossible, kill and hunt all the way upto the edge of human territory.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Phantoms[/b]:[/color] An organization even we do not wish to anger. See Asgard Warriors.
[color=#CC6600][b]Orbital Spa and Cruise[/b]:[/color] Semi useful organization that yet also helps Corsairs to an unacceptable degree. Feel free to tax and pirate in our space.
[color=#003300][b]Outcasts[/b]:[/color] Unless masochistic, treat well. Give any fellow Outcasts unlimited access to our space and assistance.
[color=#CC6600][b]Planetform Inc.[/b]: [/color] See Orbital Spa and Cruise
[color=#33FF33][b]Red Hessians[/b]:[/color] A primary ally in our fight against the Houses and Corsairs. Allow access to our space and assist.
[color=#CC6600][b]Republican Shipping[/b]:[/color] See Border World Exports
[color=#FF0000][b]Rheinland Military[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#FF0000][b]Rheinland Federal Police[/b]:[/color] See Bretonian Armed Forces
[color=#FF6600][b]Samura Industries[/b]:[/color] See Border World Exports
[color=#CC6600][b]Synth Foods Inc[/b]:[/color] See Daumann Heavy Construction
[color=#CC6600][b]The Order[/b]:[/color] An organization which keeps the Nomad Spine (Alpha->Unknown->Major->100->Minor->Alaska->New York) clean for us and provides a useful service to mankind. Merely give one warning to leave our space.
[color=#000000][b]The Wild[/b]: [/color] See Nomads
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Unioners[/b]:[/color] While originally pawns of the Corsairs, they have renounced this. Treat the same as Bundschuh.
[color=#CC6600][b]Universal Shipping[/b]:[/color] See Border World Exports
[color=#FF0000][b]Xenos[/b]:[/color] Good ideas, but poor implementation. Kill on sight in our space.
[color=#FFFFFF][b]Zoners[/b]: [/color] See Junkers.
[b]Base of Operations; Planet Malta, Omicron Alpha[/b] [i]FINAL SPECIAL NOTE: Due to his providal of valuable factional services, McLane is off limits for all taxing or attacking. Protect him if he requests protection. He is a friend of our organization.[/i]