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Pioneer Corporation

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It was the year 700 A.S when young pilot decided that living in house space isnt for him. All the laws and regulations were making him crazy so he decided to leave that part of space behind and explore the border worlds, his name was Alexander Fox. When Fox was exploring the dark parts of Sirius he saw how hard and unforgiving is life there. It was back than when he realized that border worlds need someone who will support them.

Alexander was a man with many ideas. He wanted to create an organization, which will help other groups in border sectors. He knows how hard is to survive here and an organization providing support with different types of commodities and services would get much appreciation in this severe parts of Sirius. Whats more he wanted to start exploring unknown and dangerous space of Sirius and develop stations in the furthest parts of border worlds.

In year 720 A.S. he finally gathered the appropriate sum of money and bought a 1st ship. It was a Jinkusu class vessel. Purpose of this ship was to be a base of operation of his new organization and main exploration vessel. He had also assembled a lot of independent traders. Their task was simple: making money to provide exploration missions with needed resources and to develop the organization. They called themselves a Pioneer Corporation and they became a part of Zoners community. Few years later when Alexander died, his daughter - Cornelia and her husband - Hektor took over the Corporation. Thanks to hard work they finally started to build their own station deep in border worlds. They called it The Stronghold.

For decades Pioneer Corporation was perfectly administered and evolved organization. They had contacts and contracts with nearly anybody in Sirius, not only in Border Words. But idea about helping and supporting people was still alive and was still a primary goal. They build a large trade and battle fleets to protect their interests from hostiles. Everything was going fine till Sirius had encountered a new threat - The Nomads.

No-one knew for sure who or what they are but the one thing was obvious War was inescapable. War was a hard lesson for the Corporation. Zoners had lots of bases in dark regions of space but they didnt have such force to secure all of them. Their main target in those days was to support The Order, organization created to save humanity from Nomads and secure the Nomad deadly technology so it wont fall in wrong hands. Hektor and Cornellia were commanding powerful fleet located near the PC base Stronghold. They decided to help with fight against Nomads as well.

Almost whole fleet was destroyed during numberless battles. The only reasonable decision was regroup near Stronghold. The order to retreat was given and all PC forces were coming back to their base. When they arrived the Stronghold was under heavy fire from Nomads. No-one knew how they found the most hidden base in all Sirius. Base didnt have a chance to survive. Under heavy fire Cornellia ordered to evacuate as much personnel as possible. While the personnel was being evacuated Hektor set up the self-destruction sequence. Unfortunately base was full of deuterium shipment and the blast from explosion was so strong that has destroyed most of PC forces and all the Nomads. Jinkusu flag ship has managed to fall back to Freeport 11 and there with some of remaining ships they went to planet Grand Canaria in Omega 49. The ship was sent to a hidden location to wait till the youngest member of Fox family take control of it. This person was, the son of Cornellia and Hektor, Maxymilian.

Under protection of few old friends of Fox family, Maxymilian was growing up on Canaria. He studied history, economy and law. There was only one goal - to rebuild the Corporation. When he was 25, one of his protectors gave him a message sent by his mother in last moments of her life. Message included coordinates of secret location. When he arrived there he found a hidden PC Jinkusu flag ship.

From now on Maxymilian has only one goal - to restore the dream of his ancestors and bring back the Pioneer Corporation!

Naming Convention

Corporation Tagging:

  • PC|ZLG Light guard division (escort ships)
  • PC|ZHG Heavy guard division (ships to defend Zoner teritory)
  • PC|ZTS Trade ships division (trading ships)

Name displayer:

  • PC|ZLG-Name.Surname
  • PC|ZHG-Shipname
  • PC|ZTS-Shipname