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Steve Holloway

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Steve Holloway
AKA Sapphire.Reaver
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Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Mercenary
Affiliation Freelancer
Born February 28th, 790 AS


Early life

Born in Stokes and raised in Planet Leeds, Steve was part of another family of Bretonian miners. False patriotism instilled by his father could define the daily life of Little Steve, adding the fact of living in a poisonous industrial environment. That’s why Big Liam wanted Little Steve to become a loyal pilot serving the Queen once he reached his 20’s and leave that hell of planet. But Big Liam couldn’t see his dream come true because Little Steve got his Armed Forces application rejected. Few years later, the harsh conditions of Planet Leeds took the life of Big Liam, leaving Catherine and Little Steve alone.

After such tragic event, Little Steve was condemned to follow the career of Big Liam as miner in the Planet Leeds hellholes until a lucky day came and he was finally offered the chance of working for BMM as part of the crew of a mining ship in Dublin. But watching people shooting rocks wasn't what Little Steve was looking for. Big Liam always told him that he could achieve great goals, far away from being another filthy miner. Willing to serve his nation but not being able to apply for the Armed Forces again, he began doing shady dealings and smuggling small quantities of mining machinery across Dublin for Mollys until he earned enough money to buy the wreck of what once was a Griffin civilian fighter.

Life around Bretonia

This was the beginning of a new stage for Little Steve spending almost 3 years on learning everything related to spaceship flight, mechanics and combat -Against rocks and Gaians-. Running errands around Bretonia was a somewhat profitable business. Profitable enough to collect enough money in order to upgrade the armor plate and weaponry of the Griffin so, why not trying these new purchases against Corsairs and assorted enemies of the Crown? Indeed, shooting things made Little Steve to fill his bank account with some Dublin gold bars and credits, being able to scrap the Griffin and get the 'sometimes-almighty' Eagle. Dublin was the 'land' of opportunities, not only for credits but for putting in practice diplomatic skills with women. In fact, not much time passed until he met a certain Kusari terrorist who made Steve fall totally in love, making him to ditch the whole patriotism stuff towards the Queen. What did Bretonia offer to Steve? Nothing. Even the Mollys or the IMG became a more sensible cause to fight for.

Reaver Mercenary company

Nowadays, contracts for independent mercenaries tend to be low and even if somebody managed to take them, the chances for such independent hunters becoming the hunted would be quite high. Fortunately, the Reavers would allow Steve to choose from a wide variety of contracts, allowing him to another bunch of credits, maybe for his Kusari princess, maybe to get the remains of a Navy Dreadnought or just to annoy people. Who knows.