Lucas Alexander

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Lucas Alexander
Lucas Alexander.jpg
Origin Flag-bretonia.png Bretonia
Occupation Template:Bretonia Armed Forces
Affiliation Template:Bretonia Armed Forces
Born July 31st, 796 A.S. (Age 23)


Born on Planet New London to a affluent, upper middle class family in the City of New Westminster. Lucas had a privileged childhood, though he did think very highly of himself and tended to be quite 'snobby', he never let his famaliy's wealth go to his head. He attended the University of New Oxford on Planet Cambridge, studying Politics and History. Graduating in 815 A.S. He then became a Freelancer, flying his father's old Eagle and did the odd job here and there.

Life as a Freelancer

During his time as a Freelancer, he made frequent forays in Liberty, where he met the ambitious captain of the LNS Kennedy, Robert Highfield, it was he who convinced Lucas to seek a career in the BAF. Though he would spend the next 2 years as a Freelancer, gaining valuable experience in combat and knowledge of the Independant Worlds.

Additional Information