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Avery Clark

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Revision as of 23:36, 26 February 2011 by Avery.Clark (talk | contribs)
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Avery Clark
1255712-kaidan large.jpg
Avery Clark, 819 A.S.
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Occupation Cerberus pilot
Gender Male
Affiliation Cerberus
Rank Lieutenant
Status Active
Born Unknown, Freeport 4

[edit] Avery Clark was born at Freeport 4. His father, Daniel Clark was a high ranked officer in the Libertonian Main Fleet. Daniel was a example for Avery. Avery was sure: He want to join the LSF and fight against Sirius unlawfulls. He was just a brilliant, mayby not the best fighter pilot but a great tactician. Daniel, recommed Avery to join the Battleship fleet but Avery never liked just to sit on his chair and give commands. He allways wanted to fight at the front, but still have the possebility to destroy the "big targets". He made a schooling as a Bomber fighter, it was succefull. After 4 years his father quited his job in the LN and started a career as a researcher. Daniel flow with his wife Angelica into the Edge Nebula field..... they were missed and nobody know where they flow too. Avery found something in the data logs of his father about an organization called: The Order out. He had to join them cause he would have the chance to search for his famaly. On a patrol throw the O-92 system Averys ship got missed. After 9 month he came back, as a Cerberus member, like a ghost,with a new live and a new destination.

Avery served Cerberus well, but he dont speak to much about his past. He is a grimm one but if you are fighting against some Capital Ships, Avery will be youre best friend ...