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Jane "The Creep" Johnson

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Revision as of 13:53, 18 January 2012 by Jane Johnson (talk | contribs)
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Jane Johnson, born at Planet Manhatten, New York, Liberty, started her carrer as a reporter for a popular Newslatter at Manhatten. Her life was quite normal, she lived in a little apartment, got money from her job and got along quite well. Then one day she got some information on the Order, which is a very well know terrorist group in liberty, that would bring the Order in coherence with the Liberty Security Force (LSF) and the libertorian governement. Of course she knew that this would be the greatest story of her life, if the informations turned out to be correct. So, ambitious as she was, she collected more and more information on that strange connection. Finally she found out, that the Order was a special group of men, recruited by the libertorian governement to defeat a dark threat. She didn't know what kind of threat that should have been, but she found proof for a connection between the Order and the LSF, which she just had to publicate. Shortly before she came to do that, some black dressed men knocked on her door and told her she was to come with them. Of course she was afraid and had no clue, what they wanted from her, but it was quite obvious that they won't accept a "no"... So she went with the men. They told her to get in their car - wich was a black van and reminded her of some movies she'd seen - and put a sack over her head. The next thing she noticed, was her destination. After an endless seeming time they took the sack away and she saw that they all were in a cavern-like tunnel. The tunnel got brighter and brighter and ended in a giant room. She was ordered to sit down on a chair and to tell those people what exactly she found out about the Order story. When she told them everything, she got an injection and fell asleep.