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Francisco de Orellana

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Francisco de Orellana
Origin Flag-corsairs.png Corsairs
Affiliation Corsairs (Corsair Benitez Family)
Born February 3rd 779 A.S., Planet Crete
Died Missing, presumed dead 800 A.S.

Francisco de Orellana was a Corsair explorer tasked with mapping the Edge Worlds. Data transmitted by Francisco de Orellana forms a significant part of modern Corsair maps of the region.

Bio Summary

Francisco was born to aristocrat Anita de Orellana in 779 AS on Planet Crete, the name of his father is not publicly known. Francisco followed the normal path into the military and rose rapidly through the ranks to become one of the pilots aboard the Talos C in early 797 AS. With the move to the larger Talos D, Francisco sought an alternative assignment away from the monotony of the battleship. He was re-assigned to the reconnaissance division. A desire to explore further afield led to the launch of an ambitious plan to map the Outcast's home systems and the mission was launched in early 799 AS.

Final Transmission and Death

Francisco's final transmission was received in June 799AS, it contained significant amounts of data on edge systems within Outcast and territory. It gave the position as Omicron Alpha and scheduled the next transmission for the following week. No further transmissions were received and after some searching, the Don declared Fransisco de Orellana Dead in February 800 AS. His funeral was afforded full military honours by the Don.

See Also