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CS Abdicant Seraphine

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Information in Infobox depicts that of the Abdicant Seraphine. The registered hull designation is simply CS Abdicant Seraphine, regardless of iteration. Lore information is created to add historical information about the vessel and may not have supplemental RP activity.

Capital Ship Abdicant Seraphine

Aquilon-class, Ishiyama-subclass Heavy C3BM Vessel

Ship Class Carrier
Built by COF-Livadia Shipbuilding
Captain Nodoka Hanamura
Technical information
Guns/Turrets N/A / 2x TL-45 Heavy Mortar System

4x ZT-1 Zoner Heavy Anti-Capital Battery 10x ZT-2 Zoner Light Multipurpose Battery


N/A, 1x Type-III Cloaking System

Hull strength 6.480,000 (CAU-VI)
Shield strength BDS-C Block 45 "Korol" Battleship Positron Shield @ 460,000U
Cargo space CLASSIFIED units
Nanobots/Batteries N/A/N/A
Max. impulse speed 90 m/s
Max. thrust speed 350 m/s
Power output 7,000,000 u
Power recharge 220,000 u/s (100%)
This is a player owned ship.

The Capital Ship Abdicant Seraphine, also more commonly known as the CS Abdicant Seraphine or simply as Sera, was originally designated as the ZDV Dragostea, the flagship of the Freeport 11 Administration under Nodoka Hanamura, the other being the ZDV Rathgrith. Constructed in January 825 AS by Livadia Shipbuilding under authorization from the COF, for then Administrator-designate Nodoka Hanamura, the Dragostea is a Ishiyama-subclass C3BM (Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management) ship, which, as opposed to other ships of the Aquilon family, do not carry ships, but still retain the capability to do so.

Following Nodoka's departure from Freeport 11 and retirement from the administration, Sera acted as her new home, now stationed in the West Avlemore Nebula in Auxesian territory in the Inverness system. The ship currently uses a emblem for its' future revision, a self-designated Akibara-class, Ishiyama-subclass Dreadnought, which is slated to be converted to at a Junker installation, however, this has yet to be confirmed.

The name Abdicant Seraphine means one of two things, when looked at objectively. it could refer to Nodoka's abdication from Kusari after defying the KSP and leaving to Liberty and Later to Freeport 11, and her plan to return to Kusari to start a revolutionary organization. It could also refer to the ship and Nodoka's abdication from Freeport 11 and Zoner Society after her departure from the administration of FP11.


  • The Abdicant Seraphine has a 'Internal hull designation' of GS-R826-DETT/V1 "Abdicant Seraphine". This stands for "Graveyard Station (Where it was refitted) - Revision 826 - Dreadnought, Experimental Technologies and Tactics, Vessel #1. The part, R826-DETT, is a reference to the EVE Online Machinima Clear Skies 3, where the Maelstrom Battleship (and other vessels in the series using different engine names) has a hull designation of RB26-DETT, the same name of the Engine used in the Nissan Skyline R34.
  • The Name was heavily inspired by the names of various forerunner AI from the Halo Universe, using complex names such as Offensive Bias, Mendicant Bias, Penitent Tangent, and so on.