Beckon Industries

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Beckon Industries
Origin unafilliated
Alignment Lawful
Date of founding 795 AS A.S.
Founder(s) Beckon Family
Current leader(s) Captain Beckon
Base of operations 13 Colorado way, Denver District, Planet Denver, Liberty
Primary role
Mining and Exploration
Secondary role

Beckon Industries was formed in 795 AS from several smaller industrial machine shops and welding outfits. Most of their business was planet side,specializing in structures and planet side shipbuilding until 817 AS , when they took over a defunct mining company, consisting of 2 miners and 2 transports. This company was taken over as repayment for a debt.

Captain Beckon was chosen to run the company when the current leader was unable to fulfill his duties, and as he had a wealth of experience in spaceborne operations with his independent trader, he was a natural fit to take over.