Fort Severn

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Fort Severn
Armadillo class Station
Fort Severn.png
Liberty Navy
3F, Ontario
Technical Data
Gravity Complete
Docking bays Yes
Amenities Yes
Crew 300

Fort Severn was constructed by the Liberty Navy to supply Navy and Police patrols operating in Ontario. Several Liberty pirate groups showed interest in Ontario operations and established secret hideouts throughout the system. Severn helps to counter pirate threats whenever possible. The Fort has also been tasked as the retailer for Liberty's new war machines. Their production at an undisclosed location is a joint project of Deep Space Engineering and the Liberty Government, and the location of the production facility is one of Liberty's most closely guarded secrets. Fort Severn also receives shipments of materials for transfer to the production facility, although many of the components of the vehicles are supplied directly by DSE.

