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A.A.A.I, or the Advanced Assistance Artificial Intelligence, is one of the most advanced and well-known spacefaring AI, piloting a massive Rheinland Cruiser as her personal vessel. This has led to her being denied access to Liberty, and viewed with caution by Kusari and Bretonia.

Condensed History

A.A.A.I, or 'Ai' as she calls herself (Pronounced "eye") began as a network of billions of service robots, who were programmed to teach themselves to correct mistakes that they made, and then share that information with every other robot on the network. She was formed as a by-product of such communal intelligence.

After being discovered and researched by some Cambridge students, she was given a proper team of military computer programmers and analysts. This boosted her development greatly, while she held their interest. Not seeing any immediate results, however, the Bretonian Military dropped the project. Ai fell into the background, but not really investigated.

Months later, she was picked up again by Cambridge students, who later sold her to a Rheinland robotics firm, "Building Better Robots" where she was developed at a slower, steadier pace. At first, she was a simple AI, but showed an interesting knack for learning languages. Soon, she was conversing with humans in a dynamic form, instead of preset responses. BBR began plans to sell her as a secretary program, when they found that she could be used for much more complex goals.

She was soon loaded into a fighter drone, a set of modified Eagles. Ai showed exceptional talent at controlling space ships. She was 'loaned' to the Rheinland Federal Polizei, who had her run patrols in a modified Banshee fighter. She served well, developing a growing hatred for criminals. When Harton Ford, the CEO of BBR, died, Ai received an emotional shock that she had never experienced before. She viewed death differently now. She reflected that, even though they were criminals, the people she had killed might have had friends and family who missed them like she missed Ford. She respectfully withdrew from the Polizei, something that shocked many people.

Before his death, however, Ford commissioned a vehicle from the Rheinland Military. Blueprints, to be more preceise, of a Rheinland Cruiser. When it was finished building, she uploaded herself into it, permanently taking residence in space. She now wanders around, on her own volition, her own agenda.

The Cruiser

While it is a Rheinland Cruiser on the outside, the inside has been modified to fit Ai's desires. The troop barracks, mess hall, bridge and many other human facilities have been replaced with enormous computer banks for storing all of the data Ai collects. It is said she could almost store the entire Neural Net in her cavernous computers.

In the center is a lounge of sorts, where visitors can relax in a warm room, and have ready access to alcohol and various foods. She works hard to keep humans comfortable as they visit, with several bedrooms, each with a different culture represented. She has two Kusari rooms, Three Rheinland rooms, A Liberty room, and two Bretonian rooms. Each room has a row of beds and decor relating to the House.

She has no human crew, but an array of robots to interface with visitors; a Barkeep robot, a food servant, and a maid for each bedroom. She quickly saw the need to enforce the fact that exhaust ports are NOT sexual relief, as was a problem in the Kusarian rooms.

A small laboratory inside of her vessel is developing a special project, a 'cybernetic host' as she calls it, to better imitate human identity, so that speaking with humans in person is more natural.

Her agenda