Blue Lotus Syndicate

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Revision as of 23:55, 12 April 2011 by Lich (talk | contribs) (added affiliation)
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This is a player faction. For the affiliated NPC faction, see Outcasts
Blue Lotus Syndicate
Origin Flag-outcasts.png Outcasts
Affiliation Outcasts
Date of founding unknown
Founder(s) unknown
Base of operations unknown

The Blue Lotus Syndicate is dedicated to the domination of the Cardamine market in all Sirius, and will stop at nothing to reach that goal, including attacks on the competition. Any transport that moves Cardamine without the Syndicate's blessing is either made to pay for said blessing or blown out of the sky. Such brutal tactics are doing quite well to achieve their aims.

After the disappearance of the last Grand Master, former underboss Zacarias Poncho has stepped up to fill the role. Much of the changes and bold moves to corner the Cardamine trade have been implemented by him since his rise to office.

(More to come later)