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Norman Radclyffe

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Norman Radclyffe
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Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Affiliation LPI
Rank Drill Sergeant
Born May 05, 790 A.S., Manhattan
Died Still alive


Early Life

Norman Radclyffe was born on Manhattan, much of his childhood remains a mystery. He is known to have worked as chief engineer and gunner on the Research Vessel registered only as N17R4M. The ship's current whereabouts are unknown. The N17R4M often ventured into uncharted space, it's mission or affiliation are not available to the general public, presumed to be Freelance.

LPI Service

He joined the LPI after being sick of pirate raids, and was accepted and issued a Patriot Light fighter, the ship is now kept in Radclyffe's office on Fort Bush, for demonstration and nostalgic purposes. He was promoted for good performance, and later promoted again by Hull O'Brian for performance in a battle with the Joker. Norman is known to currently fly the following craft:

  • Liberator Light Fighter
  • Armored Transport
  • Starflier
  • Upholder Bomber

LSF Service

Norman works in the LSF's Internal Affairs division, and his primary assignment is keeping corruption out of the LPI. He is known to let minor infringements and rule bends get past unreported, however serious violations, which may result in loss of life, are dealt with swiftly and harshly. Norman almost filed corruption charges with the Liberty supreme court, in what became to be known to the LPI as "The Radclyffe Incident". He holds the rank of Agent.

Notable Incidents

  • Norman cleared an Argus Class Battle Cruiser to operate in the New York system. The cruiser captain is a know affiliate of Radclyffe.
  • Attempted to file corruption charges against the LPI, this resulted in him being suspended, and kept prisoner. The afore mentioned Cruiser became involved after he sent out a SOS, before the situation was defused.
  • Used to own an out of date Rheinland Gunboat, which he operated as a bar and inn, known as the "Braggard's Bar". It was confiscated by the Rheinland Military after venturing into Rheinland space, and returned to active service under a new name. The crew of the ship were released, however the ship is not likely to be returned, due to the war.