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Xeno Alliance
Alignment {{{alignment}}}
Date of founding unknown A.S.
Founder(s) radical criminals released from Huntsville Prison
Current leader(s) Jack "Sidewinder" Tar, Squadron Commander
Base of operations unknown
Primary role
Terrorizing the Sirius Sector

Xenos are one of the most dangerous and probably the darkest criminal group ever found in the Sirius Sector - although they're loosely affiliated, most of their members are dangerous psychopaths opposed to any trade or other interaction with foreign entities.


The origins of the Xeno movement are found within the populations of miners and laborers of the Colorado and Texas systems, disenfranchised as Liberty’s economy shifted from one of production towards a system dependant more upon information technology licensing and trade-lane associated monopolies. This shift pushed the laboring classes of Liberty from being the core of her strength, to the peripheries of her society.

The laboring populations of Liberty, now destitute and without means of securing employment were an easy target for an emerging practice: Prisoner Labor. Huntsville prison became the new home for a generation of people who found that their hands could still be put to good use: Wages paid for petty infractions visited upon them by a nation increasingly caught up in its own opulence, increasing dependence upon foreign goods to fuel basic needs and services and an ever growing population of dissident citizens caught in an endless cycle of hard time and hopelessness.

As generations came and went, a radical enclave of dissident prisoners formed the early core of what was to become the Xenos. Focused on settling blame upon the import of cheap foreign goods as being the root cause of the hardship of the Libertonian working class, those that could secure vessels began to prey upon transports moving goods through the California and Colorado systems, taking advantage of bases carved from the asteroids from which that their ancestors had once gleaned a living. Sponsorship was gained from Universal shipping, to exchange for security of passage and to further their own ends of sabotaging the markets of their competitors, and so the Xenos grew with the construction of two more bases in the borderworlds: Nome, and The Barrow.

Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Bounty Hunters
House police, house corporations

Player Factions

XA - Xeno Alliance

The Xeno Allianceor simply the Xenos is a loosely organisated criminal froup dedicated for numerous attacks on lawful convoys and civilans in Liberty space.