The Gaian Underloch

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It is a proven, measurable fact that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It can be observed and repeated to identical results every time because of the natural laws that bind it to the environment we all live in. It’s the natural laws that regulate our breathing and the temperature of the stars in the same way they allow for the physical actions of thought and movement. It’s the natural laws that allow inertia, as it limits the speed of time into a lifespan.

Despite all of its flaws, the Universe is a perfect machine that Gaia symbolizes.

Somewhere down the memory hole, the Gaians got lost. For years, our institutional memory has been passing on a dimming torch that today, no longer gives off any light. Only smoke.

We are The Gaian Underloch and we are sick of it. The NLH is dead and we reclaim its body in the name of the Old Guard.

In the early days of the Gaian movement, long before we sold ourselves to the Corsairs, long before we were overrun by blindly idealistic collegiates, we had clarity of purpose. We had The Gaia Principal guiding us. We had something to say, and we were heard. Either by bullhorn, bullet or bomb.

...and we will be heard again.

To be clear, Nature's Last Hope was weak and deserved it's fate. In time, alongside the Green Front, it became too enamored of itself with naive fantasies and willfully ignorant of the broader nature of nature, the reason the Gaians fight within it, and at the end, was nothing but an ineffectual and terminal parody of itself.

Good riddance to you both.


Crush Planetform Inc.

The Universe is a living thing and evolves at its own pace, not ours. To artificially accelerate planetary evolution introduces human error into a non-human symbiotic system. Terraforming is a malignancy, and Planetform is the antigen that causes it. Fascists and parasites, the lot of them. We will abandon the ones we capture into a desolate area and allow Nature to claim them at its own speed.

Atrophy the Edinburgh tourist industry and expel Orbital Spa and Cruise from Gaian space

The impact of large scale tourism upon the ecosystem of planet Gaia is wholly unacceptable. The Orbital Spa and Cruise tourist ship, The Shetland, hangs in high orbit above the planet, spewing mass amounts of compacted rubbish and contaminated Human waste into the atmosphere. So much in fact, that the surface of the planet is scarred with thousands upon thousands of pockmarked craters, segregated within a narrow, man-made latitude line underneath the luxury craft that we have dubed 'The Tropic of Cancer' Those we capture alive will be removed from their escape pods, striped naked and jettisoned into Gaia, becoming themselves as the trash they create.

Bring BMM to their knees

The other corporate malignancy, BMM, saps the natural resources of Gaian space with reckless disregard of ecological symbiosis. They bleed the planets and belts they infest like leeches, tipping the natural balance and leaving every area they touch as impotent husks of its former selves. We are the salt of the Universe and those we allow to live will be taken prisoner and slowly liquefied alive piece by piece with acid and used as fertilizer for our Edinburgh biosphere.

Secondary Goals

To expand our fist within reach of California Minor in order to (over time) amputate by a thousand cuts, Planetform's foothold on the throat of the planet.

Strengthen Gaian infrastructure with an eye towards expansion, to better secure our foundation for the generations of Gaians yet to be born.

Approved Ships