Jane "The Creep" Johnson

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Revision as of 22:08, 18 January 2012 by Jane Johnson (talk | contribs)
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Jane "The Creep" Johnson
Yellow Rose of Texas by Venita.jpg
Origin Flag-liberty.png Liberty
Gender Female
Affiliation Liberty Rogues
Born N/A
Died Still alive.


Akashi was born in March 24 800 A.S on planet Honshu to a poor fishermen family, mainly fishing salomon. They lived in a poor village but they were a small happy family, consisitng of Akashi, his broder Takashi, and 2 sisters: Kaiko and Sakura. while being the 3rd to be born in his family Akashi haven shown from younge age skills in the master of blade and face to face assult.


Akashi was sent to the local Haikido master - Haishi Sensei of Kaiboka Shrine, in order to learn the arts of combat, while showing high results, when he was 12 Akashi mother was killed in occasional GC raid. His father commited "Seppuku" as he couldn't handle the sarrow and taking care of the family passed to the older brother and sister: Takashi and Kaiko. While being alot away from home, Akashi one day looked up in his brother belongings and found small capsules of orange matter, later on discovering it was the narcotic drug "Cardamine". His brother disappeared about a month later.