Tau 39

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Revision as of 10:19, 21 July 2012 by Daking457 (talk | contribs)
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The Tau-39 system: As I have not fully surveyed the system I can only regale you with the little I know. I discovered the system via a random jump. Thus I could not tell you how to get there. I do, however have jump coordinates for the system:


These coordinates were surveyed on the 21st july 2012 with a mk3 survey module. Thus, they should stay valid untill 20th August, 2012. these coordinates should drop you about c7-d8.

I recommand a sheild that protects against tachyon based weaponry if you travel here.

bases & jump locations:

Hades carrier: located at c6, the base is hostile to all. I do not know which faction controls it, so i could not gain entry.

Timer Mining Station: located at f3, the base will sell heavy fighters and bombers and the needed weapons for all. it will sell mainly tachyon based weaponry.

Tau-23 Jump hole: located at c4, it will take you the the Gallia controlled system. BEWARE RADIATION ON FAR SIDE.

Tau-44 Jump Hole: located at e5, nothing special here.

Mining locations:

Arafura Asteroid field: Contains copper and is easily minable with very little interference from unlawfuls, only the occational IMG guard who decides you cant mine there and attacks you.

Flores Asteroid field: Contains Helium but is very close to the Hades carrier. It is unknown what is based in the Hades, so avoid c6 unless you want to try your luck. Radiation is present close to the Tau-23 jumphole (c4) but causes negligable damage to a ship the size necessary to carry a jumpdrive anyway.

--Daking457 (talk) 12:16, 21 July 2012 (CEST)