
From Discovery Wiki
Revision as of 17:05, 20 December 2012 by Ursus (talk | contribs)
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This template attempts to display a thumbnail of a named item, and prompts the user to upload an image if a file cannot be located. More specifically:

  • The template takes three parameters, which are referred to here as Item Name, Filename, and Size, respectively. Only the Item Name is required.
  • If a Filename is not provided, the template looks for File: entries named "Item Name.png" and "Item Name.jpg", in that order (this is the expected default condition).
  • If a Filename parameter is provided, the template looks for File: entries named "Filename.png" and "Filename.jpg", in that order. This allows the user to specify an alternative image, rather than using the Item Name.
  • If a File: entry is not located, a text string is displayed that requests the user to upload a PNG version of the Item Name.
  • If a File: entry is located, the Image: template is called upon to display a thumbnail image of the discovered file, with Item Name as the caption value.
  • If a Size parameter is provided, the value is passed to the Image: template as the thumbnail size parameter. If a Size parameter is not provided, a default value of 120px is used.

Note that the Image: template uses CSS that aligns the thumbnail on the right edge of the page with a left margin. If you want to reposition the thumbnail, you need to enclose it in a <div> tag.


{{Thumbmaker|Planet Manhattan}}
{{Thumbmaker|Planet Manhattan|Planet_Malta}}
{{Thumbmaker|Planet Manhattan|Planet_Malta|200px}}
<div style="float: left; clear: both;">{{Thumbmaker|Planet Manhattan|Planet_Malta|200px}}</div>


Planet Manhattan

Planet Manhattan

Planet Manhattan
Planet Manhattan