Your groups separation of -us- and -them- is quite amusing one really. And let me suggest that it's not a good thing to do.
' Wrote:I've seen RP from the Benitez when the ZTC existed.
Benitez respresents only one -noble- family of corsairs. And a noble family of inteligents.. which is quite the minority from what corsairs really are. So to put them as etalone and judge how others corsairs should behave is narrow minded way of thinking.
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' Wrote:Again, where does this leave the Zoner indies?
Presumably, in pieces and scattered across the Omegas and Omicrons. To be honest, I'd just stick to the Taus and Independent Worlds systems for now. Avoid the Omicrons. They're not really worth it anyway.
Mmmm all those salty Zoner tears, so tasty. Sorry, couldn't help myself.
It seems like a lot of people have forgotten that this game features antagonists actually played by other human beings (unlike many pen-and-paper roleplay settings) - i.e. you can't treat other players as NPC's that you can ignore or expect to follow your whims or way of reasoning, however pristine this reasoning might be to you, and there is no Game Master to be won over either. To think so is indeed "bad roleplay". And folding the cards and disbanding when coming to this realization is just so tame that words can't describe it - again a case of rather weak RP (or super strong RP if the goal is to roleplay a bunch of hypocritical cowards).
IMO a good "roleplayer" is not necessarily one who spent hours researching and carefully drafting a rich character background etc., but one that is able to respond to conflicts and inputs they did not see coming from other players while staying in-character (something quite a fair bit of Zoners also have trouble doing when they get pirated by someone unfriendly to them - or get stopped in Alpha in a Juggernaut full of Nomad remains - as if the concept of others never using Freeports is unfathomable), just like a real-life human being have to respond to outside inputs on a day-to-day basis, however nasty, unfair or unpredictable these might be. It's life. It should be Zoner life too, I think, if the intention is to maintain the illusion of superior roleplay.
' Wrote:Benitez respresents only one -noble- family of corsairs. And a noble family of inteligents.. which is quite the minority from what corsairs really are. So to put them as etalone and judge how others corsairs should behave is narrow minded way of thinking.
No, because I'm not complaining about the specific role of the Sails, but rather about the variety of possible encounters. Encountering a Benitez wasn't like "Hola, Zoner. Everything alright with you? How can a humble Corsair help you?" It was still, "Hola Zoner" probably arrogant silence then. But trying to interact after that cold greeting, there always were responses for the sake of displaying the personality of the own character. The Benitez I met weren't clearly aiming at PvP only. There was a good chance you can RP your way out of something the Benitez might not really like, or you may exchange role stereotypes in game before you're going to be pwnd.
Sails was rather something like 'Why should I even try to build up a conversation when it doesn't matter what I'm typing?' So it was: "Get what you want because there's not point in interaction with you", because the end of the interaction is already predetermined when it's starting. If this should really be the RP definition of the Sails, and by no means just pretended RP to get PvP as fast as possible, then you should work on that role stereotype because it might not be enough. I'd think you want to be more than player led NPCs, right?
But that again is really not too important. Really, really, really.
While trying to get the message through that Zoner RP needs consideration, which is probably not possible due to various factors here, we're discussing RP Omicroners never were responsible for, Corsair RP, but only witnessed. Now, as much as we've actually dealt well enough with criticism of not being Zoners, being Zoners but warmongering thus again no Zoners, simply stupid Zoners, organized Zoners, unorganized Zoners, or anything else, we've drawn some conclusions based on objective observations made by uninvolved and seasoned players, thus deciding it's pretty senseless to play here.
I don't even know why the Corsair players were starting to believe the decision would have been triggered by the Corsair RP, thus feeling asked to post some completely unrelated comments here, their interpretations nobody has asked for, or simply spending their time with things they couldn't ever grasp because we never published some internal considerations, which is actually proving any occasional "nothing was ever meant personal" a nice joke.
Now we're again discussing, reiterating the Zoner RP, then the Corsair RP, and in the end nothing has changed, just because it was two different worlds, and very obviously it is going to be two different worlds after this thread was finally locked.
Honestly guys, we never needed you to decide what RP is, and what not, but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't have been able to show us, what RP is, also perhaps for the purpose of proving us wrong. If you were able, then why haven't you tried? Just because you're talking about RP it doesn't mean there would be some, which applies to the Omicroners no less. And be honest to yourselves: How much time are you spending on your character development, and how much for grinding, practicing pvp, and flying around to get pvp finally? And do you really think you're the ones who are determining their own RP quality, or is rather your audience? Are you playing for yourselves, or is it for your audience? Now, your audience, impersonated by the Omicroners, is not cheering, so what? You don't have to sell tickets for the show to them, and they're actually going to visit another theatre. Happens(iness).
We were always trying to answer similar questions for the ZTC/Omicroners, and we weren't satisfied with our own RP. Why should we? What matters is that you're never stopping to regard the feedback of your audience, and I think by being forced to evade criticism by "Hey, that's our RP, we cannot do anything else about it" you're just trying to cover your laziness to work on your RP. It's okay, but don't try to tell Omicroners it's RP, because whether somebody is exchanging roles with Sails, or not, it doesn't really matter, because there are no surprises, nothing to be gained, nothing to be lost, and absolutely nothing new to be experienced over a long time (okay, I admit I haven't interacted with Sails since September '11). It's static, it's flat, and it's thus not according to our definition of role play, and too often it's a basic killjoy. Role stereotypes don't have to be volatile either. I'm sure you know that.
Can you finally live with that explanation?
We've imposed our own consequences, starting with our own, because we weren't either able to influence/improve the rp style around our rp space for a very long while now, and perhaps even lift the rp around us to what we think better rp would be, but it takes two, and we haven't seen you'd be even reflecting upon yourselves.
What matters to us is the fact that we absolutely do not want to bear any responsibility for the Zoner RP on this server anymore. That is the important reason you should finally start to accept, instead of posting comments just for the sake of reading your own reiterations. I'm getting sick of mine.
' Wrote:1) Your ID doesn't say people have to comply with your demands.
2) Second paragraph is one of the more arrogant statements I've seen from you, I must say.
1) Correct. You're perfectly free to ignore our demands. But that means, as in all cases, there are liable to be RP consequences - and those tend to be negative. Like we start shooting you...
2) Thank you. I do try to be my very best at all times.
And just because something happened a year ago in game does not mean that there is still not ongoing RP. The characters involved on our side are still alive (mostly). They have feelings and memories. Even though they're only figments of our imagination expressed in pixelated format on computer screens, to those of us who've put the effort into them, they're as real to us as Malcolm Reynolds or James Tiberius Kirk, if not more so because these are OUR creations.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
' Wrote:Come on, type "role play" just for once, so that everybody can see you can write it at least.
(Notice those are five 'he', it's just that I can't stop role playing. Good one mate, good one.
PS: Can I haz ur stuff?
' Wrote:Presumably, in pieces and scattered across the Omegas and Omicrons. To be honest, I'd just stick to the Taus and Independent Worlds systems for now. Avoid the Omicrons. They're not really worth it anyway.
Actually, I would encourage all indie Zoners Sirius - wide to occupy 74 and defend it with teeth and claws, along with FP5 and FP9
The "RP definition of the Sails" is "get in, get paid and get out". Before anything else we're pirates so InRP our main goal is to get paid in credits or cargo, not to sit around and talk about the weather. The Omicroners have been declared enemies of the Empire and and placed on the Corsair Bounty Board not by me or the Sails, but by the Council which at that time meant TBH + Benitez + Sails + indies so I can't understand how could you expect anything else than 2mlrdie from us. Usually we don't give a rats behind on politics and stuff like that but since Gamma's security is at stake we got involved in the current conflict. We're not in it for the PvP because 1) We get enough of that just by un-docking from our own bases, 2) The Croners don't stick their heads out of 74 anyway and we don't go lolraiding your home/guard system and 3) Even if you did we could pew you without even making a demand and getting paid on the Corsair Bounty Board
A few months ago Moebus contacted me and we tried to work thing us but you, the Omicroner's leaders, were the ones to say they don't want to deal with us so I don't understand whats your problem. First you don't want do fix things with us and then you come on the forums and insult us? Funny, right?
Your RP of allowing everyone to use Corfu, Nine and 74 is affecting our RP of trying to keep Gamma and our supply lines safe. Every single action the Corsairs took against the Zoners of Theta and Omicroners was a reaction to your actions. You should have lived with your choices instead of throwing the towel and blaming someone else for your failure.
The Corsairs didn't quit when all of our neighbors started raiding us daily and we took the fight to the heart of the problem because the factions taking part in those lolraids don't have the decency to see how OoRP their actions are. I didn't want to go there but I wonder how the the rest of the community would feel if all the Legates in Gamma would be raiding New London and New Berlin on a daily basis and how much Q_Q we'd get from factions like BAF and RM. The 'sair factions send home any Caps we see outside the Council imposed ZOI but Gamma is being raided by official factions or old unofficial groups who claim to have a high standard of RP and yet you blame us and say we have low RP standards?