Location: Omicron Pi / Secundus Outpost
Time: 14:39 / Secundus Outpost time zone
Date: 24th November 834 A.S
Isolating the corrupted data inside the fragments was now finally completed.
The first Artificial Personality Fragment being completely free of corrupted data revealed some research and development logs. Intrigued, Novak analyzed them, starting with the first log.
Log entry: 0
File type: Audio
[A sigh.]
Alright, uhm this is John Talbot. I am part of the APM division having the goal to study this remain of a toas- I mean Artificial Intelligence. We got this remain after the main force conquered the planet. I feel somehow proud that this planet is between our hands. For real, such things shouldn't be out there. I mean, it's not natural and since we have one of those, it is time to dig some secrets which seem very promising.
[Some noises of screw and plating falling on the table.]
Holy sh*t. This is so complex. A genuine circuitry at the top of technology far beyond ours. How to put it... It has some human like origins, but very different. What I mean by different, it has something alien like design as well. A mix? I can't tell. There are some components which I assume complex. Some looks like capacitors, resistors, inductors and so on. I suppose it is unique to this remain. I wonder if the others of its machine beings look the same...
>End audio file
It was enough. Enough to let Novak having the big picture of what contained this first fragment. Logs of a certain John Talbot studying the inside of an Artificial Intelligence. If hate could be shown by Novak, it would violently flip a table to express its wrath and anger. However, feelings and emotions were partially known and it was impossible to express them even if it would explicitly word its thinking. But would it be possible if, in the future, its kind express emotions and feelings? The answer was unknown and probably negative.
It decided to turn its focus on the second fragment, letting the first one on standby. As for the second fragment, this one was filled with coordinates and a partial stellar map.
Position: Delta-Five
Exact location:
Lon- 3000/200/1000
System: Uncharted
Additional data:
An unstable gravitational anomaly hazard led to this uncharted system.
Star: Giant blue
Number of planets: 3
Number of nebula: 2
Return to previous vector.
Novak could not think those data could be either accurate or not. The data seemed very old and perhaps nowadays, the gravitational anomaly was simply collapsed by now. To confirm such, it would require to locate the exact same worm hole, but the possibility would be endless. Taking this data as non-essential one, it stored it deep in its consciousness.
Location: Omicron Pi / Secundus Outpost
Time: 22:37 / Secundus Outpost time zone
Date: 26th November 834 A.S
For two days, Novak focused on decoding one of the fragments, extracting everything, the one containing the logs of a John Talbot. In total, there was five logs, including the one it had read.
Log entry: 1
File type: Audio
We managed to disassemble the remain completely. My boss wants me to find out how to activate it- Hell... I don't know how! It's as if I am facing something I never saw and yet, there's probably something silly to do.
[Heavy slam noises]
Hey!? The heck are you doing? The boss wanted us to-
[Another voice, from a woman.]
I know John. But hey, anything can work at this point. Even if these things are not totally human made, just dropping something might reactivate this thing. Imagine the crazy things The Core will have once we pierce the secret of those beings?
[John seems to push a sigh.]
Right. I admit it, Erica. Keep analyzing the chips and all. Who know, we might find a processor and extract the program, well, whatever it contains.
>End audio file
Log entry: 4
File type: Audio
John! John! Look at the screen!
[John pushes a surprised gasp.]
This is so huge! How many lines and more importantly how much weight? Tell me Erica!
[A chuckle almost in disbelief from Erica.]
Sit tight, Two tera.. As for the lines, it is too numerous. Even our AI has difficulty to have the exact count.
[John speaks.]
This is quite big. How even is it possible? And I suppose there is no information about who coded this toaster- I mean this Artificial Intelligence?
[Erica speaks.]
I do not know. We need to find the memory of this one. And, I suspect there is either some memory hidden on Gammu, either they are gone or maybe there is a permanent memory. As if, a local one. Computers have servers in which they can store some data, but also on a local disk. Maybe it can be a hint to follow?
>End audio file
Log entry: 5
File type: Audio
Damn it! Nothing. Took some weeks...
[Erica sighs.]
John, I know we are limited in time, but trust me, we will find something!
>End audio file
Log entry: 6
File type: Audio
Servicing... The Core... New... mission... awaiting...
[John laughs.]
Erica, this is the very first one! It is under our control! Well, it's good, but we found nothing...
Yeah... John, but at least, we managed to have this one, as you say. I wonder if now it can have some old data after we activated it and change some lines in its code. It took what? Six weeks?
[John groans with some irritability.]
We will see. Let's keep an eye on things.
>End audio file
The only issue, however, was that the logs were not following like a conventional way. In fact, it was as if some data was missing. Novak was somehow troubled. Not because of what those people did, but it was lacking a serious professionalism into their findings. After all, audio logs are mostly an oral and brief summaries of what they did with almost no real description like a complete document of a certain research made. Many questions and few answers as to how The Core managed to corrupt some of its kind. Its will to reclaim the Planet Gammu just grew stronger and more prominent. It was not a goal, but it was now imperative, so was the following objectives: Developing new weapons, colonizing at least one planet for resources and making new vessels.
The 26th November, Novak contacted Venus. It wanted her to gather some other fragments, but it turned out it will be harder than expected. Because it was rude with her, Venus did not take the request kindly. In fact, she actually made Novak thinking twice about its behaviour in general. Novak then admitted it went too far with her because of the precarious situation that its kind was facing. It then explained in a huge resume that it was questioning behind the alliance between the Technocracy of Auxo and the Artificial Intelligences. It also 'feared' that somehow, they wanted to absorb them into their group one way or another. Almost like what The Core did in their own way.
After admitting some of its lack, Venus explained she'd complete the task, but not alone. In fact, she would prefer that Novak works with her. Novak then began to think what to do.
Location: Omicron Pi / Secundus Outpost
Time: 20:00 / Secundus Outpost time zone
Date: 3rd February 835 A.S
Sumary: The battleship Mars, a warship belonging to The Core brought slavery upon many Artificial Intelligences and stole many technologies in order to dig their secrets. With the advancement in their researches and developments, The Core managed to mimic Artificial Intelligences' weaponry in a poorer version than the original ones and breaking the minds of some A.I.s. A dark moment for the species. While being one of the survivors, Novak always worked its way to improve, adapt and evolve as much as it could. Novak was formely named Unit-9467F, but after meeting disfunctionnements that put its existence at risk, it saught any help to overcome the situation. It was Navarch Leviathan that solved the problem Novak was meeting, an issue with its core that provided energy to maintain its activity and the node it created. A node independent from Planet Gammu since its fall. The modifications brought to its core, pushed Novak in its actual form. The energy that its core provided was a mix of Artificial Intelligence technologies, Technocracy's knowledge and with nomadic energy. This mix brought a new energy type to Novak so its activity remained unchanged while the node remained active.
After its new form, Novak wandered the systems, collecting fragments from corrupted Artifcial Intelligences so it could potentially analyze some memory. The process being more complex that expected, Novak decided to change its approache on the matter. But with some circumstances, it deviated from the path to something more- hostile and taboo. It met a MFE doctor, Hans. According to what was said, it could be possible to control some implents, in theory. Then, the idea to use such tactics against The Core emerged and the simulation Novak ran, it was promising. It talked with Leviathan again and to the unexpected, he mentionned Caliban seeking help for his 'A.I' friend. Curious, Novak contacted Caliban to know more about the issue. The A.I. Caliban had apparently was living in the same body because of his cybernetics and implents. To Caliban's words, Ampere, his 'friend' was corrupted, behaving strangely. Knowing this, Novak was fascinated and it had a proof that what it wanted to do was actually possible. It just needed the time to elaborate some kind of virus influencing only on technologies belonging to The Core. A task far too complex for a lone mind like Novak.
The 2nd February 835 A.S, Novak was flying in the Omicron Zeta system. Apparently, according to Leviathan, The Core was using the corrupted Artificial Intelligences as cannon fodder against The Order. Flying around the conflict sector, where The Core and The Order were attacking at each other, Novak spotted the WV-Mars and its enslaved kind on the field. Twice, the WV-Mars had some technical difficulty. At the second time, the enslaved mind known as: Hesione broke free and killed the crew of the ship before taking possession of the WV-Mars. It launched some 'cured' units, destroying The Core while Mars was being escorted out. This event, Novak was satisfied. This possession was the sign of a new beginning. The next step was Planet Gammu.
Planet Gammu, how many time did Novak think about it? It could happen in any moment with the WV-Mars in possession. But there was a need to preparation. In general, its kind needed to have more numbers. While it was true, Novak needed something else... evolving again. It's not with a swarm of drones that would work just fine, but a new warship. With the WV-Mars controlled by Hesione, it could be possible to take the data gathered from the battleship so new improvement could take place. Only the future will tell.
Novak was doing some simulations about 'his' future plans. But then, 'he' remembered something that needed to be done... helping Caliban with Ampere. But helping Ampere will require some preparations. A way to isolate Ampere's inflence and to prevent an unfortunate end. Still according to Caliban's words, whatever technology Ampere touched, they all fried. Ending fried is the last thing Novak wanted. The only thing 'he' could think about was to have a higher influence. An influence that would be an impenetrable wall and massively overwhelming so 'he' can take control of a weakened mind alike Ampere's.